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Everything posted by lordgrinz

  1. "We could care less about your safety, or anyone's else's safety in Thailand, we work for our own selfish interest."
  2. In a country where people flash their headlights to force their dominance over other people on the road, its pretty obvious they are offense drivers, not defensive drivers. Until this "me first" attitude is changed, and people actively care about other drivers or pedestrians, nothing is going to get better. Just travel into Bangkok on the Sirat Expressway on any given morning, there are 100's of drivers flying down the emergency lanes to pass other traffic, not only that, they enter busy ON-RAMPS to pass on the left.....these people are suicidal! Cops? They sit there and watch, or take part in the psychotic behavior, I shake my head in disgust at this horrible culture.
  3. Hybrids make more sense, especially in Thailand, best of both worlds.
  4. Tore through my daughter's school (she got it too - mild case), mainly hit Grade 2 the hardest, neither my wife or I got it though.
  5. Show of hands, how many people are willing to give detailed tax information from their foreign homelands to the IO (Royal Thai Police)? Anyone raising their hands please schedule a lobotomy.
  6. Back home in my case, mainly because I hate this place, but also sick of the paperwork and constantly feeling like an ATM to Thai's.
  7. If requiring everyone to file tax returns in Thailand to stay on visa extensions is the way forward, you can expect a mass exodus.
  8. They need to make it safer, as in safer on the roads, safer on the sidewalks, and safer in crosswalks. But first they need to work on a proper police force that not only enforces laws, but doesn't actively engaged in lawlessness and corruption. Basically, the impossible.
  9. For a while there I thought he might be an evil genius, but I'm positive now that he's just another village idiot.
  10. Ours is self-inflicted, spending money we don't have, and on ridiculously stupid bills passed easily by congress. We need a much higher hurdle for passage of spending bills, like 80% or bills don't pass, plus base any new spending on keeping the Debt-to-GDP under 60%, or again, no new spending allowed....we need to cripple the spendthrifts.
  11. Yes, but look where it has gone in just a few years, it was hovering around 60% for many years, then dramatically went up, then went ballistic the last 3 years, not good!
  12. The problem is the Debt-to-GDP is out of control (hovering around 130%), until it starts shrinking (preferably back to about 60%), the road ahead will not be pretty.
  13. Ok, I couldn't control myself, I bought a little bit more at 36.975 ????
  14. Obviously, Big Joke isn't a "made man" in the RTP (Royal Thai Mafia). Looks like the toes he stepped on were those of actual made men.
  15. It's at 36.795 and going up, I think the ship (Thaitanic) is sinking.
  16. Promise free handouts, then backtrack with excuses, don't hand out anything, or hand out something that amounts to almost nothing. If the politician in question is lucky, he can blame the lack of implementation on his opponents. Rinse and repeat.
  17. Big joke himself confirmed he was paying 50,000 baht per month to rent two units, one for him and one for his father. So who is telling the truth? I'll submit that the truth and any member of the RTP, are not synonymous.
  18. Don't worry, Thailand will give full "clarification" at the last possible second, leaving everyone else to pick up the pieces, then pat themselves on the back for a job well done. I think the PM is a complete moron, or is actively trading based on the chaos he has created. I really do hope someone investigates him and his financial actions.
  19. It's at 36.735 right now, hesitant to buy anymore, almost all of the forecast show the THB reaching into the low 40's against the USD over the next year or two mainly based on political uncertainty here.
  20. Demand justice?!? Does he know what country he lives in? LOL ????
  21. I knew I should have waited a little longer, its at 36.545 right now and climbing ????
  22. There, fixed it. The prison authorities and police officers are waiting on the 74 year old PM's every whim , there for him at all times, day or night.
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