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Everything posted by Cameroni

  1. Nobody wants a nuclear with Russia, which has over 5000 regularly serviced nuclear weapons. That is why the US, Britain and France are pussyfooting about and not sending troops into Ukraine. The fact that Macron even talked about it shows that he's dangerously insane and should be removed from power as soon as possible. Putin is definitely not stupid, which is why he and his advisors know that they could drop nukes on Ukraine and the West could never respond. Lest they risk nuclear war with Russia, which is equal to suicide.
  2. Lol, sure, I think I'll rather rely on Goldman Sachs than "Statista Market Insights"...tssssk
  3. Total nonsense. If Russia uses nukes in Ukraine the West could never respond. Because they know a nuclear confrontation with Russia could mean annihilation. Why would America et al be so careful not to put troops on the ground? Because they want to avoid a war with Russia.
  4. Just out of curiosity, why did you decide on Cambodia? Apart from keeping the family at bay, which is always a genius move.
  5. If anyone wants to learn about lying, they should get a Filipina girlfriend. It's no exaggeration to say that Filipinas are the most unscrupulous liars you will ever have the misfortune to meet.
  6. Not at all, if the Hydrogen ICE comes, the ICE will survive, albeit in somewhat modified form. You just don't know all the cutting edge research on hydrogen cars, that's being done in universities and car manufacturers, that's hardly surprising. As for EV's progressing every month, well not according to Goldman Sachs: So "Sales momentum for electric vehicles (EVs) is slowing globally, and hybrids (HEVs) and plug-in hybrids (PHEVs) are proving more competitive than first thought." "For one, we’re seeing rising concerns around EV capital costs due to lower prices being realized for used EVs. In the UK, for example, EV used car prices have fallen sharply in recent months. Two, uncertainty around a number of elections this year has decreased visibility on potential changes to government policies affecting the EV industry. The third and final concern is around a shortage of rapid-charging stations. As EV penetration accelerates, rapid charging station infrastructure issues have emerged as a tangible problem. Several automakers have said that concerns about driving range and charging infrastructure are increasing. These issues may lead consumers to have second thoughts about buying an EV." https://www.goldmansachs.com/insights/articles/why-are-ev-sales-slowing So electric cars clearly on the decline, hybrids on the up and hydrogen cars the next big thing.
  7. Of course not because Hydrogen cars would have a significant number of advantages over Bevs. Oh don't worry, they will come in the millions. Just a question of time.
  8. Very true. Of course the West, ie America and it's vassal states, have a vested interest in weakening Russia and dragging out the war as long as possible, regardless of whether the Ukraine can win or not. If Russia does use a nuclear device, it will again be because of actions by the West forcing Russia to go down this route.
  9. Lol, no it's not. Sam Evans is an electric car fanboy. He's a total nobody, has never worked in the auto-industry and his sole claim to fame is being a Youtuber. More anti hydrogen car drivel which is divorced from reality. What EV fan boys like Sam Evans fail to realise is that it's not just Toyota, but BMW, Hyundai, Kawasaki, Yamaha and others who are spending billions on the hydrogen engine. Their factories are already being subsidised by governments like the UK. One of the worst videos I have ever seen. On the one hand he claims new hydrogen ICE motor technology is revolutionary and incredibly efficient and on the other that the ICE is finished. Either hydrogen ICEs will come or the ICE is finished, it can't be both Sam Evans you pitiful fool.
  10. Germany will improve again. Good decisions are also being made, like building semi-conductor factories. It wasn't just energy where Germany depended on one source, also in many other areas of the economy, semi-conductors, like the rest of the world. But the good side of this is that Germans have realised they have to be more self reliant. They will build their own semi-conductor factories. What worries me is the lack of ability of the German ruling class, which is now permeated with people like Annalena Baerbock. These are people who lack the most basic achievements in economic or other fields, they have never demonstrated leadership, wisdom or ability. And their recent record underscores their lack of guile. Another knew jerk reaction if you recall was the total boycott of nuclear energy. A source which China is now heavily investing in and France was always smart enough to foster. There are many smart people in German inudstry, but in politics very , very mediocre people are in charge, and that's being charitable. They are driven by ideology and squander countles hours and efforts, not to mention tens of millions of Euro, on holocaust debates, memorials, immigration debates, equality and diversity nonsense. If you were to look at the time the German parliament squanders on nonsense it is most likely the majority. Like diverting motorways to save frogs. You can't make it up.
  11. Good point, Germany is indeed the only country to contract in Q2. The main reason for this is that German politicians have steered Germany worse than the other countries. Germany was uniquely dependent on Russian oil, but the knee jerk reaction by leftist politicians in Germany after the Ukraine invasion was to boycott their own main energy source. This not only cost enormous sums, as Germany had to build brandnew infrastructure to store different types of fuel, but it also caused German industry to ring the alarm bell due to unpredictable energy costs and general energy insecurity. This in turn scared off investors who don't want to invest in a place where energy security is not given or energy prices are through the roof, as they were in Germany thanks to decisions by German politicians. All this after they closed German needlessly with lockdowns which cost the German economy, many many milions. To fund the gigantic Nordstream project, only in order to cancel it at the last minute, beggars belief in terms of squandering tax payer money. Then of course there is the total insanity of countless billions handed over to Ukraine which cannot go into funding subsidies for foreign investments, infrastructure or other measure that benefit the economy. It was a boost for Rheinmetall, but a loss for other sectors of the economy. Despite Scholz big words, of course he's finally realised he needs to cut the free handouts to Ukraine., but he'll still pour a few billion in. Crazy. Germany was already suffering from Chinese competition, German car makers make the best electric vehicle but in the mass market they are unable to compete with China. Same with solar and many other industries. I was just in Germany a few weeks ago, the high street is dying because Germans have no money to shop. All the quality shops disappeared and are replaced with nail shops, doner joints and the like, much like in Britain the fried chicken shops are taking over. It's not quite as bad as Harlow, but Germany too is going that way.
  12. Errr, no. Jack Smith is not filing an "appeal". He filed a brand new indictment.
  13. Yes, especially when she annnounced that the US had a deep and lasting alliance with the republic of North Korea. We all understood she's an incompetent embarassment.
  14. I loved Musk's reply to Gavin Newsom, who professed outrage Musk would post a parody of Harris. Newson threated to pass a law immediately to make use of a voice in a parody illegal. Musk replied that he checked with the world reknown authority Professor Suggon Deeznutz and was told that parody is still legal in America. It's in that video above, absolutely hilarious.
  15. Jack Smith was appointed by a Democrat appointed AG, Merrick Garland. Anyone who thinks Jack Smith's legal actions are not politically motivated doesn't know what time it is. It does indeed resemble Soviet style appropriation of the judicial system. It's absolutely sickening. Democrats have no scruples and will stop at nothing.
  16. Bingo! It's a totally made up story. The Kronen Zeitung is like the Daily Star or the National Inquirer. They just make stuff up.
  17. No kidding? I thought there was a Democratic People's Republic of Korea?
  18. Do you really think a woman who declared before running cameras that the United States has a strong and enduring alliance with the Republic of North Korea should be president?
  19. Kamala's Greatest hits of Stupidity proves she can't and is amusing to boot.
  20. How can you not believe your own family member on such a topic? Bizarre.
  21. Bianca Censori begs to differ! And she's almost an architect!
  22. Kanye loves him though. You don't have any good male black geniuses on your team.
  23. What would Philippines do with the Spratly islands, realistically? It's much better for humanity if China develops this place. Why would anyone defend Philippines' claim to these islands? What can we gain by this? Nothing.
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