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Everything posted by Cameroni

  1. Yes, they both work in the UK, and the man pays the mortgage, the food and the woman uses the money for herself. That is how it works. Sure, people can work together on building a house, but when it comes to actual expenses the man pays the rent and food. There is no partnership.
  2. What a wonderful world you inhabit. In your own mind. Where women are not paid for, and work as a team with the men. Excuse me while I laugh my ass off, but if you ask these Thai men who pays the mortgage, the rent, the food, etc and I can guarantee you with 100% certainty it is the Thai men. The Thai woman pays for herself. She would not pay for the man. This is how it works the world over.
  3. Of course Russia is justified to invade the Ukraine, the Ukraine issue threatened Russia's national security. Civilians and POWs are sacrosanct. Just as the Ukrainians who committed war crimes in Russia should be punished for it, so should those Russians responsible for such crimes. However, you can take your suggetions and stick them where the sun don't shine.
  4. No your later father didn't stand up to Hitler, it was the Russians that stood up to Hitler and stopped him. This worn out narrative that everyone we don't like is a Hitler and if you negotiate you're Chamberlain, blah blah blah, it's a Clown from the past. Just like Saddam was supposedly Hitler and had Weapons of mass destruction, all lies, instigated by NeoCons who wanted a war for their ends. Pathetic are people like you who buy into this nonsense. So that hundreds of thousands of women and children die, for nothing.
  5. Lol, "true love". First you need to understand there is no such thing. Love is a fantasy of the soul, that can be triggered, ie ignited, by a smart woman, it may SEEM real to you, and to her too, but it is not actually REAL. It's just a fantasy of the mind. This applies in Asia, Europe, North America and everywhere else. It is unknown in the entire world as far as the female sex is concered, the "equal partners" fantasy is a MALE fantasy where we transpose our ideal into the relationship, however, women don't want equal partnership. They want the Prince and to feel small and look up, and enjoy the fruits of being with the Prince. Equal Partner is your ideal, not hers.
  6. Very, true and in the political process the left has now come up with a new tactic, The silent treatment. They will refuse to deal with political opponents, even if they won the most votes in an election, and thereby sabotage their efforts to get things done. Like the ostrich that sticks its head in the sand, the leftists try to just keep to themselves. They don't understand that this only breeds more contempt for them.
  7. Indeed, this illustrates the difficulty of talking about "White", "Coloured" or even "race", as these words are now scientifically meaningless. Instead you can talk about gene clusters, say, which is incredibly precise and backed up by genetic data. But the number of gene clusters is mind-boggling.
  8. Slim is good. You can still be attractive at 80, but it is exceptionally hard. Lots of work.
  9. No. That's wrong. And a juvenile approach. Clearly they do not have to be stopped at ALL cost, if the cost is a nuclear war that would destroy the whole planet, then that cost is too high.
  10. So the rest is terrible?
  11. No they're not. It's already criminalised.
  12. So if you want to have a succesful relationship in Thailand basically make sure that your Thai gf has a Doctor's degree from Harvard. And also make sure she holds a political office of substance. Problem solved. Ok, thanks guys.
  13. Yes, I understand it's not an optimal situation to have a disgruntled headsman next door. But you or the lady paid good money for this land. Lucky you paid a low price so the 30000 eviction cost is still tenable. How big is this land and what purpose did you have in mind? You could A) evict him and live with the disgruntled neighbour B) Evict him then sell the land C) Try to work out a deal with him. If you offer him 30000 to leave the land, maybe he would take it? Is there any other option?
  14. So "Kamala", is Netanyahu a reliable ally of the US? "Well, first of all, I think that's the wrong question. It should be "is Run the World Girls" by Beyonce better than "Shake it Off" by Taylor Swift". As my mother told me when I was raised in a coconut tree as a proud Aboriginal woman, never ask the wrong question!" Thank you for your elquent answer Kamala.
  15. I agree with your proposed course of action in terms of pursuing legal action. However, I do not think he will play ball. If he has no money he has no money, and whether you give him 6 or 12 months it is unlikely he will pay. The only real option is to pursue an eviction and get him off the land. If you play nice with him, give him a long time to pay, this will be construed as weakness and he will drag things out and still not pay or leave. Only if a robust legal document is presented would he change his mind to do something. This is my belief.
  16. I like how you apologise to the beauticians of the world, they are very easily offended. Good job, That piece by Renaud is not worthy of any critique. To say China owns Russia is obviously the product of a sick fantasist mind. The second article, even the title is already a failure. Russia can't afford to lose and can't afford to win? What??? Because Russia can't rebuild the infrastructure? Has this part time non-tenured Lancaster lecturer ever set foot in Russia? They've built structures only matched by New York, if there's one thing the Russians can do is build giant infrastructure. If he had ever been to Russia he would know that the last concern Russia has is a crumbling infrastructure. It's ludicrous. Russia is fighting for its very survival as an independent nation. As a unique and proud culture, unbeholden to the US, like the slaves in Europe. We should all support Russia in this glorious aim. If there's no money to build a bridge this year, do you think they care? They'll build it in 2 or 3 years. It's a non-issue. Besides, the very notion that Russia could lose this war is laughable. There is absolutely no conceivable possibility that Russia could lose this war with things as they stand. Russia is winning. And Russia will win this war.
  17. Didn't Dr No want to create a hot war between the US and Russia? So actually Kamala Harris is the real Dr No. Since she has already promised to pour more gasoline on the fire in Ukraine, thereby increasing all our chances to witness a nuclear war first hand. Low IQ genes are a thing, have you not read Charles Murray's Bell Curve? But I ask too much, go listen to Boom Clap some more. I know you love it.
  18. Yes it is. It impugns my honour and suggests I would steal from a store where I just left money to contribute to their profit. They just stole from ME and they check my receipt? It's outrageous.
  19. Undocumented immigrants only contribute 10% to the total output of those industries. That won't be impossible to survive for most. "Those include agriculture, leisure and hospitality and construction, where undocumented workers contribute roughly 10% of those industries’ total output, according to Queens College labor economist Francesc Ortega, who has published numerous papers on the economics of immigration.! " these workers could be replaced by the more than seven million working-age men who are legally in the country but not in the labor force." Inreased mechanization will be another way companies will deal with it. https://immigrantfood.com/mass-deportation-would-hit-these-industries-the-hardest/
  20. Which ones are of particular concern to you?
  21. Not at all. The real reasons for Russia's steallar economic performance currently is Putin's genius fiscal policy. He saved yesterday to spend today, when he needs it. Yes a small part is spent on the military, but the overwhelming majority of the spending goes to other areas. Infrastructure is one. Then they are attracting investment from India and China. Like I said, many factors, most not related to military spending.
  22. Well, this is disappointing on so many levels. I thought you had read the Economist article, but there are none so blind as those who refuse to see. The facts are there. if you want to rather believe bull<deleted> articles written by beautician with no knowledge of reality, up to you. China now owns Russia, lol, people write some nonsense on here.
  23. As of 2023, the military expenditure share of Saudi Arabia's GDP was about 7.09 percent. So would you say military spending drives the Saudi economy, that Saudia Arabia is a war economy? Algeria's military spending is 8.2 percent of GDP. Is Algeria's economy drivien by military spending? Is Algeria a war economy? 10% of GDP is minimally above levels other nations spend in peace time. It is most definitely not the reason why Russia's economyis blooming. The reasons for this are explained in the Economist article. Since you can read it, don't forget to read those parts. I've kindly pasted them above.
  24. No, it's not the main reason. There are a whole raft of more important reason. It's a contributing factor of small magnitude. Your quote does not prove your claim in the slightest. Re-read the above exercept from the Economist and you will easily understand the real reason for the stellar economic performance in Russia. Putin saved in years of austerity and then spent big, also on infrastructure.
  25. If Trump can get that done it will change the world. Other countries will copy it. But I fear there will be a ton of opposition in the US to get it done.
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