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Everything posted by Cameroni

  1. That's such a shame, if you ever come around during the good air season hit me up and I'll show the best places.
  2. Charles Murray's Bell Curve research was ground breaking at the time, but he was buried under a pile of political correct condemnation as well because there is a dirty secret that dare not speak its name, IQ difference among races.
  3. Chiang Mai is clearly one of the best place to live in Thailand, for a few months the air is poor, but you can easily head to the islands then. No wonder the US press is reporting these stories, Chiang Mai never disappoints.
  4. There can be no doubt Trump would steer the economy far better than Harris, who suggested in all seriousness she would fix inflation by fixing prices, which would cause inflation.
  5. I saw the same report about the military being authorized to use lethal force against US citizens. Once Trump is in the White House, I suspect someone will try to kill him.
  6. She should pay the price. Classless and disrespectful to bang someone in the former shared accomodation. Sue her for all she's worth.
  7. But you're attacking the person, not the political stance. Any billionaire businessman will have court cases and bankruptcies. Party lifestyle, okay a while ago, now he's an elderly golfer. Sounds pretty conservative. He's not a skydiver.
  8. Conservatism is NOT easy to understand. Read the Road to Serfdom and tell me if that's easy reading. If you want to truly understand conservative principles it's actually a highly intellectual exercise. What "new concepts" do you think Harris voters understand which Trump voters don't understand? It's preposterous. I think Jordan Peterson often gets it right, but on this one he's a bit off. And Trump is very obviously a conservative, he wants to conserve the ethnic make up of America, he wants to save US industry, he wants moderation on abortion, how is Trump not a conversative?
  9. Well, you have to look at the substance, not the dust jacket. Trump seems a bona fide right wing nationalist, and nationalists are always conservative. Of course Trump is conservative, he wants to conserve the non-hispanic, non-black make up of the US with his anti-immigration policy, he wants to save US industry with tariffs, abortion moderation, how is he NOT conservative?
  10. Yes, he even wrote an essay saying he was not a conservative. However, he was in fact a conservative: F A Hayek was in fact a Conservative https://www.adamsmith.org/blog/f-a-hayek-was-in-fact-a-conservative
  11. No, it doesn't. Trump followers are not idiots. Conservatives are not idiots. Friedrich Hayek was a conservative and he was intellectually more gifted than any Kamala Harris voter ever will be.
  12. Lol, Geraldo should be writing for "Hola". His time is well past. Nobody listens to him.
  13. What a shock, she is so steadfast and principled normally. Her values never change. This little snippet of an article does not examine her records as a prosecutor in detail, if you do that you'll really be filled with wonder how this person is a candidate for president.
  14. That is a cardinal rule, that you never hit up a girl that's been on there 2 years, a year, 6 months. Ideally you want a girl that's just signed up. After 2 weeks, better you don't contact them.
  15. Yes, now you're known as from the "Land of street defecators".
  16. It's nice you were involved in an association to help guys. In terms of Thai women, however, I think we need to be careful too. I hear too many stories of men really taken advantage of in Thailand, disloyal Thai women who cheat and lie, I don't think we can assume Thai women are angels in this regard.
  17. Thank you for your kind comments. Some people can look at reality and judge it on its merits. Others have to invent a wholly imaginary narrative since they want to view Ukraine as the innocent hero, but it is a lot more complicated than that. I still stand by what I said, in this conflict it was Russia that was lied to and Russia has a right to protect its territorial integrity, including by the means of war.
  18. No women are inherently not happy. What is worse, they used to have moral authority but now they have become the most immoral people of all. All they are after is their advantage, like men. Just look at Kamala Harris, bending with the wind, whatever direction, to pretend she believes in tough immigration rules, gun ownership, fracking. All transparent lies. This breakdown of trust permeates society now, men cannot trust women anymore, and even if they can then only because they are ugly and have no other option and depend on the money of the man. A loyal, grateful, happy and attractive woman who cares for others but not herself, only for her children at most, you could basically look for gold. As a man, you have to assume they just want your lifestyle. It's so sad.
  19. What's really interesting is that in Thailand too now the dating apps have women specifying an age range and reply rates are similar to the US.
  20. Then there's that of course, the laws favour women massively.
  21. This sounds like a joke, but data from dating sites shows that around 80% of women like only the top 20% of men in terms of attractiveness. So indeed sexual access is more and more concentrated in the hands of a few men. Tinder usage data was collected and statistically analyzed to determine the inequality in the Tinder economy. It was determined that the bottom 80% of men (in terms of attractiveness) are competing for the bottom 22% of women and the top 78% of women are competing for the top 20% of men. The Gini coefficient for the Tinder economy based on “like” percentages was calculated to be 0.58. This means that the Tinder economy has more inequality than 95.1% of all the world’s national economies. In addition, it was determined that a man of average attractiveness would be “liked” by approximately 0.87% (1 in 115) of women on Tinder. https://medium.com/@worstonlinedater/tinder-experiments-ii-guys-unless-you-are-really-hot-you-are-probably-better-off-not-wasting-your-2ddf370a6e9a
  22. Yes, it is hard to understand why more men do not flood to Asia, though I suppose the cultural obstacles, language, education, economic class do present serious issues for many who want a long term relationship. The ideal clearly is to marry someone from your own culture, who speaks your language, shares your background and is better to communicate with. Clearly not at any price though, if she insists on things that are unreasonable Thailand, Russia, Brasil, there are many other options.
  23. ' They have become a little more demanding now, 200,000 USD a year, 6ft and minor celebrity status is what you see on Tik Tok as common demands. I suppose if you have great sense of humour it still helps to stand out and show you have some social status, though hard to make the transition from clown to sexual option. Even if that is accomplished the real stress would start in terms of waiting to see if there is loyalty, an absence of neuroticism, bipolar issues, etc.
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