This is about Immigration Issues. Not Marriage rights.
Married Women need nothing in the bank.
Married Women can easily get Thai citizenship.
Married Women can easily get PR.
Married Men not so.
My point was that Married Men are discriminated against so don't hold any hopes for same sex people who cannot even legally get married.
Maybe they could start my making Foreign Husbands married to Thai Wives equal to Foreign Wives married to Thai Husbands.
Nothing has been done to address this discrimination so don't hold our breath about anything being done about same sex marriage.
If you have an extension of stay (It is not a Visa) you will need a Re Entry Permit.
When you return you will show Immigration at the airport both of your passports.
You will then have to go to your local Immigration Office to transfer Immigration information to your new passport.
Soda Stream expect you to return the empty gas bottles to Bangkok to refill.
Not very cost effective.
Best option is to buy an adapter and a large gas bottle.
You can then refill it at your local supplier at a fraction of the cost.
Something like this.
{"success":false,"error":"Sorry, we’ve run into some issues and can’t get you subscribed right now. Please try again later.","messageid":"contact_unable_to_add","messageparts":[]}