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Everything posted by Cameroni

  1. What a great idea. This man is a genius! The overblown taxation of Americans has to be simplified. How does he come up with all this stuff? Incredibly brilliant.
  2. I think it's a fair point, Spain feels agrieved because the British have occupied Gibraltar. But Spain is equally occupying Ceuta and Melilla. Surely that's a fair point?
  3. Obviously Trump. Harris has already said she will pour more gasoline on the Ukraine fire, potentially edging the US closer to a nuclear war with Russia. Trump on the other hand is a realistic chance, not guarantee, but chance, to end the Ukraine war. Nuclear holocaust or peace? Hmmmm, tough one.
  4. So your favourite island is not Koh Phangan but you would choose it if you stayed one year. So your favourite island is very small and gets boring after 2 weeks?
  5. This is why the feminists have taken over the world. You can see it on this thread. It's not the feminists. It's the enablers from our own ranks. Our traitors. Feminism on its own would be nothing, but the army of male enablers makes it what it is the today.
  6. What do you want from me Charlie??!!! I sing the praises of Thailand all day long! The best massages, the best culinary options by far from all over the world (yes, there are better Chinese restaurants in Chicago and Shanghai but you won't get the variety and options), best housing pound for pound, lovely friendly people, festivals non-stop, fast internet, no typhoons like in Phil, tourist lifestyle all year, I mean I say this non stop....What more do you want Charlie???
  7. You are seriously dim, but are not aware of it, clearly. I said the ex wife got a salary, she worked for the money.I never had to pay her a cent, she made plenty of money. The law firm she worked for paid her 60,000, I did not. That woman was fantastically loyal and there was never a question of "paying to retain her", what are you on about? If the takings in the restaurant were 12,000 a week, even with a high profit margin of 10% that's 1000 per week. Hardly big coin. 140,000 a year plus 4000 a month but you bought "a few houses" that are worth millions now? How? That income is nowhere near enough to "buy a few houses worth milions". You'd have to put down 200,000 deposit for a house worth one million, but you bought them like confetti on a 140K salary? Do tell how, lol. I bought a house in the sought after area of St Albans in 1998, even in 2024 that 4bed house is only worth 500,000., Anyway, I was able to buy houses, whilst they're not worth millions, retaining my autonomy is priceless, being tied to a 60 year old aging woman because of finances would be my idea of a living nightmare. My two kids also go to private school, btw, hardly a big accomplishment, tons of guys on here send their kids to private school.
  8. Yes, it's a widely held view that current British comedy is not as good as it used to be. John Cleese has commented on this, and said that nobody would produce Monty Python today. It is most likely connected with the current crop of TV executives being mostly women, who are naturally unfunny and naturally inclined towards woke PC-dom. Even Jerry Seinfeld said this kills comedy.
  9. No thanks.
  10. What a beautiful woman though. Like a picture. A real pearl of the Caribbean. And brains like a machine gun.
  11. She married an English Lord, I do not think she needs to bother with politics for real. She is set for life. Already 3 kids.
  12. Exactly. She is just unpredictable enough to keep the Ukrainians in line
  13. Smart, intelligent, a mother and homemaker. No wonder the left hate her.
  14. It is very social!
  15. MDMA more your thing?
  16. My God, he gave a Covid test to help people, how dare the evil Satan...Kamala is beside herself..lol...
  17. I am in celebration mood, just got a big Swiss client. Not EU!! NOT EU!! Do not lynch me!
  18. Keir Starmer is not British, he is a German agent. His real name is Klaus Stürmer. Virst we unleash ze ciwil war. Zen yoo givv up ze colonies. For nozzing..mwahahwhaha, for nozzing ad ahlll....hahahahaha Zen, wen ze time is ripe, we vill bring Ursula to take full Kontrol. Mwahahahaha....
  19. Howard Stern and Kamala Harris. What a classy interview. Two classy people. Doing classy stuff. Like wishing people dropped dead of Covid. Class all the way.
  20. Young white women are turning queer? What???
  21. Candace Owens would make a great president!
  22. The UK has had a number of female leaders. Look how great it is doing now.
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