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Everything posted by Cameroni

  1. I can't imagine he's gay because he has a wife and kids. But if you're telling me for a man to wear eyeliner is not weird, I would respectfully have to disagree. I know they have to wear make up for TV but I never saw Trump or Biden with eyeliner. Anyway, that's a minor detail. The fact that his meteoric rise is due to the sponsorship of Peter Thiel just makes me a bit suspicious. Because Thiel is gay and Vance's opinions are so very much not pro-gay, pro-gay-marriage. You just wonder how did this partnership come to pass? Again, not suggesting Vance is gay, but it's just so odd.
  2. This is the crux of the matter, Thais would not tip at all, or very little. Vietnamese call foreigners who tip "idiots" and make fun of them.
  3. Vance is very articulate and a superb writer. His speeches and oratory skills are not bad. He succeeded in becoming a multi-millionaire and a VP candidate, and served in the military, not bad going. One thing that is true, he is very odd. The eyeliner, the association with gay billionaire Thiel, the hardline ideology. If I were a leftie Democrat, which I stress I am not, I too,would be terrified of this man.
  4. The greatest stupidity would be to excuse one side from killing civilians, as you seem to do. These Ukrainian military are rampaging through obviously peaceful civilian settlements. Neither Russia nor Ukraine should be excused when they target civilians. Either it is bad in both cases, or all is allowed.
  5. Massage in Malaysia is really terrible. Even Thai Massage. I went to a place and like in Thailand, I refuse to wear those plastic tangas some mental defective came up with. Never a problem in Thailand. But in Malaysia, if you don't put on those ludicrous tanga things the girl will refuse to do the massage. I could not believe my ears, when I was in KL. I cancelled of course. I thought it was an isolated thing with a fundamentalist masseuse. I go to anothe place. Exactly the same. You basically can't get a decent massage in Malaysia, unless you dress up like a tanga queen. Ridiculous.
  6. Hyperbolic is understating it, what did he say, the "most wicked evil"? He's been to Palestine and the most wicked evil he's seen is a Musk tweet? Yousaf has not seen a lot of wicked evil at all, like none, one has to conclude.
  7. I actually tip massage ladys as well, even though the place I go to charges 1300 Baht for an hour of oil massage already, and the tip should be included. With food I would tip in small Thai eateries if the food was very good, which it often is, but not at all when tip is included and the bill is over 1500 Baht. Band, if they're good I might tell the girl to drop a 100 Baht into the box. Obviously places you go to regularly you can start tipping since ipso facto the food must be good, as well as the service.
  8. You don't give tips inThailand. Mainly due to Chinese practices being adopted. I always pretend I'm Chinese.
  9. Africa is a source of disease, Ebola virus, Lassa Fever, Zika virus, West Nile Fever, HIV, Yellow Fever, Malaria, they all originated from Africa. It's not a "stigma", it's an iron clad fact of medical history. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2590291123002309
  10. You can get a dummy ticket for 16 bucks online
  11. I see it the same way, the advanages are too distorting. I suppose it is hard to test everyone and a bit invasive, the IOC would run potental legal risks.
  12. He or She or it, is a bit inbetween, she has female and male characteristics but opted to be designated female. The Olympics needs to sort this out and ban Intersex people from women's sports. But good to see her own camp now coming out with the truth that she indeed has XY chomosomes and hormone issues, as many of us had suspected.
  13. I am not thrilled to see Ukrainian military terrorising a peaceful population. Civilians are cilivians, even if they are Russian civilians and 1000 or so troops rampaging through civilian settlements is not cause for celebration really. A bit sad that Ukraine does not attack military targets instead of terrorising civilians. I understand they are desperate and have very limited means, but any right thinking person has to condemn military terror imposed on civilians.
  14. And the truth comes out: "Imane Khelif's Coach Admits Boxer Has 'Problem With Chromosomes'" https://www.ibtimes.sg/imane-khelifs-coach-admits-boxer-has-problem-chromosomes-after-she-won-gold-paris-olympics-75644
  15. I saw the Basketball men's final. Nice to see other counries like France, Germany and Serbia be so competitive, even with an American dream team including LeBron, KD, Curry, Davis etc. It was close with France but Curry settled matters in a few minutes. Even sending their very best Team USA can be beat now, as we saw in the Manila world cup finals, and again here in Paris where it was very close indeed.
  16. Surely Danish butter is better than Swedish butter?
  17. It does look worse than it is. Best to stay away from Africa and monkeys generally...
  18. It's harmless though, monkeypox. Hopefully no one year closure of business like the geniuses in politics mandated last time.
  19. Just anecdotal, my kids went to a school where a number of Ukrainian refugees also arrived. The school tried to make them feel welcome by translating school messages in Ukrainian. Only for the Ukrainian parents to say they can't understand them and if they could write them in Russian. See this author as well, who is Ukrainian and says in private he speaks Russian. But I may have overcooked it. It would appear that about 67% to 80% of Ukrainians can speak Ukrainian, but used to speak Russian outside the home as teenagers, the other 33% to 20% speak mostly Russian. Since the invasion this has now changed dramatically for obvious reasons. https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/politics/the-russian-language-is-another-victim-of-the-war/48526412 https://translatorswithoutborders.org/language-data-for-ukraine It's a shame the Russian language has become a victim of this conflict, at my kids school they used to teach Russian, but after the war they closed the Russian department. Wholly philistine in my view. Oh, I'm aware of the dislike for Russians, world wide, not just Europe wide. In terms of restraint, I specifically referred to economic exploitation if you read my message. The fact that two warring parties agree that the other can export its grain is really unheard of and quite rare.
  20. I have a Delsey hard shell suitcase plus a nameless rucksack made specifically for air travel that is indestructible. I particularly like the latter because its dimensions seem to satisfy any airline.
  21. Duke's pizza is the best in CM, but there was a guy in Jing Jai market who made excellent pizza. But I think he stopped going there because he said he was going to open a pizzeria in Mae Rim. If you find a new pizzeria in Mae Rim you could be pleasantly surprised.
  22. Okay, I understand now. Her giving you the "no more sex" talk, you had to make clear that is completely unacceptable to you. But in any event her refusal to combine resources shows she is not in it in any meaninful way. The good news, since you're merely in your 50s, you can have your choice of attractive younger women. I don't think going for a Thai 50 year old is your best option anyway. Maybe it is better to focus on your income side first though. Best of luck.
  23. Not at all. It was perfectly clear to me that 1000 armed men can cause a lot of destruction before they are defeated. But I have no doubt these 1000 troops will be defeated, or will flee. No, I think there are still Ukrainan troops in Russia, but I certainly would not celebrate jackbooted military terrorising the peaceful civilian population of Russia. Looks like pure terrorism on a civilian population. A bit akin to Britain carpet bombing civilians in WWII out of desperation, but obviously not as bad. I don't think Russia said they had "killed them all", what they said is that they had stopped their advances and foiled an attempt to cross into another area. This may well be so.
  24. Actually, you will find that the vast majority of Ukrainians have no idea how to speak Ukrainian or use their alphabet ,most speak Russian and use the Russian alphabet. Yes, the Ukrainians did colloborate with the Germans to some extent, no doubt that is the fire which stokes the fascist insults from Russia. As far as theft in war goes Russia has been restrained in this war. Do you remember Putin allowed a corridor for Ukraine to continue selling its resources by ships? This came to an end when the West continued to impose sanctions on Russia. It was pretty unique to have two warring parties agree to ship grain, and for one party to allow another to continue economic trade.
  25. That analysis of the Kursk raid seems plausible to me. However, the symbolism may go the other way, since in that tank battle you menion the Russians launched counter offensives that broke the Wehrmacht for good. Now too, it is inconceivable that 1000, 2000 or even 4000 troops can resist the overwhelming Russian force they will soon face. That convoy on Kiev may have been a decoy to bind forces around Kiev, whilst Russia attacked its real objective, the Donbass. The convoy just disapeared out of the blue and never engaged Kiev. If the whole of Ukraine had been the goal then Western Ukraine would have been targeted militarily it seems to me but it has not. Given that Russia has severe limitations to its economy they may not have the capacity to fight and occupy all of Ukraine long term. Russia's economic size is of course a result of its population size, which was reduced by 20 millon or so in WWII, as Russia did the real fighting to defeat Germany in WWII whilst Britain hid on its island mostly without an army, and the US focused on Japan. But yes, doctrinaire delusion of the communist kind was clearly a problem and incompetence as a whole too, not to mention corruption. To be honest, I am surprised Putin has left so many oligarchs with their fortunes. They robbed Russia blind during the systemic changes, I would have thought he would go after all of them. But he used some as allies. Very pragmatic since he must hate them.
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