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Everything posted by Cameroni

  1. I see comedy is a hobby. Don't give up the day job, just in case.
  2. Ms Harris had said that "there is no question I'm in favour of banning fracking" during a CNN town hall in 2019. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3ejw1kd7ndo She flip-flopped. And she didn't do so because of global economic reasons. She now loves fracking because Biden and Harris realised that fracking is big in Pennsylvania and they need to support it to win that state.
  3. She was involved in the Trulove case, as sure as there's angels in heaven. She was at the court when the verdict was read out and laughed in his face when he was led away to death row. Then it turned out he was innocent.
  4. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-51539112
  5. That was 4 years ago, not in Thailand but in a country where this is not supposed to happen.
  6. I think you'll find it's sending innocent people to death row which is the issue with her prosecutorial record.
  7. My uncle died from a supposed routine stent procedure.
  8. Oh of course, except that. And normal volleyball too.
  9. How would you feel if people came to your country to take all the women? And worse, the women go for that?
  10. Yes, at heart Kamala Harris is the most liberal politician in US politics today, She supports Gaza, but threw the Palestinians under the bus because she knows she now has to sing the Israeli hymn sheet. She gave up her environmental objections because she knows fracking is big inPennsylvania and she needs the votes there. She supported BLM but no longer supports defunding. She supports immigration, but no longer wants to abolish ICE, instead calls to fund it. Is this a real conversion? Obviously not. It's purely expeditious in order to gain votes, so she can be president. God knows what she would unleash then. But thankfully we will never find out.
  11. I was surprised as well the BBC would do such a fairly even minded article on that interview. Sadly, I can not find a single fair minded even handed article on the Trump Musk interview. They're all frothing at the mouth.
  12. Why stop there? Why not go with all the semitic peoples?
  13. You mean like how Trump always did not want to bank fracking, and now Harris suddenly changed her mind and sees no issue with fracking? 😂 You know, because fracking is big in Pennsylvania and Harris needs the votes of that swing state?
  14. Come on, let's be real. She's reversed her position on fracking because it's a widely used practice in Pennsylvania, and she knows that's a crucial swing state and wants the votes because she's desperate to be president. It has nothing to do with "global economic context is different". That was an environmental issue.
  15. That's a fair point, if even the BBC focuses on the policy reversals Harris has performed this is because it was made a topic. Still, to ask "Can voters rely on you to have the same policy when you become president" is a soft question, when she could have further explored the endless u-turns Harris has engaged in. Like with banning fracking, she could have asked "So did you reverse your position on banning fracking because it is a widely used practice in Pennsylvania, which is a swing state?" At least the BBC picked up on this.
  16. Aye, politicians and truth, it's like women's sports and ticket sales.
  17. Sure it is. You spend your free time on the internet inciting hatred against a religion. 😂 What a perfect life, lol.
  18. Well, not really, let's look at an impartial observer, the BBC. You can gauge the tenor of that article is to highlight Harris' lies and changes of position, rather than outright lauding her for a job well done. The vice-president was forced to defend the White House's economic track record, as inflation and high cost-of-living prices continue to hurt Americans. Polls have regularly suggested that voters would prefer Mr Trump's handling of the economy. But the most tense exchanges centred on the evolution of her policy positions. Ms Harris did not explain her reversal on banning fracking - a technique for recovering gas and oil from shale rock used by an industry that is particularly strong in the battleground state of Pennsylvania. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3ejw1kd7ndo So the BBC is politely saying "Kamala Harris you lied, and we know why you reversed your position on fracking, because it's widely used in the swing state Pennsylvania". Nowhere does the BBC say Harris did a good job.
  19. It's really a reason to pity US voters, not only do they not get a real choice, the people who they can vote for just lie through their teeth.
  20. Of course they wanted to put Harris in the middle to make it look like she was the centre of attention. But no matter where you put her she can't command a room. She lacks charisma.
  21. The whole interview was a lie. "I have not changed my values"...WHATT???????? Before you were for defunding the police. Now not. You wanted to ban fracking. Now not. You wanted to have single payer healthcare. Now not. You wanted to abolish ICE. Now you want to fund it. But I suppose she was right, back then she said whatever would get her into office, and now too she says anything that will get her into office. So in reality her values have not changed. In as much as her values are "Me me me me me me me".
  22. Extremely soft questioning. "Can voters be sure your current positions will be the ones after you get elected?" instead of "Why would any voter believe anything you say after you flip-flopped on single payer health care, defunding the police, abolishing ICE and banning fracking". Or "Are you not just saying whatever will get you elected, rather than sticking to a real policy"? Instead of a Paxman style real journalist she got another Ellen de Generes softly softly ride.
  23. Yes inflation, like in the West ,is an issue, that is the case. However, Russia is not doing well because it's a "war economy". Russia's economy is doing well because Russia had undergone years of austerity and saved gigantic cash reserves which enabled it to spend on increasing everything, from social benefits to infrastructure spending. Putin knew, that to get the support for his war he had to buy off the people, which he did superbly well. This seems to indicate that Putin had planned this war for a very long time. In fact Putin has scrupulously avoided creating a "war economy" on the home front. Things in Russia now are as they ever were, only better. Consumer spending is up. It's not "war economy" related for the most part.
  24. I had that once when I was dancing in a nightclub and this guy bumped into me. I accidentally bumped right back into him, only harder, and he and his friends confronted me "Do you want to go outisde"? I said, "Why not", and as we were walking out they came up with this story "we know the owner, it's better for you if you just get out of here". When I insisted, let's just settle this, they suddenly dispersed saying "never mind". Lol.
  25. Yes, indeed, the situation of the Ukraine is very unfortunate. The West is using them to fight a proxy war to weaken Russia, and Ukraine's leaders are happy to oblige, no doubt pocketing millions of the aid, like other Ukrainian leaders had done before, whilst the people of Ukraine pay the price for this madness. Russia has repeatedly indicated a willingness to neogtioate an end to the war, but rabid nationalist Ukrainian paramilitary groups on whom Zelensky relies for support don't want that.
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