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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. Have you no reading skills at all, I said what I wrote, RIP to all who died.
  2. You got eyes in your head go read.
  3. Its Jeff or Sir to you and try going back to the beginning of any of these threads for my condemnation of both sides
  4. Yep, RIP to 1400 Jews and RIP to 7,000 Palestinians
  5. You believe whatever you want, I saw it about 5 years ago, the latest one about the old man in shock looked real enough to me and I'm well aware you won't but suck it up the truth will get out eventually. Hamas are barbarians and the IDF are just as bad but with better press.
  6. Your right, I don't like any amount of deaths no matter where the information comes from. I guess your going to say Hamas.
  7. What a lovely way to look at nearly 10,000 deaths on both sides, hope your so proud.
  8. Direct off the Hamas fanboy page, where else, Aljazeera/UNICEF, so that won't count in your eyes then.
  9. What and get it taken down because it doesn't suit the Israeli narrative, like the last one, lol
  10. Time for a spot of Lunch I think, play nice people see you all later, have a good Afternoon/Evening
  11. Then you post the full post of mine and want me to do research which as I've said previously DIY
  12. Thanks for correcting your previous, I'm sure your quite capable of checking out what oil and gas resources are off the Gaza coast the same as anyone else, carry on.
  13. Question to difficult for you, fine, post ignored
  14. Does that make you one of the Zionists with no Humanity then?
  15. As you always do.
  16. Religious Zealots of all flavours, going back millennia
  17. Cutting off part of my post as usual, well done.
  18. Prove it, Yellowtail
  19. And what were the Israeli's doing for the past 75 years, being all good old boys to the Arads, get out of here.
  20. Just as totally outraged, what's your point?
  21. Living in cloud cuckoo land, you acknowledge oppressed people have the right to resist on one hand and when it goes to far you then you try to imply if it hadn't gone as terribly as it did the response from the IDF would have been less lethal, yeah, yeah, yeah. Thanks for the last sentence, I don't know weather to wear it as a badge of honour or stick a notice over it saying another Zionist who has no Humanity.
  22. Astonishing that you think Israel can do as it likes and when they get terror back at them, you play the victim. And before you start quoting about the Hamas atrocities from the 7th which I wholeheartedly disagree with as they are war crimes against Humanity including the Israeli's, before you go off on your normal garbage.
  23. I can't see the Israeli Press posting it, can you? Then there was the old Arab wandering around obviously shellshocked after the latest aerial bombardment near wherever he was sheltering, out he comes talking to some police or IDF people and low and behold someone shoots him dead, unarmed, disorientated and not hurting anyone, such brave people the Israeli's.
  24. That is not what I said and you know it. I don't suppose the Palestinians give 2 hoots about whatever naturel resources are off Gaza all they'd like is to be left in peace in their own lands.
  25. I'm calling BS on that statement, maybe that might have been the case before the right-wing crazies took over the Israeli parliament and before the oil and gas was discovered. So now Hamas are classed as all Muslins according to you? Hamas are not supported by all Muslims some Muslins are probably nice chaps just like some Jews are nice chaps, like the Ultra Orthodocs one who oppose Bibi.
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