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Everything posted by bignok

  1. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/hitler-and-the-socialist-dream-1186455.htm
  2. No buddy. I just dont google everything. You spent 10 minutes on a non event.
  3. Lots of Irish and Germans moved there to farm or plant vineyards or look for gold. Lots of Chinese too. Your relatives must have been lazy and unadventourous.
  4. I've been having fun. You poms don't have much of a sense of humour. All miserable.
  5. Whats English? 1500 calories
  6. Look at this https://www.oldest.org/sports/marathon-runners/
  7. Must have bad genes or they were all negative. My grandpa had a string of health issues, still lived to 87. 67 is young. Saw an 80yo run a marathon. Another 80yo deadlift more than me. Its mostly attitude. My mate is 77yo, he drinks coke and 55% whisky daily. Humans can easily make 85 if you think positive.
  8. What women would put up with you? Most miserable whinger ever you are.
  9. He looks 25 to 28. If she is 18 plus they are both adults.
  10. Could be 21. Could be 14yo. Could be her dad. I'd say you have issues.
  11. Yes you too scared to debate. I ripped you apart 2 weeks ago so you went away crying.
  12. Try U2 Paul Simon Pearl Jam Foo Fighters Bonnie Raitt
  13. Hi Ritchie. I hope you find some fun and happiness one day. Good luck.
  14. He sounds very insecure and unhappy. Hating on people for having a short gf is strange. Non of his business.
  15. I think you are a very unhappy person. I'm 100% sure of it.
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