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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. And the Israeli response had no intent on killing innocent Palestinians, only on eliminating the Hamas terrorists, yeah right, you cannot have it that way as both parties are as bad as one another, killing innocents on either side is a International War Crime.
  2. What the heck are you on about? I have no idea what this trolling lark is you're on about, I'm replying to posts that I consider to be unfair to the whole situation, if that's trolling so be it, but if people say things that is all biased to one side their going to get a reply, as I said before neither side is a angel in any of this.
  3. So we agree that both sides are committing war crimes but the Israeli's, not so much according to you? Which ever way you cut this crimes against humanity whether it is the Hamas raid on the 7th or the Israeli response since is still war crimes.
  4. Yes, I have read the posts in this thread that is why I commented. What has proportion got to do with any amount of death in any war?
  5. Hamas did target civilians and launched rockets into Israel which is without doubt a war crime, fact. So therefore as you say "Not all, for sure." must also be a war crime, to wrongs do not make a right for either side.
  6. So 5,000 plus Palestinians killed since the 7th is small potatoes, tell that to the Palestinians, and while your at it tell the Israeli's 1400 slaughtered by Hamas is small potatoes too.
  7. If that's the case 1400 Israeli's who were killed by Hamas is also a war situation. Deal with that.
  8. And what agenda would that be Darling?
  9. Must be, I woke up this morning.
  10. There lucky there getting relief in the form of Aid, this is my problem with all the Zionist/Right-Wing crazies of Israel, such lovely people. What has Russia/Ukraine got to do with this thread?
  11. No. I will not give up on the Genocide issue that is my opinion and as you have said to me before this is a public forum and I have the same right as you to have an opinion. I will agree it will be up to higher authorities than either of us to determine whether there is a case to answer in this conflict. The topic under discussion is "Israel is at War" your interpretation is "It is about dealing with an immediate situation, instigated by one of the parties." My answer to that is Israel has been at war since 1948, I will grant you there has been lulls in the fighting from time to time but not at any time in my lifetime has a universal peace been declared.
  12. I'm sorry you are not feeling good post op, I hope you get well ASAP I sincerely apologies for getting your name wrong Morch, my fault for not reading it properly, again my apologies One sides war is another sides genocide, this will never be sorted to either parties satisfaction no matter how much comment is written on this and I bet many other platforms. You have your views and I have mine. As far as I'm concern this will never be solved by killing one another, somewhere along the line compromises will have to be made be both sides, after 75 years it is still all a disaster for the whole of mankind. Can I also say the Hamas terrorists who took part in the 7th of October atrocity are nothing less than sub-human.
  13. A statement is a statement, end of discussion. You keeping on replying with questions still does not alter that fact., and I repeat, Both sides are disgusting excuses for human beings
  14. Such a shame Amnesty International doesn't agree with you.
  15. Good morning, March, hope you are well, do us all a favour and answer the question then, if you're capable.
  16. Surplies surplies lol sorry very old chinese joke, 🤣
  17. I think you're over thinking the phrase "Both sides are disgusting excuses for human beings" I made it a very simple statement so even very simple people would understand, that is my opinion if your not a fan go tell someone who gives a flying deleted, because you will get no change of opinion out of me.
  18. I can answer that one, yes of course they are and anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional. Looking forward to the normal suspects telling me otherwise, as usual, water off a ducks back.
  19. Please explain what part of "Both sides are disgusting excuses for human beings" you don't understand?
  20. No, I am not, I'm English but what has that to do with the price of rice or bacon for all that that matters.
  21. Both sides are disgusting excuses for human beings
  22. I'm disgusted by the whole scenario of the middle east, human lives are being taken by both Arabs and Israeli's because neither of them has the brains or the inclination to live in peace, neither side will win, and this has gone on since 1948. Both sides are disgusting excuses for human beings, religion has a lot to answer for, as does the great western military industrial complex which is loving all this. Russia and Ukraine and China and Taiwan just the same all wanting to kill one another. You'd think after 2 so called World Wars in the last century the human race would have learned something, sadly no, we are such a bunch of sad sacks.
  23. No, I just smile politely at the first sign of trouble and walk away, didn't use to but with age comes knowledge and experience. Better to be a live coward than a dead hero and I'm a lover not a fighter.
  24. 1000's of people being killed and maimed and your worried about a bit of Bold print, my faith in this world sinks lower and lower. Try giving your head a good shake.
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