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Everything posted by lordgrinz

  1. I think a thumbs-down icon would be used more than any, but sadly missing.
  2. This will turn out to be one of the biggest boondoggles in Thai history, nobody will be happy with it, except for the Politicians who will obviously be neck deep in the money they skim off of it.
  3. They declare a lot of things in Thailand, some believe the declarations, others not so much.
  4. Makes you wonder what would happen if, you as a foreigner, say something against the CCP, and the CPP issues an arrest warrant for you, do the Chinese police find you, arrest you, then drag you back to their country on a military/private plane?
  5. I've seen the water coming from many taps here, there is no way in Hell I am drinking it, but if you choose to....drink up, enjoy!
  6. I don't think the Taiwanese tourist will be too thrilled either, especially any that are politically involved in Taiwan.
  7. I haven't drunk tap water in over 35 years, not about to start anytime soon. Closest I have gotten would be a natural spring in the mountains in the US, and even then I filtered it using one of the best filter systems I could find before putting it in my 3 liter bladder backpack.
  8. I guess that nasty smell coming out of the tap must just be my imagination?!
  9. I don't drink the water out of the tap.
  10. Clean drinking tap water in Thailand?! LMAO!
  11. Well, to be fair, they already have a well respected Heroin dealer in their ranks, and a soon to be new PM who is currently in prison suffering for the people.
  12. So new taxes targeting Westerners world finances , Chinese manipulation (censorship) of Thai media, and now Chinese police patrolling Thai streets........Umm, I think Western society needs to write-off Thailand for the future, no more investments, and exodus of capital.
  13. Ummm....NO! I do not feel safer knowing Chinese police are patrolling Thailand, you got to be out of your mind to even make this statement. I think that someone needs to check Thapanee and Srettha and make sure they are not communists sympathizers, the last thing Thailand needs is to turn into another Southeast Asian communist nation.
  14. WTF?!?! Time to get out of this place! Welcome to communist Thailand, the lapdog of China.
  15. Come on lapdog, bow to your masters, all Heil Emperor Xi.
  16. I took drivers education during High School, and also took private educational services before getting my motor vehicle drivers license. I also took the MSF course for motorcycles before receiving my motorcycle license.
  17. The most important thing is to make travel and walking in Thailand safe first, guns are not even on the radar compared to road deaths that never needed to happen. Start with a proper police force, and enforce road and pedestrian safety, that would do more good for tourism than anything.
  18. This is a joke, right? The Axis of Evil seated around the round table, they even have a convicted Heroin Dealer right out front.
  19. Details: 1) Money will come from new taxes on poor and middle-class 2) You can only spend it at big corporations who are well-connected to politicians 3) Smile
  20. Most people don't like to follow road rules and laws, but they also don't like paying fines, or losing their ride. Basically, enforcement is the answer, and with as many cops as are found in the USA (per 100,000) people, they should have more than enough police to enforce the rules, instead they sit in aircon booths and pretty much do nothing all day. In fact, I see them breaking the rules and laws themselves, which is the wrong message to send to the public. Thailand is in desperate need of a real police force, other Asian nations have been successful at road safety, why not Thailand? If they want to become a world-class destination for travel, safety for travelling families is a must, it's time to finally do something about it.
  21. The Submarines would end up like the Aircraft Carrier (HTMS FloatingTrashheap), or the sunken corvette (HTMS BottomOfTheBay).
  22. What kind of Bribery will he tolerate?
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