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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. Trying to do a hit job on the Judges through Wiki won't wash with me when anybody can go to the International Court of Justice home page for any information needed straight from the horses mouth, so to speak, your points mean nothing unless you're only trying to muddy the waters, for once be honest. https://www.icj-cij.org/index.php/home
  2. It's good enough for me and millions of others around the world. Extremists, in the last picture, according to who?
  3. FYI, might be a bit busy. Public sittings of the Court can be followed live by clicking on the media player on the website homepage, or here. The webstream starts a few minutes before the sitting is scheduled to begin. The hearings and sittings of the Court are also announced in a dedicated section of the Journal of the United Nations. Thursday 11 January 2024 to Friday 12 January 2024 Proceedings instituted by South Africa against the State of Israel on 29 December 2023 - Request for the indication of provisional measures - Public hearings from Thursday 11 to Friday 12 January 2024 Thursday 11 January 2024: 10 a.m.-12 noon Friday 12 January 2024: 10 a.m.-12 noon https://www.icj-cij.org/calendar
  4. Just making the point not all Jews are Zionists, extremists, I don't think so.
  5. The world is watching — and we’re not slowing down. https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/2024/01/05/media-roundup-2/
  6. 800+ Global Groups Back South Africa's Genocide Case as ICJ Prepares for Hearing "The very least states can do is to submit Declarations of Intervention as a small part of fulfilling their obligations under Article 1 of the Genocide Convention," said a peace coalition. https://www.commondreams.org/news/800-groups-icj
  7. Zionist can waffle as much as they like today, tomorrow they can have their day in court defending the Application instituting proceedings in the name of the Republic of South Africa (“South Africa”) against the State of Israel (“Israel”).
  8. Easy one that, go and set the nuclear bombs off and end all trouble in the Middle East, but they won't do that will they, because that would screw all the oil up and the US wouldn't be happy.
  9. Maybe the long term trend is going to change now that the social media brigade are avidly watching and learning.
  10. All of them, normal for you don't address the question, but pose another, I cannot be bothered with you anymore, back and forth, is all you do, thinking you have some right to try and lord it over anybody who doesn't support your bigoted views, waste of space.
  11. Glad you found it amusing, and a nice deflection away from the facts as written in the article.
  12. So all you want to do is score points, fair enough, keep killing innocent Palestinians and Hamas can keep killing and maiming the IDF, will that keep you happy?
  13. Read the article and then tell me he is not a dissident or traitor as he was called in the article. https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-781194
  14. Silly me, I thought all Palestinians were Hamas according to a lot on here. My bad.
  15. Both articles show that there are some dissident's to both sides of the argument, which in my opinion shows that there could be peace between both sides, as I said in a previous post, but a hell of along way to go.
  16. Netanyahu urges political unity after political uproar in cabinet On Friday Minister Benny Gantz (National Unity) said that the heated exchange which occurred at the diplomatic-security cabinet “was a politically motivated attack in the middle of a war" https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/politics-and-diplomacy/article-781111
  17. Israeli far-left lawmaker joins Gaza genocide lawsuit at ICJ Member of the Hadash-Ta'al party, Ofer Cassif announced on Sunday that he would be joining the lawsuit against Israel in the Hague. https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-781194
  18. Just goes to show the state of UK politics, and to make matters worse, the UK could get Sir Keith Starmer as the next Tory-light P.M.
  19. Nope, I wouldn't, this thread is about netanyahu-rejects-claims-accusing-israel-of-genocide-in-gaza, not about, the misery and suffering of many other counties, nations and regions of the world that are currently going through war, famine displacement and massacres of innocent people, that in some places are much worse than Gaza
  20. No, not in the slightest, this thread is all about Netanyahu-rejects-claims-accusing-Israel-of-genocide-in Gaza, not what others are suffering throughout the World. All you are trying to do is shut down debate, the same as others are trying to do over all social media because hopefully for once it won't be another "Mowing the Lawn" and everyone forgets about it and it all goes on as before the 7/10 atrocity. Hopefully at the end of all this the sensible heads of Israel and the Palestinians will look at this period of time as a watershed to getting a lasting agreement to live together peacefully some how.
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