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Everything posted by Cameroni

  1. PsychHack is superb, well worth watching anything with Orion Taraban.
  2. You clearly don't know Russians very well, and you know history even less. If you did you would know that Russia was deceived by NATO, lied to by NATO and NATO expanded towards Russia even though it promised not to do so. Even though Russia repeatedly voiced its concerns against this NATO encirclement. Even at the Bucharest NATO conference in 2008 where Putin was invited and strongly objected to the announcment Ukraine will become a NATO member. You would also know that Ukraine refused to pay its gas bill, banned Russia social media and generally left the Donbass to rot. For your information I have been to Russia many times and know Russians very well. The West is most definitely responsible for this war in Ukraine. Don't tell me you don't know that Boris Johnson flew into Ukraine after Russia and Ukraine had already been negotiating and Zelesnky had publicly announced that Ukraine would not join NATO, they were about to sign when Boris Johnson told Zelensky if he signed the West will not support Ukraine, let us just fight and we will supply billions of dollars and weapons. All of course, with the aim to weaken Russia. The Ukraine war is a conpiracy by the West over many years and culminating in this Boris Johnson visit. The West is the evil side. The Russians are the good guys here. It is Ukraine that needs to live next to Russia. And if Ukraine cannot stop poking Russia in the eye with a stick, then it will have to pay the price.
  3. They are afraid. They know Trump can win Pensylvania and then it's game over. It's the fear talking.
  4. Yes, they want 16 year olds to vote, immigrants to vote, and the Electoral College abolished. Any rules or traditions, nothing is sacred.
  5. Probably an Australian. They bang anything with a pulse.
  6. Oh my Godddd! Did he? That's, that's... Outright.. Well... Almost... My God... I'm so shocked...
  7. Great articles. They're terrified. Walz and Harris know Trump just needs Pennsylvania and they can go home. They're terrified, bless' em.
  8. We don't need the cigar musings of Uncle Joe, we have the actual figures for Lend lease. We can just look at them. Lend Lease gave Russia 7,000 US tanks, however by themselves the Russians produced 29,569 combat vehicles. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_combat_vehicle_production_during_World_War_II The Russians no more needed US Lend Lease than they needed Barra's granddad. They would have won the war against the Wehrmacht anyway.
  9. He may well be real. You can't know either way. Maybe you're in for a shock when you arrive at the pearly gates.
  10. Good find and interesting read. However, the way politicians nowadays get around the constitution is by interpreting it, and they will interpret it as allowing women, no matter what.
  11. It's quite interesting, when I was a Cayman lawyer earning 6 figures I got my then wife a job as a secretary. She earned 60,000 dollars on top of my salary. Do you think she paid for the rent, food or necessities? No. All saved for her. I had a female lawyer colleague, who had a handyman husband, I have to assume she paid the very expensive rent and food costs at the time. I would say in the lower economic stratas where both have to work they have to pool it all together, but where the man earns more, or the sole income, he would pay for everything. Or if the woman does, then she would. That's my experience. I've never met these people who supposedly do everything half half and split costs exactly and have serious doubts they exist.
  12. I know, it's really hard for rockstars and supermodels like us. We just want to be left alone, but all the throngs of people constantly, so annoying.
  13. No it's not. The UK could have been playing cricket during the whole war and it would have ended the same, with the Russian army defeating the Wehrmacht. Had the UK fallen it would have been irrelevant, since the Soviets massively outstripped the Wehrmacht in tanks, planes and materiel. The Germans just didn't know it because Fremde Heere Ost did shoddy work.
  14. Good God no! He was an actual knight. Lutheran.
  15. Milky white.
  16. Not so, Cullen's fridge was rudimentary and unreliable. Only when Carl von Linde improved it was the fridge viable for industry.
  17. Anyone who claims any army other than the Russian army defeated the Wehrmacht is talking utter and absolute nonsense. That's not an "insult" to anyone, that is just stating realistic facts.
  18. I also would not like to live in Phuket. Chiang Mai is much more tolerable and has more to offer, so you can stay longer here.
  19. Up to you. What game though? I am completely serious. Without your granddad the Russian army would still have defeated the Wehrmacht. Your granddad played a bit part. The Russian army played the central role.
  20. Betargo now make a suite of German sausages that are passable. I agree, while TGM have some okay imitations of German sausages, which are the best in the world, they cannot get it exactly right. If you want the real deal Tops sometimes sell actual German sausages, prices are eye watering though, above 500 Baht for a pack. They are excellent though. Otherwise, if value is a concern the Betargo suite of German sausages is the best option. TGM do a good Chorizo sausage though.
  21. The Wehrmacht was defeated by one army, and one army alone. The Russian Army. Without his granddad Russia would still have defeated the Wehrmacht. Without the Russian army his granddad and him would now be speaking German.
  22. Yes, that's a problem. You should view her statements from the lens of an employer. I look at her statements and ask "would she talk like this to an employer"? If that's not the case I call her on how her statement is not acceptable. I try to nip inappropriate tone in the bud. Not always easy.
  23. The evidence does not support your generalisation, you are the exception if it is true what you are saying. This is how it normally works: "Both saw him as the main earner and both considered that he controlled the family finances. They had a joint account, into which his salary was paid, while her salary was paid into her own account." "We have a joint account into which his money goes and the household expenditure is made from." https://www.researchgate.net/publication/240260310_Couples_and_their_money_patterns_of_accounting_and_accountability_in_the_domestic_economy
  24. I am laughing at you. And your fantasy world where men and women work in perfect harmony each paying half for rent and food. This is misinformation. It is not how it works. It is always one party, almost always the man, sometimes the woman, who pays the rent and food. There is no "partnership".
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