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Everything posted by bignok

  1. I think you are a massive bogan
  2. Long covid
  3. Cheesecake Mud cake Puts puddings to shame
  4. Most are horrible
  5. 50 year old joke
  6. Media told us salt was bad. All bs. Low salt is very dangerous. Hong Kong people live the longest on a high Salt diet!
  7. Dam fish full of bacteria
  8. See my answer
  9. I don't trust blood tests. My magnesium and sodium was normal yet increased does fixed my issues. Dr's are con artists.
  10. Only for sex
  11. True. I would tell her to piss off
  12. Coffee? Coke? Water*
  13. It knocks me around cause I cut back. Alcos think 6 is nothing.
  14. People think of family at Xmas. If your family is scum or dead it's a bit lonely.
  15. One of the deers?
  16. You told us before. Try making new friends. You can't live in the past. Most of my family are ah. I don't want to see them ever again.
  17. 95% of women hate it It's boring
  18. Alco
  19. Too hot for pommy roasts
  20. Beers n oysters
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