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Everything posted by lordgrinz

  1. This is where I think my Pink ID comes in handy, it has my name in both Thai and English and they actually use my Pink ID number on the license, not my Passport number. Even my bank account at SCB is linked to the Pink ID. My wife uses that Pink ID for almost everything, renewing insurance for me, medical, etc,
  2. This is exactly what I expect, and even if that is all this is, it will still be a <deleted>show! Just another hurdle and pile of paperwork to keep the monkeys at the IO looking like they are doing anything of value.
  3. Never had a FLU vaccine, last two times I had the FLU were in the year 2000 and 2017, that's a 17 year gap. The FLU i got in 2017 lasted less than 16 hours, and I felt like a million dollars afterwards. Either my immune system is on steroids, or someone is just enjoying stabbing us with useless vaccines. I did take the COVID vaccines, but that was mainly because I think some idiot in a lab let that one get loose, wasn't willing to take any chances.
  4. Invest in Thailand?! LOL Not on your life! I wouldn't trust one dime of my money being invested in a country with an unstable government (18 Coups and 18 constitutions and counting). If you got money you don't care about, sure, gamble if you dare.
  5. Nope.....You demonize foreigners, then sell this new tax to the voters as justified, then you take as much as possible from the evil foreigners while the HI-SO elites go untouched. Win-Win for everyone, hmmm...
  6. Yes, at the very least, those protentional Thai Visa Elite buyers should postpone purchase until they get a clearer picture.
  7. The danger might also (probably will) make the paper trail mess even worse/impossible for foreigners.
  8. "Regain"? That would imply they ever had anybody's trust to begin with, not.
  9. That's true in any country, taxes on the rich and businesses just gets handed down to citizens and customers.
  10. I make sure everything in Thailand stays in my wifes name, everything in the USA stays in my name. This way it makes things easier to handle in these types of situations. No matter what they do, at least she is Thai and can handle things, or liquidate assets without any complex issues with foreign ownership.
  11. Yup, my daughter got it (Influenza A), and half the kids in her grade level at school. So far her mother and myself haven't gotten it????
  12. Either the new PM is a complete moron, based on the fact that any intelligent person would have foreseen what this would do to the market, BHT exchange rates, and investor confidence, or he did it on purpose. The MFP should ask if the new PM has made any stock or monetary moves in the last few days, maybe he is an evil genius and just made millions/billions off this scare tactic. However, I'm going with him being just a complete moron.
  13. Correction: They do indeed care about our money, just not us. They would prefer we fly in, hand over our money, then fly home. Expats are unwelcome here, evident by how they treat us, our money is actually all they care about.
  14. Its at 35.945 ......that took only minutes.....this is hilarious! 555
  15. Well its doing wonders for the THB/USD exchange right now, its at 35.905 and climbing! Here's hoping the Pheu Thai cause a financial collapse, would like to see the THB/USD to head above 40 before the end of the year.....555
  16. If so, and my wife has already used it as a Tax ID on her Thai tax returns, then I assume that Tax ID is now set?
  17. Yes, but her Tax ID is her Thai ID, she lists mine as the Pink ID. I am guessing the Thai Tax ID would be the same number. Would like to see someone else on here with a Pink ID and a Thai Tax ID that are different numbers. But I juust checked the return again, it literally says "Tax ID" on the document where my Pink ID is entered.
  18. I assume when you mention "Thai Tax ID", at least in the case of a Farang, you mean the "Pink ID"? Because I just checked my wife's Thai Tax Return and I am listed on it with my Pink ID number.
  19. ??? My SCB bank account pays interest, it amounts to almost nothing, but it does pay interest.
  20. Yeah, what could go wrong with handing over your sensitive tax documents to such a secure and safe government like there is in Thailand?
  21. Yeah, when I was younger I never weighed under 80kgs!! I am 6 foot 1 inch and back when I had a six-pack???? I was 90kgs.
  22. That appears to be the case, and if they make Big Joke the new leader of the RTP, we might as well pack our bags.
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