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Everything posted by lordgrinz

  1. You jest, but the cams would protect both, never trust anyone.
  2. He forgot to send 250 extra thick brown envelopes, what was he thinking?!?!
  3. Just purchase a dashcam for your taxi that records inside, with a large SD card, better to protect yourself.
  4. He's going to send the economy into a tailspin with the amount of spending he will have to do to buy back Pheu Thai supporters. The only saving grace will be that hopefully the USD/BHT exchange works in the favor of us foreigners, please get it to about B40+ and I'll be a supporter too ????
  5. No mention of "public safety" while driving on Thai's lawless roads, pedestrian safety while walking down a sidewalk, or pedestrian safety while crossing in Zebra crossings? I think his idea of "ensuring public safety" and mine are a million miles apart! Yeah, scams are more important than people dying needlessly due to Thai's who can't even seem to follow their own countries laws and rules. Big Joke is the perfect name for this imbecile.
  6. Of course they're not there, they are all lined up at the trough.......money talks, working for the people will always come second, or not at all.
  7. Hopefully soon there will be a prison cell waiting for you and the fat little toad.
  8. Correction: The red shirts, she explained, are people who want to secure power for the RED SHIRTS.
  9. This is the part I don't understand, I would've have supported Prayut if he just took on one thing that helped the country, say full-speed ahead on support for education and English competency, or maybe total enforcement of traffic laws and safety. I mean make an impact that is remembered, instead he chose the Thai way.....increase corruption, ignore the masses, stomp on anyone in your way, and spit in the face of progress.
  10. Since Pheu Thai will have to buy love for their party at this point, things will probably get worse, they have to handout money to every voter they can. Good luck with that, though I doubt it will do anything but sink the country.
  11. Next stop Bangkok Remand Prison, maybe he can room with Thaksin? Just need to add Prayut and the Three Stooges will be complete!
  12. Ummm? It's a jail, not a country club! I am sure everyone in the jail has "Fatigue and stress", isn't that the point?
  13. Oh Good, a Heroin Dealer in charge of the growing of plants, purchasing, marketing, and selling them.
  14. In other words, someone who's opinion means nothing anymore. Thanks for the advice, bye!
  15. Backstabbers and liars the whole lot, Pheu Thai will be lucky if they aren't ousted sooner than later at this point.
  16. Was really wishing for an MFP government, and the eventual jailing of Prayut and Prawit. Now that would be the best retirement for them both, a nice long stint.
  17. Not sure how the system works here, but..... would they survive a no-confidence vote? Would that trigger a new election?
  18. How did they get a photo of him through the ubiquitous tinted windows?
  19. Either the people of this country grow a spine and do something about this, or they just keep bowing to their masters, their choice. I gave up on this place and its people long ago, just need the wife to agree to leave here for good.
  20. We can't just keep expanding the population to satisfy profits for the elites, it's time to live within our means, and stop promoting overpopulation for the almighty dollar/yuan/baht/etc.
  21. "Champagne wishes and caviar dreams."
  22. Yet the people do nothing, obviously the indoctrination efforts of the dictators have worked flawlessly, life goes on and the pigs at the trough continue their gluttonous ways.
  23. Just did my renewal by mail in mid July, it took just shy of 4 1/2 weeks from mailing to the Embassy and back to my door, so maybe they are getting better?
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