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Everything posted by Cameroni

  1. This sounds like a joke, but data from dating sites shows that around 80% of women like only the top 20% of men in terms of attractiveness. So indeed sexual access is more and more concentrated in the hands of a few men. Tinder usage data was collected and statistically analyzed to determine the inequality in the Tinder economy. It was determined that the bottom 80% of men (in terms of attractiveness) are competing for the bottom 22% of women and the top 78% of women are competing for the top 20% of men. The Gini coefficient for the Tinder economy based on “like” percentages was calculated to be 0.58. This means that the Tinder economy has more inequality than 95.1% of all the world’s national economies. In addition, it was determined that a man of average attractiveness would be “liked” by approximately 0.87% (1 in 115) of women on Tinder. https://medium.com/@worstonlinedater/tinder-experiments-ii-guys-unless-you-are-really-hot-you-are-probably-better-off-not-wasting-your-2ddf370a6e9a
  2. Yes, it is hard to understand why more men do not flood to Asia, though I suppose the cultural obstacles, language, education, economic class do present serious issues for many who want a long term relationship. The ideal clearly is to marry someone from your own culture, who speaks your language, shares your background and is better to communicate with. Clearly not at any price though, if she insists on things that are unreasonable Thailand, Russia, Brasil, there are many other options.
  3. ' They have become a little more demanding now, 200,000 USD a year, 6ft and minor celebrity status is what you see on Tik Tok as common demands. I suppose if you have great sense of humour it still helps to stand out and show you have some social status, though hard to make the transition from clown to sexual option. Even if that is accomplished the real stress would start in terms of waiting to see if there is loyalty, an absence of neuroticism, bipolar issues, etc.
  4. Exactly right, and NATO is a military organisation that was expressly formed to fight with the Russians on top. Its whole reason for being is to defeat Russia.
  5. No, I have had excellent experience with women, there was only one truly bad person, but she was excellent in bed. Only a few decades ago nobody would have doubted a woman's place in society. The only reason you say that is because our society is no longer a society. It's a woman's playground now.
  6. Following our exchange I went to Nasi Jumpru today. It was a good reminder of just how good Nasi Jumpru is. As starters of course the crip battered Lychee stuffed with minced pork in satay sauce was a must, I also ordered the ham and cheese spring rolls as I had a taste for cheese. Obviously the filled Lychee was the star, but the ham and cheese spring rolls were excellent. I couldn't decide between the Hang Lay ribs with roti and the duck in red curry so I ordered both, the girlfriend ordered the barbecuded mackarel. The duck in red curry was very good, high quality duck meat in big juicy chunks, however, the Hang Lay ribs really were the highlight. They reminded me of these beef short ribs I had in an Indian restaurant, incredibly tender but still with excellent bite. Nice cocktails, alas with too much ice as always. Now, what really takes Nasi Jumpru a notch above the competition is the eclectic artful decor, which really entertains and pleases the eye, the soft western music and the excellent unobtrusive service. The giant red sofa and plush chairs and attractive table also round out an accomplished ambience. Bit of a drive, but very worth it. Especially because it is not too crowded due to its location. Highly rate Nasi Jumpru today still.
  7. Indeed. I dread to think of the money I spent on this Filipina too. I also financed her mom's handbag store for a while. Of course it folded anyway. Now she sponges off a Filipino sailor. I almost wrote to the guy to warn him what a cheating ho he married, but thought the better of it.
  8. I'll take herpes over a Filipina any day.
  9. My God, you were so lucky, because she was so young. Mine was old already, 24 when we met. She'd tasted the rainbow before. Plus I was very stupid then.
  10. Filipinas are on another level regarding serial dating. The poverty turns them into immoral vampires. Never again.
  11. You really should not, you dodged a bullet. She probably had a guy lined up 2 weeks after your HK holiday as well. Great decision. I sank 200000 USD into that lying manhole. Paid for her sister's surgery, her father's funeral, her laptop, her bills, handbag, iPhone, etc etc, she demanded 60000 pesos allowance at one point. Then wrote her ex behind my back in my bedroom on the iPhone I got her. Filipinas were sent from God to punish us.
  12. Probably not, this was 8 years ago. We went to Bantayan afterwards. She was texting another guy secretly after her bedroom happiness, I later found out. After that holiday she waited for 2 weeks then went on another 3 week fornication holiday and didn't tell me about it. The only women that ever played me like this. To this day I will never trust a Filipina again.
  13. You are kidding! I stayed there with my Filipina!
  14. Unfortunately the world is full of desperate men. There should be a law making it illegal to send money in excess of 40 USD to Filipinas and Thai girls on dating sites. Then all money paid should be repaid by the party dissolving the relationship. Men are screwed by women in so many ways we need to protect these poor creatures afflicted by libido so badly it affects their rational thought.
  15. Johnson was a disaster and a lying clown, one has to admit it. I liked him at first, but boy was I wrong.
  16. I am seeing a massive backlash by men against the feminist delusion. One day the Kings will return.
  17. I obviously meant in media discourse and politics, not artillery assaults. Jesus Christ...
  18. Talk. I'm kidding. But they should concentrate on being mothers and traditional wives and raise children. All else leads to chaos. You can't have the cow instructing the bull.
  19. You're not wrong, feminism has truly poisoned male female relationships, even fat uglyl women now think they are a "prize" and expect a man to make 200,000K. I even had a deluded Filipina, who grew up on a cow farm (!!!!) demand a Louis Vuitton bag of me, can you believe the entitlement? This woman slept with her adult sisters until age 29, the highest paying job she had was working in a hairdressing salon. They have gone crazy. If they think they have a halfway passable face the man has to be 6.2, make 200K and be a semi-celebrity on Insta or Tik Tok. They have totally lost it.
  20. Well, I was making plenty of scooby snacks, why would I take her chow? I bought the very large 4bed house in St Albans in 1998 it cost72000 GBP, now worth 500,000 GBP, but even if you bought in 1985 fo 42000 it's not worth millions now, nor is the one from 1994, but the 750K is just about within the realms of the possible, so you made 640K, not bad, but not millions is it? You don't have to tell me the cost of private school, I went to a British private school mysellf, there's huge price differentials. What do you mean if you lied, you DID lie, you said millions and actually made about 640K you lying hound. And now your brother has hundreds of millions? Lol. This is like brothers Grimm...
  21. Why would Russia trust anything NATO says after it has been lying to Russia for the last 34 years? Especially on a matter of life and death and national survival? If they were terrified before of NATO encirclement, imagine with NATO boots on the ground? If faced with its own destruction why would Russia not unleash nuclear weapons to at least have a chance of national survival?
  22. I don't think you understand what you're saying. If NATO openly unleashes a hot war against Russia in Ukraine, that's clearly a step on the escalation ladder. It would signficantly increase the risk of nuclear war between Russia and the NATO countries, because conventionally Russia is no match for NATO, so a hot war on the boder with Russia which leaves Russia exposed to invasion by NATO, that could clearly escalate very easily into a nuclear war if Russia thinks its souvereignty is endangered. To their credit even Biden and Harris did not come up with that.
  23. That has more to do with his rocket passion. If he moved for taxes he could move to Wyoming or Delaware or Nevada.
  24. Not a good idea. If it were to come to the point where Russia is in a corner they could use nukes. That would complicate things. Better the West ends the conflict.
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