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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. As I've said to you before and I'll say it again: It is not up to me or anybody else to determine guilt or innocence at the ICJ, it is up to the Judges.
  2. Where does your post make the same point that I posted? My post: It is not up to me or anybody else to determine guilt or innocence at the ICJ, it is up to the Judges.
  3. I acknowledge nothing about Hamas, where do you get that from? I have no doubt that Israel will bring Hamas up during the Application Instituting Proceedings on the 11th. I suggest you read the full 84 page Application.
  4. When you're in a hole maybe it is time to stop digging. Rejection of Irresponsible Statements on Resettlement of Palestinians Outside of Gaza https://www.state.gov/rejection-of-irresponsible-statements-on-resettlement-of-palestinians-outside-of-gaza/
  5. The last 2 paragraph's of your linked article: But Israel’s defense will be haunted by the remarks of Dichter and company, who South Africa cites in their ICJ filing. Despite Netanyahu’s plea, they have not stopped their commentary, and on Tuesday, the U.S. State Department singled out two far-right Israeli ministers who have been pushing to resettle Palestinians outside Gaza, blasting their “inflammatory and irresponsible” rhetoric. Netanyahu may thus have cause to regret not bringing his coalition partners to heel more firmly.
  6. Living a great life on the Gaza Riviera, yes they were alive, just.
  7. It is not up to me or anybody else to determine guilt or innocence at the ICJ, it is up to the Judges.
  8. Point 1: Please refer to my post to Morch, the one you are commenting on. Point 2: Really, I won't bring anyone back from the dead, might doesn't enter in to it, never seen anyone come back yet. As far as preventing another 7/10, every time the Zionists "Mow the Lawn" don't you think that is the biggest recruiting sergeants dream? This will go on ad-infinitum until there is a fair solution for all.
  9. Is the USA in front of the International Court of Justice, the highest court in the world?
  10. So according to you I'm antisemitic, anti-Zionist, anti-US, and a Hamas apologist. Now you can shout that from the rooftops it will not bother me in the slightest, it won't bring the Israeli's back from their deaths on the 7th or the 22 thousand or more Palestinians killed since.
  11. No matter how anybody feels about the case before the ICJ on the 11th January 2024 it has nothing to do with Hamas, it is all about Israel.
  12. As their Israeli I would expect they know about it anyway.
  13. I don't think that will be part of the ICJ's deliberations on the 11th, but you never know.
  14. Which part of "I get no joy from Hamas or Israel, they are both guilty of atrocities against humanity." didn't you get?
  15. I get no joy from Hamas or Israel, they are both guilty of atrocities against humanity.
  16. Yet again, it is not Hamas before the International Court of Justice, on the 11th January 2024, it is Israel.
  17. There again, it is not up to John Kirby to decide whether genocide is or isn't the appropriate word here is it, it is up to the ICJ to decide that on the 11th, next Thursday.
  18. Brian, Brian, Brian, it is all an opinion, taken from the link, that is all. OPINION>INTERNATIONAL THE VIEWS EXPRESSED BY CONTRIBUTORS ARE THEIR OWN AND NOT THE VIEW OF THE HILL Israel is not committing genocide — but Hamas is BY ARSEN OSTROVSKY AND STANISLAV PAVLOVSCHI, OPINION CONTRIBUTORS - 01/04/24 8:30 AM ET
  19. Really, so now you know what's in my imagination as well, good to know. Are you getting what I am imagining now, Morch?
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