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Everything posted by bignok

  1. I find some kiwis whinge as much. Often the white ones not the maoris. The dumbest people I've met were French.
  2. Everybody in Oz refers to English people as poms or whinging poms. Nobody calls them "brits". You are either poms, irish, welsh or scottish. Sorry if this is news to you.
  3. So you whinge and complain when other people try to have sex with you?
  4. But not no 1 at anything. The Stones and The Beatles were no 1 I guess. Not much for 50 years.
  5. Most modern studies show anti depressant drugs dont work.
  6. Cricket? Na Soccer? Na Tennis? Na Golf? Na Rugby? Na League? Na Food? Na
  7. No because you are a rich person who looks down on others. Get off your high horse. Go help people who need it.
  8. You are being fake and argumentative.
  9. My character is top notch. Won't find any better. Why because i help people in real life. I don't pretend to care about dead strangers to impress people online. That's just phony. You would have read 100 stories in 12 months about dead strangers. Be suprised if you could remember 1 name. If you want to be a good person Ritchie go help someone in real life that needs help. Maybe start giving 100 baht tips to market vendors instead of drinking expensive wine.
  10. Dont have a computer.
  11. As if I can about your fake compassion.
  12. Not for strangers who do dumb things. No. Waste of energy.
  13. Take big risks you might die. Happens daily. Process of elimination.
  14. I predict gold chain theft, car accidents and motorbike deaths.
  15. Or just a waste of money. Rather walk to a massage shop and back. At least I wont get angry for shooting 85. Those guys who play weekly and shoot 90 I cant see the point. Paying money to be hackers.
  16. I played on but game got worse. Eventually gave up. Just a silly game. Walking is free. Rather do that.
  17. Better than me.
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