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Everything posted by Cameroni

  1. Absolute rubbish. Your pal KhunLA keeps reposting ads for brandnew EVs that are cheaper than second hand petrol cars but they can't give them away. There are no takers. For the simple reason that many have understood that EVs lack the proper infrastructure to charge them still, so range continues to be an issue with EVs. So even when they're sold at ludicrously low prices the uptake for EVs is in decline. Because most people don't want them.
  2. At the time Trump defused a very dangerous situation. After his visit North Korea markedly reduced its threatening activities. Once Biden and Harris came into power, North Korea resumed its misbehavouir. The thing about Trump is that when it comes to real issues people know he means what he says. That is why Kamala had to give up her demands to change the debate rules last minute, because ABC and Harrisworld understood, if they don't give up the main attraction will walk away. Trump knows exactly what he's doing, he is respected by world leaders. No world leaders could ever respect a bumbling cackler like Kamala Harris.
  3. No, your political bias is showing. Otherwise you would recognise that Harris has not given any meaningful interview by herself despite being a candidate for the presidency. Whereas Trump has gone on several lengthy face to face interviews by himself. Your comparison with Trump is therefore a very poor one.
  4. I think you must be joking, to try and discredit the leading financial institution in the world with some childish wiki page.
  5. Yes, go worship a woman who in front of rolling cameras celebrates America's lasting alliance with the Republic of North Korea. Stupidity is her specialty
  6. Nobody gives a <deleted> about you or your family.
  7. Yes, a very good move at the time, but he didn't proclaim an enduring alliance with North Korea, because, you know, Trump was doing real politics. Not proclaiming nonsense in front of cameras.
  8. An alliance that is strong and enduring, between America and North Korea...hahahahaha'
  9. Total rubbish, as usual. Russia's economy is soaring becausing it spent years in austerity and saved. So it can spend now.
  10. Zelensky's plan to end the war with Russia: "Give me 87 trillion USD, 4000 nuclear missiles and 60000 Lepoard tanks. We will do the rest"... Biden said he will have to check with Kamala what America's chief ally North Korea thinks about this.
  11. What a hilarious article, I have half a mind to contact Maximilian Hess and ask how can a man be so wrong about literally everything. Lol.
  12. But imagine if Russia had not been forced to fight in WWII in place of the US and the UK, had not lost 20 million people, had not been forced to invade Ukraine, how much better would Russia's economy be now?
  13. It doesn't take a genius to figure it, the Ukraine could never win that war. Not in a million years. The only reason America is sending billions because they know every dollar makes Russia weaker.
  14. Nobody could live in Isaan unless they loved it. You probably are lording it over there like James Brooke. Private army and a throne.
  15. Congratulations, could you be a bit more specific about the above question, what does this refer to? They are asking for 6 months bank statements or you just provided that?
  16. Unfortunately I have to earn my money the hard way, so I'm a bit sensitive when it's invested in a way I'm not onboard with.
  17. Or it could just be that the economy in Russia is just really doing well?
  18. No, what I said is the truth, Goldman Sachs have the best financial analysts on the planet. And you instead relying on Statista, says more about you than Goldman Sachs, frankly.
  19. Yes I know, if I give it to her it's "her" money then, and she can do as she pleases in theory. But the notion that I'm effectively working and paying to maintain a woman who treated my girl quite badly, I just find it hard to accept.
  20. Russia's economic growth is not a result of military spending though. Any other ideas?
  21. I swear to God, the second I give my Thai partner money she sends it straight to her mother. I have to give her cash, so there's a chance this doesn't happen. Obviously that is a reason why I reduced the money.
  22. Wow!!! 4.6 %!!! So even more than the IMF predicted. That IS impressive. And low unemployment to boot? Well, I'll be.... What can we do to bring some of this Russian stellar economic performance to the West???
  23. If you really want an in depth analysis of why the Russian economy is soaring now, you can't do better than googling "The Economist Vladimir Putin spends big and sends Russia's economy soaring" There you will read that the reason Russia's economy is now doing very well is that Russia underwent years of austeriyt when it saved, and therefore Putin was able to spend big now and ignite the motor of the Russian economy.
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