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Everything posted by bignok

  1. What? 50% of tourists are sex tourists. Most normal tourists avoid the place.
  2. The average farang is ugly himself and can't speak Thai. Ugly hookers is all they can get.
  3. My gf is from Isaan. Has a uni degree. Her spoken English was poor but getting better. Her written English is ok. I just speak Thai mostly as they all understand. Bit hard trying to learn Isaan as well. In Lao they understood Thai too. Isaan seems to be a slang version of Lao. Rough as you say.
  4. Scots are British. You also posted random numbers without a link.
  5. How do you know if a yank is closeby? You can hear them before you see them.
  6. I see lots of single guys. I really don't know the stats though. I mind my own business.
  7. Microneedling is supposed to help.
  8. Lots of western women look 75 to 90kgs.
  9. At the start of the 1980s, the average 5ft 3in British female weighed 10 stone (63.5kg), but by now the average weight had increased to 11st 2lb (70.6kg). https://www.onaverage.co.uk/body-averages/average-female-weight
  10. Crashes weekly i would guess but usually minor. Night buses are scary.
  11. My gf is 38.5kgs. What do the Scots weigh?
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