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Everything posted by BenStark

  1. Maybe you should follow your own advice, because nobody was calling the 2 Russian, since they weren't there. It were 3 Kazakhstani.
  2. It's certainly not only me, as in another thread there were others who experienced the same. https://aseannow.com/topic/1299110-tried-to-fix-my-keyboard/?do=findComment&comment=18169773 https://aseannow.com/topic/1299110-tried-to-fix-my-keyboard/?do=findComment&comment=18196734
  3. Don't pay attention to that post, he has a wealth of no idea what he's talking about. True, doesn't use dishes for internet. Go to 3BB shop and ask if they have fibre available in your area,
  4. Is Steve from Krabi by any chance?
  5. H Mr Pedant, firstly you should know that it is against forum rules to omit parts from a quoted post to change it's context. Secondly, since I replied to a post of you that quotes, there won't be a video, I would have thought that you as Mr Know IT All, knew the difference between is, was and won't. 'Is' is used in the present tense, 'Wasn't' is used in the past tenses, 'be' is the base form of a verb, and 'won't is used to make the simple future.
  6. Now you really show your pedant colours. I never replied to a post that said there is no video of that car drifting. I replied to a post that said, there won't be a video of him drifting. So I assume you were at the location, and know everyone else who was there, who could or could not have taken a video of him drifting with his FWD car.
  7. Of course I read the article, and it says that drifting with a FWD car requires more skills, but it is still DRIFTING. Of course, I hadn't expected you to admit you are wrong, because hell will freeze over before that.
  8. WRONG https://carfromjapan.com/article/driving-tips/easy-techniques-to-perform-fwd-drifting/ Drifting is an art and most people think the feat requires a rear-wheel-drive car with a 1000+ hp engine and a hydraulic handbrake. Wrong. You can do FWD drifting too. It will take lots of practice, patience, and following proper safety rules.
  9. No sheer luck involved here, it was all planned, and he is just a cardboard PM (where I have seen that before) until Thaksin is released
  10. OK guys, Lou has entered and taken control of the thread, time to move on
  11. What has Kamala Phuket to do with this, or is there another kamala that is worthwhile mentioning?
  12. So you use your 800K retirement requirement as deposit for the credit card? Good idea, hadn't thought about that. Edit : Last time I asked about that at Kasikorn, I think I was told that the deposit for the CC would not earn interest
  13. Did you just ignore the word "Misschien" (translated from MAYBE in English), to push your opinion?
  14. The unnamed Italian man managed to get out of the house, with CCTV footage showing him outside the property, where he was eventually found and freed by staff. He says he has never seen his attackers before. The Italian man says he first met the twin brothers at a beach restaurant in the area about a year ago and they had become acquaintances. Oh well, why not tell us the real story, unnamed Italian man?
  15. There is still some logic in the Chinese way, but I can't see any logic in the American way.
  16. They borrowed it from that backward bred island folks, the one that still use stones for weight, who later saw the light and switched to what most of the world uses. https://iso.mit.edu/americanisms/date-format-in-the-united-states/ One of the hypotheses is that the United States borrowed the way it was written from the United Kingdom who used it before the 20th century and then later changed it to match Europe (dd-mm-yyyy).
  17. Glad you are all so happy with FF, and never have issues, though I think the comments have more to do with the nature of this forum, where it seems to be a "must" to always go against everything posted. Some better informed people have a different opinion though. https://levelup.gitconnected.com/why-firefox-deserves-its-sad-decline-1c44d9ba59c9
  18. I used to like Firefox about a decade ago, when Google still supported the developing team. Then Google stepped back, and Yahoo stepped in, which was the day FF started to deteriorate at a fast pace. Not really a surprise, because everything Yahoo has ever touched has turned in a disaster. These days, using Firefox means "this page has crashed" 15 times a day is not an exception. But what bothers me the most is that while you are writing anything, be it an email, a post on AN, or whatever else online, and you type a bit fast, you can expect the browser to reload a few times before you have completed your email or post. First I thought it had something to do with the webpage, and when I discovered it happened on many webpages, I started to suspect it was a poor quality wireless keyboard. I even destroyed one for that reason. Until I started to use other browsers, like Chrome and Edge, and then those pages never reloaded any more, so it must have to do with the browser. I still use Firefox, because I like the layout, probably because after all those years I got familiar with it, but I hate when I have to restart writing an email or AN post 3 times, because the page reloads. Rant over.
  19. You just perfectly described how to keep an election promise, which at the end of the day will cost only a fraction of the estimates, because most of the beneficiaries will never be able to fully benefit of it.
  20. Well, if the head of the unit had been a hardcore left-winger, we would most likely never have heard about the laptop, and what was on it. In other words, you have nothing
  21. What I remember from when he was with immigration, is that he made a lot of improvements for foreigners. Chiangmai, no endless queues anymore after he got involved. Tips, under the table money, outlawed. Think his next step was weeding out the agents, and that is probably where he stepped on someones toes
  22. Sure, it would mean I get less replies from trolls. You posted the video of the submerged Volvo EV
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