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Lite Beer

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Everything posted by Lite Beer

  1. Ok looks like you have a Thai Wife and have already used the 60 day extension. 12 month extension looks like the only option.
  2. Nope. Did my extension yesterday and the report back date is 16th April. Songkran and weekend so will probably return on 18th.
  3. You are in Thailand. What has USD got to do with it? Maybe I am a bit thick but I cannot make any sense of your post. If you are asking about a 12 month extension you will need 400,000 in the bank or 40,000 monthly income.
  4. Marriage extensions are just as easy as retirement . I personally do not see any reason to change.
  5. Did my marriage extension at Khon Kaen this morning. As pleasant as always. In an out within an hour. Had to copy a few extra pages of passport and sign a couple of extra pieces of paper as usual Got the cute lady at desk 2. Office was virtually empty which helped a lot.
  6. Do it yourself and save a lot of money and be legal.
  7. Yep. Very friendly and helpful. Was better before all the covid screens and masks. Not so personal now but still a good experience.
  8. The fact that this dog was kept in a cage says it all. Scum dogs owned by scum people.
  9. Can't you just continue to volunteer for the same organisation as you did last time?
  10. Anyone considering applying for extensions for Marriage would be advised to not read this topic. If you qualify and have the correct documents you will have no problem. Simple as that . Don't read the trolls in this topic.
  11. Not a smart move in my view. With 800k in the bank you give them an opportunity to push you to a retirement extension.
  12. Blue ink has always been the norm as black can look like a photo copy. I have never had any problems with marriage extensions after 18 years of doing them.
  13. Nothing to do with education. Enforce the laws and harsh punishment might do the trick.
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