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Everything posted by Cameroni

  1. So, again... "payslips"... doesn't that indicate that they will accept monthly payslips instead of the 500,000 on the account?
  2. Well, the first comment, cold usually means they don't like you, it's a fair point and something you had to consider.
  3. Your'e both helpful and beautiful people. In your own ways.
  4. I was not showing off, I was listing her positive and negative qualities to explain my situation. I can see some guys were triggered by me revealing she was attractive, I'm sorry about that, but I wanted to give a complete picture to explain why I am still considering long term despite some issues. And looks is a factor of course. I have actually had that attitude from close friends, saying she's a prostitute, even as a joke, it's not really funny or appropriate. But it doesn't really bother me , because it's just nonsense. I knew if I have a good looking Thai girl that issue will come up. I just thought it would be in my home country, not in Thailand, but either way, it says more about the people making those comments than her.
  5. I quite agree, insults are not helpful, but everyone gets upset now and then, no big deal. My grandfather used to say if someone on the street insults me it is totally irrelevant, if on the other hand someone of importance did that's different. In any event there have been very good responses, also from people I don't agree with and I see their point.
  6. Yes, we just can't afford those ultra expensive machines the good shops use, but I think the general consensus is that the moka pot comes closest to a normal machine, simple because it has the pressure, which the cafetiere does not.
  7. I'm not upset with anyone on here, everyone has an opinion and why not. We don't have to agree on everything to get something of value from one another.
  8. Guys, we are all men. We are all expats in Thailand. We are all trying to be with a good woman. This is hard enough. Let's help each other, if we fall out, what do we gain from it, nothing but aggravation. We can all learn from one another, and one man's "good" is another man's "bad", sure, that's totally fine. But in the final analysis, we are men. And attacking each other can be counter productive. We are not each other's enemies. To a large degree we have the same challenges. We can learn from one another.
  9. I did, I saw there was a job as a receptionist at Regus. I urged her to apply. She did, but it did not work out. She was offered a job by her sister to work in Bangkok, but she wants to stay here. Some days I think her job is Tik Tok, she does this live thing and people pay a few pennies for make up tips. I'm not a fan of her Tik Tok addiction, but though I tried there is no way to wean her off that.
  10. You should hear us when we have sex.
  11. I agree with you that the tik tok is a problem, and phone use is a problem. But I can live with that. If you can't it's okay, she's with me after all. But for me, though these are problems, they're not dealbreakers. I don't agree that young women want you just for money and security. My girl gets no money to speak of and could have any man she wants. But she chooses a 53 year old. I think that is because of her family history, not what you suggest. As for aging gracefully ..... not interested in that.
  12. No, people make an issue out of it. I posted many times without mentioning it. She is very hot and yes that's important. But like I said it's not just about looks. It's the lack of exes and also a younger girl is more fun, light hearted and spontaenous, easier to have fun with. They are more eager to please. There's lots of reasons to prefer a younger gf. Not just looks.
  13. She is weirdly not into clothes. I kept ordering dresses on Lazada for her, so she now has a proper wardrobe. I bought her a new phone and a laptop out of myself, because I thought she needed it and she uses them every day. Her friends are in Bangkok, she flew her in the north to be with me. We go to dinner together.
  14. That's true, we go everywhere together. I work from home. I do think her getting a job and studying would be better for her.
  15. I don't like dealing with GF family either. I'm not looking forward to going to the country side and meeting the extended family. It's awful.
  16. Not true. I want a young girlfriend not just because of the looks. I had major issues with the previous Filipina having 6 exes she kept in constant touch with. I didn't want that. I want a girl who had almost no or very little history so I don't have to deal with exes. I don't like that. It's not just about physical apperance. Though that is of course also important.
  17. Lol, dude I saw the pictures and Tik Tok posts. I'm a lawyer, I do proper due diligence. She's legit and she had 2 boyfriends. If a girl lies about that, you find out sooner or later.
  18. Standards are very important. I quite agree. Yes some girls who are smart learn, and realise that Farang expect presents and then get some (not referring to your American she's obviously American). But there are girls who have a really giving nature, they give you presents for no reason at all, not just at Christmas or Birthday. It's a spectrum, some girls give a lot, some less, others nothing. It's not a thing that concerns me to be honest, though it's nice to get gifts of course. If I want something I buy it.
  19. I'd love to send pics, but for security reasons I won't. Too many crazies out here and I'm still with her, unlike you.
  20. I can, but I won't. But I can assure you mine is slimmer, taller and considerably better looking. Yours is not bad, but too chunky for my taste.
  21. How to get your discipline?
  22. Agreed, most people come off keto when they reach their goal. And then promptly put the weight back on. I guess if you're doing just carbo restricted but not full blown keto it might keep it off for longer. After you've done Keto I mean.
  23. No, I think you were just lucky you had a string of giving girls. Some girls are like that. Others are not. That doesn't mean they don't like you, it just means they don't have a giving nature, often because they don't get gifts themselves from their own family. I remember my Filipina being shocked I'd give a present at Christmas, she never got one from her own family at Christmas. That's the norm in Phil btw.
  24. Lol, that's the one I have! Love it, but I didn't realise it was German. It's really well made and never lets me down. It is very similar to this Bialetti, so I thought it was just a knock off. https://shopee.co.th/product/459203401/12246588486?gads_t_sig=VTJGc2RHVmtYMTlxTFVSVVRrdENkWVp3RFo3Mkw5czd4Z0hzdEF1WVFibjBLcDNHSW9zd2c5b2h0N1V4WUZEUmtJTlJoMkdseGlnUmhsUlROREtKUjBkUzZCQ0d4eVRIWFdDNkRvR0VIR0lrQ2tsbFpmcW5tUGppSTN4QURwUkQ&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwnqK1BhBvEiwAi7o0XwnIFCIX2TtJilMbZfeAjrpxIysOjFH0d6zR6nWSqbM1HGKseKqibxoCPgQQAvD_BwE Anyway, I had a DeLonghi at home and this Moka Pot makes Espresso that is on a level with that machine. You can't ask for more really. Unless you pay stupid money for a top of the range Espresso machine which is of course going to give the best result of all.
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