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Everything posted by lordgrinz

  1. How do you explain Anutin and Thamanat Prompow?
  2. Interesting perspective, take trips outside the country and spend money from outside the country as well, thus no tax on a remittance to Thailand.
  3. I had a Farang on a big scooter pass me mid corner while I am turning right into a road, basically he almost didn't make it (car waiting to exit blocking him). He was wearing no helmet, and just dropped off his kids at my daughters school, again no helmets on the kids either. This tells me he never took a motorcycle safety course, because no one in their right mind would try to pass a car on the side with the blinker on and already in the turn, and no helmet is just pure stupidity, especially here in Thailand.
  4. I am guessing the CP Group must be elated, or maybe behind the whole scheme in the first place. Anyone check the new PM and his fellow MP's financial records and recent stock purchases yet?
  5. Yeah, this whole thread should probably be removed before the RTP shows up and hands everyone a 50,000 baht fine.
  6. You would receive a warning on you current device that someone else is accessing your account, or trying.
  7. I'm convinced that the typical Thai motorcycle rider has never taken a motorcycle safety course (or proper training), and probably has no idea how to actually drive a motorcycle, or for that matter understand the rules of the road, let alone safely. The helmet is only one device in the equation, they need to get serious about driver education and enforcement. I'm in awe at how they throw caution to the wind here, it's almost like they want to commit suicide.
  8. This is the land of "onerous paperwork", "you chose poorly".
  9. Going to grab a few different beers tomorrow, need my popcorn and beer, going to watch the "Equalizer 3" and maybe the new "Mission Impossible" movie on Amazon Prime this weekend.
  10. I don't think I have tried the Cheers one yet, will give it a try.
  11. The Dunkel and the Weizen got my attention, but there are pretty good imports already here, though they are expensive (Franziskaner and Weihenstephaner).
  12. I would put them in the same category as Budweiser, swill.
  13. Went back to the states last year, visited a local brewery (Treehouse Brewery), I would die for one of their Milk Stouts (Eternity) right now.....11.8% and the taste of Heaven!
  14. Well, like I found when I was hit 3 separate times by Thai drivers, "farang, its his fault!".......though I ultimately ruined their day with 4k dashcams. LOL
  15. What happens when someone else pretends to be you, setups the app on their phone, and you have no idea it ever happened?
  16. Hey Watson, do you eat food to get fat? If you can't drink alcohol without getting drunk, you might wish to visit your local AA.
  17. It probably doesn't matter, we live off my wife's Thai salary already, we are trying to keep from sending money if it's not needed....but I just want to cover anything big, like a new car, or another condo purchase (the wife likes buying multiple condos and renting them).
  18. Historical to me is when I arrived in 2016 at 36 baht, it hovered around 34-36 for a while, then there was the 29 baht which was really bad.
  19. Believe me, I've noticed, I sent some last time it hit 37.21 ....but now I wish I sent more.
  20. I could use one more bump close to 38 baht to the USD before that point, I may send one more chunk to last me until late 2025, so I can make decisions on the future after the dust settles.
  21. Singha and Chang both taste horrible, I've come to the conclusion that Thai's drink to get drunk, not because they like the taste of beer.
  22. Rules and Laws mean nothing here, did you just arrive in-country?
  23. "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results."
  24. I guess there will be less condos, houses, cars, and Rolex's bought.....that should help the economy! ;-)
  25. Ok, so large savings in US banks, if slowly transferred to a Thai bank.....is that taxable? For that matter, is all money being sent to Thailand considered taxable until its not?
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