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Yeah rightio

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Everything posted by Yeah rightio

  1. 100% correct. FWIW; I do have an indefinite TFN exemption from the ATO. Did you miss this part of the memo?? "Non-resident applicants or applicants who are residing overseas at the time of claim may be granted a TFN exemption and may be exempted indefinitely. An applicant and their partner who are overseas cannot generally have payments stopped for failure to provide TFN information. These applicants are normally paid by CIS. If an applicant returns, or indicates an intention to return, a review should be conducted to request TFN information." As I have no intention to return who would instigate a review and how will they tax me without a TFN??
  2. Ok it's not from the legislation but; it is from the horse's mouth so to speak...... https://community.ato.gov.au/s/question/a0J9s0000002ngF/p00172380 .....and below from DSS. So how would you suggest they go about taxing anyone who no longer has a TFN? Proposed legislation or much ado about nothing!! https://guides.dss.gov.au/social-security-guide/8/1/3/20 Person overseas Non-resident applicants or applicants who are residing overseas at the time of claim may be granted a TFN exemption and may be exempted indefinitely. An applicant and their partner who are overseas cannot generally have payments stopped for failure to provide TFN information. These applicants are normally paid by CIS. If an applicant returns, or indicates an intention to return, a review should be conducted to request TFN information.
  3. As @lopburi3 has said; yes you can transfer into wife's name but...... It's my understanding to get an extension using the monthly method you must be able to show a full year's worth of deposits from overseas have been done, prior to your application.
  4. O-A visas have multiple entry up until expiry. Eg. If you leave and return in the last days of a valid O-A you will get stamped in for a second year; which will require Health Insurance. So your question depends on whether your O-A has expired and you're now on an Extension of Stay based on an O-A. If that's the case do your border hop and return visa exempt. i.e. Don't apply for a Re-entry permit. Otherwise if your O-A is still valid; do your border hop and return after its validity runs out to come back visa exempt. Then change to non O at immigration.
  5. Report from October 5th denied!! Printout of submission taken to office.... All good. Seems there's a data entry requirement by IO staff and they'd put a space in passport number. Laughs all around..... slip provided.
  6. And what do you want? Respect for IDF who kill innocent civilian men women and children? https://fb.watch/nzb63JNABt/?mibextid=Nif5oz
  7. Are you saying a day? Yep.... "Thailand’s roads are the deadliest in Southeast Asia and among the worst in the world, according to the World Health Organisation. About 20,000 people die in road accidents each year, or about 56 deaths a day." https://tdri.or.th/en/2020/11/road-accidents-biggest-health-crisis/
  8. How naive are you? It happens globally!! Search "postman steals mail" ????
  9. Bangkok Bank's facial recognition system for payments over Bht 50,000 had worked flawlessly for me until yesterday when the app requested an update. Bottom line; I will need to go to the bank to have it assessed as the scanning process now has a buffering effect going on and no longer processes the payment. Two separate payments to the same merchant immediately after the other is fine though. TIT
  10. Your 'never' & 'absolutely' don't stand up to your own scrutiny, so I'm saying; "Except when you have three...... or four or ten.
  11. Storm in a tea cup.... Excerpt:- "This decision, governed by Section 48 of the Revenue Code, is expected to primarily influence three groups: individuals involved in foreign stock market trading via overseas brokerages, cryptocurrency traders, and Thais who have previously utilised a tax loophole to bring foreign income into the country tax-free after holding it in an offshore account for over a year." https://thethaiger.com/news/business/thailand-tightens-tax-rules-on-overseas-income-from-2024
  12. This is the guide to use if questioned regarding residency during the two year period, to make winnable arguments at AAT level if required; provided you fit within the parameters. Multiple self funded short trips are acceptable...... follow the 183 day rule!! "When looking at the pattern and duration of time spent outside Australia, if a person regularly spends more than 6 months a year outside Australia, then their residence in Australia is questionable." https://guides.dss.gov.au/social-security-guide/3/1/1/10
  13. Well wonder & guess no more. Scroll down in the bottom link to see how it actually happens....... Overseas account If your payment goes into an overseas account, we’ll pay you in the local currency or US dollars. This depends on the country you’re in. The Reserve Bank of Australia organises the payment conversion using the exchange rate at the time of payment. Usually the money will reach your account in 2 to 6 days. Note:- Actual payment dates can be seen in the yearly payment calendar below https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/payment-schedule-and-rates-for-people-outside-australia?context=22476#a1 You must pay any fees or bank charges to use your funds while you’re outside Australia. Use our international bank account forms to tell us your overseas account. https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/payments-while-outside-australia?context=22526#:~:text=Payments while overseas,Australian or overseas bank account.
  14. As the freedom to marry documents expire after three months, plus the fact you can use any Amphur to marry; I think it highly unlikely the Embassy will be trawling through every one of them, looking for every application to catch anyone out. However, returning to Australia as a couple in any circumstances would be likely to bring on an avalanche of undesirable woes.......
  15. Section 24 from Centrelink, because of wife living overseas.
  16. Well only three were hanged. Perhaps she wasn't personally invested in any way.
  17. Why? Is it outside of your comfort zone.....
  18. Wrong..... wrong and wrong again. You’re also not eligible for an advance if you: are repaying one you got more than 12 months ago owe a debt to the Australian Government can’t afford to repay it within 6 months have less than the lowest advance amount available are outside Australia. https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/advance-payment?context=22526
  19. From what I see in the pic; it's still the crims that have the tatts.
  20. Would being able to answer more than one question give a slightly different outlook, given that my choice would've been to answer both your first and last question; as outlined in my post above??
  21. Don't you mean the proposed new laws or have I missed that? Aged pensioners are allowed to leave permanently and although it's a requirement to be a resident when applying for the aged pension, if going to live overseas permanently then residency no longer applies and as Centrelink do not withhold tax from my pension I'm not obligated to put in a return. This was all confirmed to me by the ATO when I called prior to leaving, and no I don't have an ATO link, so the one below will just have to suffice. The ATO have also negated my need to put in yearly 'Non Lodgement' forms through special dispensations they may apply to people whose only source of income is the Aged Pension as outlined in this post and the link. https://www.etax.com.au/aged-pension/#:~:text=You don't need to,to lodge a tax return.
  22. Correct.... After 26 weeks away the pension may be reduced in line with your AWLR (Australian Working Life Residency). To continue to receive the full overseas payment you require 35 years AWLR. The aged pension is payable permanently overseas unless you're caught by the two year rule; though after paying your penance you're free to go wherever you wish for as long as you like. https://guides.dss.gov.au/social-security-guide/7/2/2/40 https://guides.dss.gov.au/social-security-guide/1/1/a/340#:~:text=by the changes.-,Definition,have worked or paid taxes. https://www.yourlifechoices.com.au/centrelink/age-pension/working-life-residence-explained/
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