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Everything posted by lordgrinz

  1. I wouldn't spit on Anuntin if he was on fire, relegate him to the dustbin of history.
  2. If anything, the elections were a complete rebuke of the Pheu Thai party, which makes the current events even more sad. Hopefully next time MFP takes over 200 seats. The Military Junta was always going to have it's core fanboys.
  3. You mean pro-vote buying.
  4. The Military Junta or Pheu Thai, what's the difference? Two completely corrupt groups vying for their share of the loot, all drooling over their turn at the trough.
  5. Just as Pheu Thai planned, now the MFP won't get the Speakers position or the PM. Cholnan Srikaew couldn't look more ungenuine with that smile, in almost every photoshoot Pita acts like he is shaking the hand of the Devil.
  6. There is one bright spot, maybe if a Civil War happens I can finally convince my wife to leave this living Hell.
  7. Oh wonderful! Que the large protests, mixed in with manufactured violence, then the tanks roll in to save the day. Rinse and repeat.
  8. Immigration didn't say anything, there was blurring of the last stamp it transfer bled to the opposite page. But all went well, got my 90 day done, and my passport is out in the mail to the US Embassy, now the 6 week wait. Thanks guys ????
  9. Doing the 90 day in person tomorrow, then immediately sending out my passport for renewal, so I get back before the next 90 day. The blurring almost looks like someone smudged it with their hand, not easy to even tell it was water. Probably just overthinking it, probably fine.
  10. I figured that, just thought I would check ???? Its just slight blurring in a couple of older stamps, and the last one, but thats it.
  11. I got my passport slightly wet, but dried fast, a few stamps have some minor smearing. Would this be an issue for my 90 day? I am sending out the passport this week for a new one anyway (convenient). But not sure if it will become an issue for my 90 day tomorrow, or the transfer of stamps after the new and old passport return from the US Embassy. I wouldn't call it damaged, just moisture effecting it slightly.
  12. Which is why I am going to do mine right after I do my 90 day next week, that way I have almost 90 days more until the next one.
  13. I guess his last days as a Senator is set in stone then, he won't be coming back for another stint.
  14. Thanks guys, I was pretty sure that was it, but the use of the words "Visa Expiration" is what made me question it.
  15. On the Checklist from the Embassy, what do they want in the "Thailand Visa Expiration Date:" field? Since the VISA would have been used several years ago, and now on extensions for marriage, are they looking for the end date of the Extension of Permission to stay?
  16. The 250 Junta installed Senators should have been removed before the elections.
  17. Just had my daughters US Passport renewed, we went to the Embassy on May 10th, it arrived here yesterday (June 23rd) via ThaiPost.
  18. Just treat all military Juntas like pariah, start by shutting off their money supply, especially those who practice genocide.
  19. If they added in household debt owed to loansharks, that percentage would be off the charts.
  20. I won't send much more than 1 Million over anymore, but I see a lot of Thai's with higher amounts stuck in one account, not good.
  21. That used to be higher here (5 Million Baht), now its so low we have to be careful what we send over.
  22. How do you even start to cleanup a police force built by people who buy their positions, not earn them by merit? The police force seems to be run like a Mafia, the spoils work their way to the top, and favors are rewarded. Extortion, corrupting, bribery, they even dish out punishment in the same way (e.g. "Joe Ferrari").
  23. Thailand is so dangerous to travel in, that I recommend to people back home not to travel here. Until safety on the roads, sidewalks, and crosswalks is improved, its just not worth the risk for travelers. I would suggest they work on that long before adding any new attractions.
  24. Don't officers get to keep a portion of what they seize in corruption cases? There should be some new multimillionaires in the officer ranks soon. The Royal Thai Police (Mafia) will continue unhindered, pays to be at the top.
  25. "Holistic approach"? OK, we'll have to agree to disagree. Your method of putting your head in the sand and pretending the drivers have no fault for their own actions, is pathetic. The main issue in Thailand is enforcement, simple as that, the laws already exist. The drivers show their ignorance, selfishness, and disrespect of others every day, and many of us can show mountains of evidence of this behavior. If you can refute any of it, please show us why this behavior is not ignorant and selfish. I'll try not to hold my breath.
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