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Everything posted by BenStark

  1. When you send money to Europe you get the sell rate, not the buy rate
  2. I think someone just signed up, started a thread, and replied to it with his other username
  3. Yes that is what I found also, but if someone who is familiar with this long term parking, could tell me if it is under a roof, and some more info on the distance from the terminals and the frequency of the shuttle bus. I one missed a flight in my home country, because the long term parking was many kilometres from the terminal, and shuttle bus only every 30 minutes
  4. Google told me that there is a long term parking at 140 baht per day. Anyone who know if this parking is covered, secured, and how far from international departure and arrival terminal?
  5. What are the options for parking a car for 10 days near or at Suvarnabhumi airport?
  6. An outlaw motorcycle member on an old moped as pictured in the OP?
  7. I get a haircut every time I check out at Big C, or any other supermarket for that matter
  8. I'm sure you very well understood the question "where you come from", and we all know you didn't grow up in Thailand, actually it seems to me you never grew up. So keep up the trolling to enforce your flawed opinion
  9. WOW, links to 3 accidents over a period of TEN years. I'm sure that where you come from no serious accidents have happened in that same period of TEN years. Not?
  10. Thanks, good find and booked already. Now the question remains, seat is not selectable, and neither is there a seat number on the receipt So how will I get a seat number assigned? Edit: It's in the remarks, have to be there at least 30 minutes before departure, so looks as if you still risk of having no seat
  11. Thanks everyone for your feedback, it is clear that the big bus is the preferable option for everyone.
  12. Looks as if it will be big bus then. Do you know if it is possible to buy tickets a day in advance?
  13. I think 6 months ago, but I pass them daily on the highway when i drive home, so I do know they are very old.
  14. The answer to that question is the purpose of this thread. Maybe because they are faster, more convenient, more comfortable? The big bus is very old, and seats not really comfortable. I would actually not really be interested in the 9 seater minivans, but i noticed that are bigger ones (15seats?), and maybe those drivers are more disciplined. I would b interested to know where they go from and to where, and their departure times.
  15. I'm sure conditions will apply
  16. Need to go to my Embassy tomorrow. Usually on the rare occasions that I have to go Bangkok, I will take the bus at north Pattaya, instead of driving myself. I'm aware of the minivans, some actually mini buses, but always have been a bit wary of them reading news articles about accidents. Maybe this has improved lately? I also have no idea where they go from or times leaving, how long they take to reach the destination, or what the prices are compared to the big bus. My Embassy is on Sathorn, so I exit the big bus at the first BTS station and travel from there. Is this also an option with the minivans? Your tips and feedback will be appreciated
  17. Portugal can't be compared with Spain. Completely different culture and attitudes. Spaniards are arrogant, while Portuguese are friendly and helpful. Portugal is also green, while most of Spain is a desert
  18. I'm not gonna comment on their age, as I am aware of many governments is the world that have much older ministers and presidents. but I see quite a few in that picture of which I doubt they know which day it is.
  19. Building license is issued by the local administration (orbotor) and has your name on it. If I recall correctly it is an A5 size document
  20. Maybe try to read my post again, then you may know who's well dried up. And I'm well enough informed about well drilling, and can read posts. You posted that the trick with the brazen rods didn't work and the guy gave up after 300 meters, now you post that you have a well working well. By the way, my well is less than half your depth, and works fine for the past 12 years, providing water to the house and a daily irrigation system for an 800 sqm meter lawn
  21. TBF, shouldn't it have been, a group of Thai blokes who identified as women?
  22. Well yeah, maybe you also believe Santa Claus flies through the sky at the end of December. By the way, aren't you the one that posted not so long ago that your well dried up 10 years ago? And if it is working so well, how you explain this?
  23. Just looked up Yinn, and her/his last post was 2 years before you joined this forum. Strange that you are so well-informed about it all
  24. Yeah you must be doing a roaring trade on the stockmarket, if you don't have the money in the bank and worry about the exchange difference. By the way, no money in the bank, and not wanting to transfer, how do you eat? Do you graze at the sides of the street to satisfy your hunger feeling?
  25. Anyone can tell me what I need, apart from my passport, to apply for a re-entry permit? Is a re-entry permit issued on the spot, or need to return next day? Immigration Pattaya
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