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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. Why should anyone have to experience war, bombing, rockets, etc, to have an opinion of what is right or wrong in this conflict? The lack of humanity on both sides and the failure of the main players to not negotiate a peaceful settlement for decades is the problem, but then again neither side has an honest bone in their bodies.
  2. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, its a duck.
  3. Winding you lot up should be an Olympic sport, where did the Holocaust, Nazis etc come from apart from the normal suspects minds. Concentration Camps were a British invention from the Boer War.
  4. Very good analysis of the Israeli genocide charges at the International Court of Justice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRKIYqjbpVY&ab_channel=BreakingPoints
  5. Yes, I agree 7/10 is a Hamas thing, but you cannot dismiss what has gone on in Gaza for years, committed by Israeli forces in the form of being concentration guards.
  6. This is the problem 7/10 isn't all a Hamas thing, 16 years of oppression from Israel is as much to blame.
  7. I take it you mean this answer? Black South Africa doesn't like Israel , Israel were friendly with White South Africa, pre Mandela
  8. Oh, how I laughed. Can't bring yourself to answer the question, shame on you.
  9. For your information, the Judge is not singular, it is the 15 Judges of the International Court of Justice, plus one from both sides, so there is a possibility of 17 Judges.
  10. Nice quote Bkk Brian, ever considered answering the question posed? Who is South Africa bringing proceedings against?
  11. Would you care to enlighten me on what the hell you're talking about?
  12. You said: I see the eradication of Hamas as the best way. =Them You said: Others see the eradication of Israel as a better means. =Them Call me a liar all you want, it only shows your lack of understanding the way I feel about the situation. Yes, I will carry on as you say.
  13. Your safe in your first sentence, the killing must stop. Then it all falls on it's arris, and there's the problem, them or them, no middle ground, and no I do not have the answers to this, before anyone asks.
  14. Whatever you thing is irrelevant it will be up to the Justices to determine the evidence presented by both parties to the Application.
  15. So now it's a sham case according to you, I'm sure you will be called by the Israeli legal team to give your evidence of such.
  16. So you post more rubbish trying to muddy the waters, typical.
  17. What I'm saying, ad infinitum is it is Israel that has been brought before the International Court of Justice, not Hamas. I have no doubt that Israel will site Hamas as the cause of the War, that is their prerogative, but until the Court confines neither you or I or anybody else knows what will be said.
  18. Gordon Bennett, for the last time, It is up to the Court to determine if Israel has anything to answer for from the Application Instituting Proceedings, at this moment in time there is no proof of anything only an Application before the Court. We won't know anymore until the Court convenes on the 11th January 2024.
  19. Yes I have, I will admit to not getting a lot of it, so you just have to keep at it for a better understanding, try it.
  20. Did you, please show, or we can put it down as more "waffle" from Morch.
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