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Everything posted by Cameroni

  1. Talk about fantasy. The USA will always be the most powerful economy on earth, no matter who is in power. Unless China can make its poor peasants middle class.
  2. I actually liked the bus as well, it is just a bit slow. Great photos of Chinatown btw.
  3. I totally agree, transport in Bangkok is not ideal, to get to Mega Bangna I ended up taking the public bus, fun memories and the trip cost 20 baht, but it took such a long time.
  4. Thanks for the tip! ICONSIAM could be very enjoyable if it were as busy as Mega Bangna. Have you tried Mega Bangna? Lovely spacious paradise mall, the best mall I have seen by far in terms of restaurant choices, design and not crazy crowded. Top quality Chinese, Japanesee and Korean restaurants and not busy at all for the size of the place.
  5. We've gone from jobs for life with generous company pensions to the gig economy where today's generation has to juggle 2 or 3 jobs and get new ones every year, due to systemic changes, let me give you some examples: 1. Massive competition from China 2. Massive oversupply of university educated workers 3.Inflation However, when it came to government policy and the provision of generous pensions it was decided by politicians to live at the expense of the younger generations for the benefit of the current middle aged and elderly population. Now the young have to pay for the big buffet of pensions their parents pocketed. Wealth DOES trickle down, people have become increasingly well off in the working class. However, not if it is redistributed at will by politicians to old age pensioners and Eastern Europe. Who do you think is the biggest shareholder? Pension funds for the elderly.
  6. German politicians imposed a massive oil price hike on themselves and thus ruined the German economy. All Germans who voted in these German politicians should indeed be ashamed of themselves.
  7. I did check it out, and yes the food court had a lot of options, but whoever decided not to put enough tables and chairs should be fired. It's a total nightmare, you get your food and spend 50 minutes trying to find a table. It's crowded like a rabitt warren. I don't like Icon Siam at all. Plus it's a nightmare to get there. Again the boat docks crowded like a Dunkirk evacuation.
  8. The war did not impact the German supply of energy at the slightest. Even as bombs were flying Russia kept supplying Germany. It was the idiotic decisions of German politicians to cut off their own nose to spite their face which led to the gigantic rise in oil prices. A wholly self-inflicted debacle. The wealth in the UK has not been redistributed from the working class to the rich, rather from the future generations, now the young Gen Z, to the middle aged and elderly, who in their day decided to live on credit - from their grandchildren. These young people are now paying the price in the UK for the generous pensions paid to their grandparents and parents. The wealth was also redistributed from males to females, as there is now a wage gap with women on top and men at the lower end. All thanks to the leftie politicians who ruined all our countries.
  9. Yes, good food options, oh my God, you cannot sit down! So crowded! No tables. Total nightmare. But anyway that's food court, in Mega Bangna I meant the restaurants. Authentic Korean, Japanese, it's food heaven really.
  10. The best option would be to hit Mega Bangna, the best mall in Bangkok which has food options straight out of paradise.
  11. Yes, it's quite striking. But then Zelensky has always loved to dress up:
  12. "Since the end of 2019, the statistics are quite striking. GDP in Germany has been flat over that period while the rest of the euro area has grown by 5%, and the US has grown 11%" https://www.goldmansachs.com/insights/articles/when-will-the-german-economy-bounce-back Who'd have thought that decades of redistributing the wealth of British, German, French taxpayers to Poland, Czechia etc would result in the GDP of the former going down whilst that of the East Europeans goes up? What a wholly unpredictable and unexpected turn of events, lol. Fact is the political class in Britain, Germany, France etc has failed and mismanaged the countries they were supposed to look after. What all these countries need is someone like Trump, who roots out the astronomical government waste. Can you imagine the waste in the EU and these European countries? The infrastructure of Britain and West Germany is crumbling. Women are not having children to maintain population growth. The writing is on the wall, in a few years these economies will disintegrate. It's no consolation the problem is even worse in South Korea which is heading to halve its population in 50 years which of course implies the economic implosion of S Korea.
  13. Yes I can, I am tri-lingual. I'm also a lawyer qualified in two countries. If I would talk in front of important people the way Zelensky did in the oval office I would hang my head in shame and consider myself a failure.
  14. Firstly the invasino was not "illegal". Secondly it was caused by Ukraine switching sides and trying to join the US and EU camp. UJkraine is obviously part of the Russian sphere of influence. Why do you think the US invaded Panama?
  15. There is video of this press conference, we can all see what happened. Whilst Zelensky's English was poor and it did not help, his point came over clearly. He was trying to argue with JD Vance, who had just given his view that diplomacy is the best option. Zelensky was accusing Russia of breaking prior agreements made. What he didn't say of course was that it was Ukraine who had repeatedly broken agreements with Russia first, there were many of them. But anyway, it was very clear that Zelensky was accusing JD Vance, and by implication Trump who made the point about diplomacy being important first, of being naive and that diplomacy is useless because Russia never keeps any agreement. In fact Russia has been one of the most reliable partners internationally, and kept the SALT agreements for instance, when the US did not, and among the long list of agreements between Ukraine and Russia it was Ukraine who failed to keep agreements first. The difference between Macron and Zelensky is that Macron's country is not being destroyed by Russia currently and he did not need billions in aid and security guarantees from the US. If Macron had needed those he certainly would have spoken English and been deferential to the President of the US, which was the only option really. Zelensky took the prime actor "me will argue in the spotlight" option and by doing so flushed his country down the toilet.
  16. Glory to this man Donald Trump, this peacemaker. This foresighted and wise leader. Stop the Ukrainian war machine. Force the children to make peace. End this war! Bravo America! Glory to Donald Trump, a truly great leader!
  17. It's total denial of reality, isn't it? Even when there's a video of exactly what happened, they'll tell you, "no this happened". Bizarre. We can all see how Zelensky tried to insolently argue with JD Vance and was then slapped down by Trump. Yet they want to stylize Zelensky as having "corrected Trump". Zelensky could barely speak English.
  18. It is utterly puzzling how failing countries like Britain, Germany or France want to fund Ukraine with billions of Euro in the long term. Okay, steal the money from Russia, but then what? Nobody's thought this through. It's all about photo ops and short term emotional feel good.
  19. Volodymyr is a leader. He's led Ukraine to near total destruction, certain defeat and economic collapse. He's leading, he's just not sure where here's going or how to get there. In reality Zelensky is a puppet, a stooge propped up by the West, Biden, Kamala and BJ at the time, to fight a proxy war against Russia. But now that Russia has called their bluff and is winning on the battlefield it's become clear Ukraine is a no win for the West. Billions of dollars lost. Ammunitions depleted. Women and children killed. And for what? Nothing but vanity of a few Western and Ukrainian leaders.
  20. Zelensky himself of course offered to step down. But like all of Zelensky's offers, promises and words, it was a false offer. He linked it to Ukraine first getting in to NATO, and even then he'd run again. So Volodymyr again talking comedy. Mike Johnson is right. The warmonger Zelensky has to go.
  21. Looks like you didn't watch the press conference. Volodymyr didn't "correct" Trump, he started arguing with JD Vance. Trump corrected Zelensky. Maybe watch the video again.
  22. Exactly, on a motorbike you feel everything can kill you and you're super careful, but Quads are built as this indestructible all terrain Hummer. But people forget you're not enclosed and open and vulenerable like on a motorbike.
  23. Well I'm looking for Zelensky in a bikini, if I find something I'll let you know.
  24. What is it about Quads that people keep having serious accidents? Rick Mayall famously also suffered this fate. Personally I think the build of the ATV makes the driver overconfident, he thinks he's invulnerable. It can only be human error surely.
  25. Such a spectacle this Zelensky makes of himself. Being an actor perhaps he could not stomach playing second fiddle in the oval office, that's why he wanted to be centre of attention and started arguing with JD Vance. Sometimes ego really is the downfall.
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