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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. Sir or your Magnificence to you.
  2. Goodnight all, nursey has just come to give me my medication, play nice now and see you all tomorrow. It's been a hoot. Hope nobody dies who doesn't deserve to die or those whose time on this earth has run it's course. Love to all human beings everywhere.
  3. the first 2 posts of this thread came from the BBC 🤣
  4. At least have the decency of quoting the full post, not just the part that suits you, anything else?
  5. Got to get your oar in, was your name mentioned in any of those 6 quotes?
  6. So you have no contribution then?
  7. The Occupation of Palestine: A Short History
  8. Care to share it?
  9. Campaigning for peace, maybe, chances of peace ever happening in this world, no chance.
  10. You got a better idea then?
  11. I've just had a cracking idea, lets kill all the Arabs and Israeli's in the Middle East and leave all the oil to the good ole US of A which is what this is all about which ever way you want to cut this cake. Human Beings are so funny, if it wasn't for the fact I was crying for humanity. Flame away people , flame away.
  12. There were atrocities, murders and whatnot carried out by Jews vs Arabs well before 1947. You choose and arbitrary point to start your 'argument'. Both sides have their long lists of bad things the other side did unto them. No I don't feel the Hamas attack was "justified" nor do I feel this response is going to help the situation either.
  13. Guess who own's the Metro??? 🤣🤣🤣
  14. Well I'm coming up to my first anniversary, and I'm loving it, best move I ever made, no way I'd ever go back to UK. Life is what you make it.
  15. Where's the comedy factor in doing that, you occasionally come out with an absolute gem. There will never be peace in this world.
  16. Whatever, your high and mightiest, now go away and stop bothering me. There will never be peace in this world.
  17. There will never be peace in this world and I'll kill anyone who disagrees with me.
  18. The world would run out of paper and ink before the Arabs or the Israeli's could agree to peace face it it's never going to happen.
  19. Your not making a lot of sense here to me, who is welcome to hold an alternative view? I just find the despicable. I think that's allowed. No idea what you're on about here. I have no problem with common sense, what I find disgusting is misinformation masquerading as truth.
  20. So if March has commented nobody else needs to put an alternative view on here. I too feel Hamas's atrocities are repulsive and vile, Then when you go on to say it's quite normal for inaccurate reports to come out of a battle zone that are then reported to the leader of Israel who then informs his main backer the US President. Who both then repeat these allegations to the rest of the world, now that, I find disgusting.
  21. Nothing to do with AlJazeera, it was written by Jonathan Cook an award-winning British journalist.
  22. I cannot believe the "if" and I make daft comments, you're having a laugh.
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