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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Whose hero? What torturer? What are you on? One of you guys should report this dude, hes truly losing it.
  2. Now its clear...the old Senate geezer is teed off because he cant filch some USAID money for him or his wife and now he cant afford to head over to Germany for a little FKK action. He would probably go to either FKK Sharks in Darmstadt or FKK Oase in Bad Homburg, although there is one in Saarbrucken. Not a lot of girls there though, IIRC. Sharks has been the best recently, there is always some Frenchman being led around with a leash by some pneumatic Romanian. Thats got to be it.
  3. Bully for you. I like mine young, firm, hardbodied and with all her teeth, no butt cottage cheese or wrinkles, loads of tattoos, a practitioner of the golf ball and garden hose trick, roboboobs and she better be different than the one last week.
  4. You forgot to say something bad about Trump. I pay folks to work on my cars.
  5. That still makes no sense. You cant read? Do you know what a bid list is?
  6. and Ukrainian ones
  7. Cannon fodder.
  8. Wrong ethnicity hahahahahaha. So sad.
  9. So what are the alternatives here? Which one do you like? 1. Vigorously deny, or 2. Try something pithy like "Duh, but it looked like your mom" or some other juvenile insult, or 3. Report post or 4. Point outthis is Thailand, so there are tons of "deviants" here forking over cash at the door or 5. Laugh hysterically at the evident frustration building up in one of our resident haters. Hes getting sooooooooooooooo angry. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, oh look here he is
  10. Well if you need to make yourself feel better, go ahead. I know how hard it is for you during these times.
  11. Fake News. The most desirable women women in the world are the ones who smile sweetly as I hand them 2500B as I usher them out the door.
  12. No, I didnt. But you have your own fantasy world so enjoy.
  13. French and the French are generally considered to be arrogant clowns in the states, deservedly or not.
  14. I dont watch speeches by French politicians. They are all the same: France good, America bad. Or "we surrender" hahahahahahaha Hey, know why they have beautiful trees along the Champs D'Elysee? So the Germans can march in the shade. Ka ching.
  15. Sort of like here, you never see anti-trumpers posting any original thoughts all they do is react to circumstances beyond their understanding with flames and silliness
  16. George Conway now there's a crackpot for you LOL. wasn't he the one that was chasing little boys? Or one of his partners? The pedophiliac never trumpers LOL. And those are your heroes?
  17. It's the Jews and the Israelis. Once the world is destroyed they can dominate. Trump is just their tool, the Elders of Zion are on the March.
  18. Just another thieving European. It's so much fun to watch The Tantrums
  19. In your desperation for criticism you make no sense.
  20. Right is right and wrong is wrong and he is wrong. Not necessarily because of his message, but because of him.
  21. Then again, when he is proved right, are you going to come back with a mea culpa like y'all did after the election
  22. Tommy Robinsons a racist, criminal and a creep and should never be cited for anything by us
  23. Yep. They must have violence hate war and chaos to reach their goal
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