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Everything posted by bignok

  1. Pretend home? Looks pretty crap actually.
  2. Go back to shop. Ask a smart person to show you how to use it.
  3. Incorrect. I told him how to find it. He is just not smart enough. All phones have it.
  4. You are a bad liar.
  5. Says the halfwit who can't use a phone.
  6. A genius is born every minute.
  7. Aussie accents are milder than pommy accents.
  8. Maybe you are not too bright. Click on the "!#1" then click on "1/2" button. Then the $ appears.
  9. I take 2 to 4 tablets a day. Depends on exercise. Healed my joint pain. Gets rid of cramps.
  10. What is Australian English? There is only UK and American English. The Aussies copied the UK.
  11. I bet it has $ There are 2 pages of symbols. It is on page 2 on mine.
  12. What phone is it?
  13. After 2 weeks no booze it's boring to be honest. I don't need it daily but no alcohol is boring. Maybe 1 day a week is best.
  14. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3287408/?tool=pubmed Magnesium may extend life https://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2017/10/longevity-benefits-of-magnesium
  15. They died with covid. Who knows how longer they live without. Flus kill people. The world is overpopulated anyway. Need to cull another 2bn.
  16. 78% of covid hospitalizations were fat https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/08/covid-cdc-study-finds-roughly-78percent-of-people-hospitalized-were-overweight-or-obese.html
  17. Amanda Hugenkiss is
  18. 95% of USA covid deaths were aged 50yo+ that means it is weaker heart, lungs, poor health killing people https://www.aarp.org/health/conditions-treatments/info-2020/coronavirus-deaths-older-adults.html
  19. Scare mongering nonsense. The who are crooks. 86yo dies with covid it wasn't covid that killed them. It was weak heart and old age.
  20. 40.1kgs with shoes on no issues
  21. Ben Dover
  22. Not really. I didn't notice any issues. I think they fly in from a different angle and flights stop at night. I stayed there twice. Good food there. Beach is nice. Not many farangs. Few massage shops. If you don't need bargirls stay there.
  23. Maybe this topic has run its course. Just a slanging match.
  24. Klong Muang in Krabi is a very nice beach. Nai Yang on Phuket near airport is good and quiet. I like both areas. Nai Yang has better food though. I found 60 baht Khao Soi and 25 baht coffee.
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