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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. I dont watch speeches by French politicians. They are all the same: France good, America bad. Or "we surrender" hahahahahahaha Hey, know why they have beautiful trees along the Champs D'Elysee? So the Germans can march in the shade. Ka ching.
  2. Sort of like here, you never see anti-trumpers posting any original thoughts all they do is react to circumstances beyond their understanding with flames and silliness
  3. George Conway now there's a crackpot for you LOL. wasn't he the one that was chasing little boys? Or one of his partners? The pedophiliac never trumpers LOL. And those are your heroes?
  4. It's the Jews and the Israelis. Once the world is destroyed they can dominate. Trump is just their tool, the Elders of Zion are on the March.
  5. Just another thieving European. It's so much fun to watch The Tantrums
  6. In your desperation for criticism you make no sense.
  7. Right is right and wrong is wrong and he is wrong. Not necessarily because of his message, but because of him.
  8. Then again, when he is proved right, are you going to come back with a mea culpa like y'all did after the election
  9. Tommy Robinsons a racist, criminal and a creep and should never be cited for anything by us
  10. Yep. They must have violence hate war and chaos to reach their goal
  11. Typical Socialist rhetoric: the lust for revenge and violence. Can you just picture them, eyes distended and bloodshot, mouth twisted into an animal like grimace as they spittlescreech for death! Dude above purports to be an American.
  12. He wasnt head of the Cheka though was he. Too bad he was shot early, could have become maybe a relative. Wrong ethnicity though. Your point is?
  13. I love watching these trump hate Circle Jerks as the good old USA hums nicely along. Hey I'll tell you what's a great economic indicator in my book, all of the upcoming jobs in our bid list. 250 additional projects since the inauguration. Let the building begin LOL
  14. Hooray, somebody wants to debate, even if its a Azov Brigade fan who peppers his analysis with his cute widdle flames. So here we go! Now in reference to the website you found. Its not a website, its a research commentary. It reveals a complex history, no different to the complex history of all of Europe. You might as well say Germany isn't a real country, nor is Italy, Denmark, Norway and indeed Eire. That says nothing and only serves to deflect from the issue, which is Ukraine. Their historical circumstances led to the creation and maintenance of a nation, viz: a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory. Ukraines did not. A distinct Ukrainian language emerged in the 14th Centry, 300 years before your country even existed. Now ladies and gentlemen, check out that smarmy comment? Tell us what the meaning of "300 years before your country existed" is in the context of this discussion? Tossing in your typical flames? Now as to the language, it is just a derivation of Old East Slavonic. It is not unique, nor does the fact that a dialect of a language exists lead to the conclusion that the people who speak that dialect are a "nation" The Ukrainians then were the Cossack Slavs, who wanted rid of their Polish--Lithunanian masters. Cossack Slavs? You mean the ones who intermarried with Crimean Tatars, Jews, Scottsman, Poles, renegade Russians and other "free men". Tell us how historically the Cossacks are part of a Ukrainian nation? They were either subject to the Russians, or the Poles Furthermore, which Cossacks are you referring to? Zaporozhian? Ussuri? who wanted rid of their Polish--Lithunanian masters. While they felt closer to the Muscovites, they wanted to become independant, and were nearly put on a pathway to becoming a western-leaning state with the failed Treaty of Hadiach. Failed treaties are no treaties. Keep in mind that the Cossacks, who were not at the time ethnic Ukrainians in full or used "Ukrainian" as their primary language were seeking to preserve their own interests against the Poles. By the way, how do you know what "they wanted"? Wikpedia? Just as an aside I bet you think Khmelnytsky is a "Ukrainian hero" dont you. Tell us all about him then. The Poles ceded the territory to the Tsars, and then started a Cossack insurgency against Moscow, which culminated in the Russians utterly destroying Zaporizhian Sich 100 years later (the semi-autonomous Cossack state), thus snuffing out Ukrainian yearning for independance. Wow. Ukrainian yearning for independence? Tell us where you made that up from? There was no Ukrainian nation to yearn for anyhting. Im not going to get into your Cromwell silliness. All the Irish references lead me to conclude that you are carrying a bit or a hardone for the Brits. Its amazing how all you English fight among each other. Nice try though, which is more than can be said for most of your ilk.
  15. Nope.
  16. Ya notice how they change the subject?
  17. Since you pretend to analyze what I think, all I can say is you are wrong.
  18. You didnt read it either. So I have done better than you.
  19. Sorry bro I'm not going to play your Jew hating game, go get your buddies to hate Israel in some other topic
  20. Translation: I didn't read the article
  21. Start your own topic, don't gaslight mine.
  22. Please set forth what fake news I have spread
  23. Translation: I can't argue with your facts so I just flame with the same childish talking point the spittlespewers have been screeching for ages
  24. Translation: I can't argue the facts so I just flame
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