Your logic is flawed. A 12yo islander kid can be 100kgs and 6 foot. So anyone dating a woman under 100kgs and 6 foot is attracted to 12yo islander kids according to you and Nick.
I think you are both sick.
Right. So you are an atheist who wants to discuss sex because you have had many women or you just lost your virginity?
Why don't you expand a little more.
Correct. That's why I view him as a socialist. There's mild socialists and radical ones. AH was a radical one. AH hated the mild ones but he hated the Jews even more being capitalists.
He fought everyone who didnt support him. You really no have clue. He was hungry for power. The Jews were capitaliats, he killed them. He signed a deal with the Soviets but renigged.
You are ignorant of history. Please educate yourself. Hitler had a deal with the Soviets in 1938. Later decided to invade. He also had a deal with Nev Chamberlain. Renigged.
Hitler grew up a marxist and a greeny.
Mussolini was even more left wing.