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Everything posted by bignok

  1. Not if it goes to 60k. You are calling 21k. Lets see who is more right in 3 months.
  2. Ok pot smoker. You really dont have a clue about charting I can tell. The RSI on a monthly is still going up. Its not that high. We will see next 3 months.
  3. Stocks or crypto can stay in an "overbought" position for months BTC did this when it went to 60k before.
  4. There are no fundamentals goose Those are technicals 555
  5. So why do you whinge overseas? Your food is bad. Your weather is bad. Your sporting teams are rubbish. Most Poms are fat and unfit and half are alcoholics. Why do you whinge about the conditions in other countries?
  6. 60k would be my target. I can see lots of sellers then.
  7. Low volume makes sense. Lots paid 40 to 60k. They are waiting to get their money back.
  8. Also how would you invest with a stranger on the internet? Not even possible.
  9. Show me the indicators you look at stoner boy
  10. I watched Lords. Hundreds like him. Whinging non stop. We know you don't know much.
  11. Indicators still bullish
  12. Same as Chang beer
  13. Expert moaners when they lose. Look at Piers Morgan. He is a typical rich Pom.
  14. Britman paid her college fees.
  15. Depends if gold digger I suppose. I wouldnt pay 20k a month. Women everywhere. Easy to be fussy. Ive never had a women ask me for a monthly figure. These women asking 20k or 30k or whatever must be bargirls.
  16. He's a Pom and Poms scored lower on IQ tests than Aussies. He thinks low class surfer bogans in Bali are average Aussies 555
  17. Kiwis are pretty dumb on average https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/kiwis-rate-bottom-of-the-class-for-iq/A3V6AOB3HAIDMAIDTPPBW2N4UQ/
  18. Bogan Aussies are often high school drop outs. Like judging all Thais by bargirl standards. Pretty stupid way to judge a nation.
  19. Havent met many whinging Aussies. Usually Kiwis or Poms. The worst were white Kiwis.
  20. Plus no sex either. He missed out.
  21. I only have trouble with drunk Scots and Irish. Poms ok, Welsh easy.
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