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john donson

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Everything posted by john donson

  1. sorry but they hate the zombie state and prefer to take the highs with the lows gamblers, sex addicts, drug users, alcoholics ...
  2. foundation, charity... bill gates uses that... 45 billion dollars... tax deduction, nothing else... zero paid tax...
  3. comments on x makes you believe the dead dude was stabbing people... so one trash human less while the rest did nothing or film?
  4. blame china for all illegal and fake, right? thailand does an excellent job
  5. you think to head of transportation here sleeps bad at night?
  6. thai engineer? cut backs on construction ?
  7. if you have the 'gentle giant' to visit inside your house or eat your crops, even illegally planted, then i guess some people want to protect that... maybe there are just too many of them and thais and culling, even rabies dogs
  8. maintenance? no security installed IF the cable snapped?
  9. you saw a big jump for no other reason that trump was elected... to whom will blackrock and other sell, when there are no more takers the hole game made many people millionaires with zero effort it only works if there are enough suckers to hold the bag when the music stops one coin now the value of a studio/condo ... backed by greed only...
  10. no class action suit against break manufacturers ? high speed and a high strung speed devil on the wheel
  11. wth...the song taew seem to disappear... it is a miracle only one got killed, RIP
  12. me guess is, he never spend even a day in that 'hospital'... nobody was allowed to visit a ghost that was not there
  13. at least the dude got convicted and jail or was that another hidden police hospital scandal and yingluck wants to come home with an instant get free out of jail did thaksin pay his billions in evaded tax that got him self exiled ?
  14. thai or chinese made... made do break down soon lazada, most is chinese import and all those 20 baht shops you see everywhere... they seem to do ok
  15. why call it madams? taking all earnings = pimp, human traffickers and sex slaves so that is why so many africans and police never ever check their visa status or do some actual police work television here should start a new series and can branch out... bangkok vice, phuket vice, ...
  16. my songtaew does not take any apps.... loooooooooooooooooooool
  17. how to save a trillion dollars a year ? import meds from canada, mexico, where prices are not 10x more expensive, because US government allowed it.. by bribing the senate or congress for a few hundred thousand dollars a piece of garbage politicians
  18. let's maybe do something, when a child is chewed to pieces? MAYBE
  19. drink yourself silly , then cry foul someone took advantage of them ? or where they drugged? koh toa style?
  20. did everybody already for the vote buying scam bribe before starting another 10k handout?
  21. I thought BAITING was forbidden on AN... all OP's posts are questions... or paid new AI ghost writer ? how come the newsletter cannot show which posts are PAID advertisements or the repeat of the same posts for days ?
  22. on top of the CC fraud by 3rd party...
  23. so, which one is it ? ais? dtac? true? someone must have provider 3 km of copper, fiber?
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