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Everything posted by BenStark

  1. How about a refurbished or second hand rack? Would that be a valid option and significant saving on the 7k quoted?
  2. @JBChiangRai Thanks for providing a link to something that is common knowledge. Now where is the evidence that, the probably Chinese EV, you own has an LFP battery?
  3. Are a recent invention, and currently used in very few EV's, mainly in the lower range Tesla's and Ford
  4. Are you sure about that? Any link to a credible source to prove that?
  5. It has about 220.000 Km. Just had a look, not easy without a decent carjack, and it looks like dried grease on the rubber. I put some clean carton under the car now to see if there are further leaks.
  6. All a Full HD live stream needs is 15 - 20 Mbps to the location of the servers. Use testmy.net to a European server to test your speed, since Ookla or the likes doesn't make sense, as they will use multithread connection and test to a location in Thailand.
  7. The oil covers the outside of the rubber, left side of the rack, for about 10 cm. I had to top up the oil as well
  8. Recently i detected some oil spots on the carport floor, so I thought it would be my oil filter not correctly mounted during the recent maintenance. Went back to the garage, and it was discovered that the rubber on the power steering rack was covered in oil. I was quoted 7K for a new aftermarket rack. Got a second opinion and was quoted about the same. Now started googling it, and it turns out that there actually is no need for a replacement, since oil leak indicates worn seals, and can be fixed. For the experts, what is your opinion on this? The car is a 13 year old Nissan Navara, and I don't notice any irregularities in the steering.
  9. Exactly. A few days ago i downloaded the Livenet TV app, as I seen it recommended a few times here, and about 30% of the channels I am interested in worked. I have no doubt that the Pakistani and Arab channels work better, but they are not my interest
  10. I guess you are referring to me? Well at my age I hardly can be called a boomer, and in fact I'm using an IPTV service, provided by a Belgian guy, and pretty satisfied with it. Have tried the free options as well, but as with everything in the world, you get what you pay for, and anyone that want to claim that free streams are reliable obviously has never used them.
  11. BS More BS
  12. Reinvent what they did a few decades ago. Add a return fee to glass bottles.
  13. Anyone with a grain of common sense would realize that a dealer has such a device to check the cars they purchase. Or do you think they only look at the dents and scratches to decide if they will buy the cars they take in stock?
  14. Update on my OP. Apparently I didn't enable international roaming before leaving Thiland, so my Thai SIM does not find a network connection here in Europe. When I proceed with the upgrade this evening, and enter my card details, I get asked for the OTP, which I obviously don't receive, since my Thai SIM doesn't have network connection. I click resend OTP twice, but of course, I still don't receive a code. When I press the cancel button in that small window where I have to enter the OTP, it gets instantly approved. Within the next 5 seconds I receive a message in the Kbank app that money has been withdrawn, and get the message from Emirates that my upgrade has been confirmed. Thai bank security at its best.
  15. It were complimentary seats, and since it is in economy with a plane full to the rim, there was no rebooking possible. Didn't care much, a seat is a seat.
  16. The promotional upgrade will only be 1 leg of the flight, and no perks included. I got them also, could choose first leg or second leg, but can't choose both, and even if you could and make the sum, it is 20% more than upgrading through manage your booking.
  17. No such option on my Poco X3 NFC with Android 11
  18. Thanks all for the useful replies, I am sorted but please keep the posts coming, as I see some useful info is shared here
  19. OTP is from my bank, and I have Thai SIM in phone, so bank doesn't know where I am
  20. To receive an OTP on my Thai SIM while in Europe, will I get charged roaming costs?
  21. I see a perfect Kamnan Poh scenario happening here, 1 day in jail and then to police hospital, and 1 week later to suite in private hospital
  22. The most likely reason he switched watch is because he had to hand it over to Prawit on arrival, as part of the deal
  23. Notice they just changed the plane BKK > Dubai from Airbus to Boeing, there go my reserved seats
  24. I think order processing and price is not a problem, but I think @kannika put it very well. As with everything in the world, you get what you pay for.
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