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Everything posted by lordgrinz

  1. Soon as I can get the wife to agree, then we can escape this insane asylum.
  2. This is one of the dirtiest places I have ever seen, what the heck are they smoking!? It would take a miracle to clean this country up, and there is no will among the masses. I see people so lazy, they won't even throw their trash in a bin 20 feet away, just throwing trash on the ground seems to be the norm here.
  3. If she was smart she invested the 2 billion baht, or put it into hi-rate savings accounts, she would have been making almost 8 Million baht per month. Even if she paid all the principal back to the people, she would still come out way ahead from the interest and/or investments. Which may be why she is paying it all back, she already made her windfall, she can now continue without their money.
  4. The Royal Thai Mafia policing itself, there lies the problem, they are completely out of control. They are anything but a police force, more like gangland style mafioso's contracted out to the highest bidders (i.e. ...not the citizens).
  5. The poster child for everything that is wrong about Thailand, a national disgrace.
  6. The biggest Mafia in Thailand is the RTP, they should be disbanded, and the top officers should all be investigated for corruption and unusual wealth.
  7. Will his finances be inspected with a fine-toothed comb first? Also, if he paid for his position, which I expect all top brass have, then he should be eliminated from selection, and fired.
  8. Yet, it's OK to have a convicted heroin trafficker (Thamanat Prompao) as the Minister of Agriculture?! Hey bootlicker (Anutin), why don't you clean up parliament first......then maybe someone will take your seriously, I doubt it, but give it your all. Now run along little piggy, the trough is waiting for you, wouldn't want you to miss your slop.
  9. Those sick prisoners would be considered upstanding citizens compared to the likes of a corrupt criminal EX PM.
  10. Interesting read, exactly what do the commentors consider to be ideal finances to move to Thailand? He says he has 9 Million Baht and 40,000 baht per month pension at 70 years old, that's probably more than most of the people posting here have, otherwise what are they using agents for? Personally, he should leave the 9 million in his home country gaining interest at 5%+, or invest in stocks, and moving some of that interest over every year, the interest alone is almost as much as his pension, which would give him almost 80,000 baht per month at current rates.
  11. Can they list how many criminals have been flown by helicopter to this police hospital in the last 10 year, and how many criminals are currently under this type of care at the hospital? Are there similar medical problems with other criminals, who don't get this special treatment, and are instead sweltering in cells at Bangkok remand? If so, fuel up the helicopters and tell Thaksin he has roommates coming to share his new room and food.
  12. Yeah, right! The party (Pheu Thai) of corruption, who has created a coalition including the most corrupt characters (military stooges) in political history, is not about to give up the gravy train. The only hope anyone had of ending corruption died when the new PM's "corrupt" party and his coalition of the "corrupt" (MP's/Generals/Senators) sabotaged the MFP.
  13. It hit 38.4 I think last year, I bought substantial amounts then, will buy again when it jumps.....creeping up right now, it's at 35.56 ????
  14. Trust and respect are earned, not given. Being a party of backstabbers, I don't see that they even have a leg stand on, but hey, spend enough and you might buy peoples loyalty. It's amazing how Thailand embraces corruption, so spend (buy votes) like you don't have a worry in the world, its not your money.
  15. First item on the Agenda should be to remove the dinosaur Generals, way too many!!!!
  16. Abductions and dodging motorcycles and cars while walking down the sidewalks and over Zebra crossings, with almost nobody following any type of road rules, then there is the Pickup and Taxi drivers who believe they are on the Autobahn, not to mention the many Large Travel Busses and tourist MiniBus crashes in the news regularly. <sarcasm>Yes, a very safe place to bring the family.</sarcasm>
  17. They should runup a tally of money scams and criminal activity (baht losses) against how much (baht gains) they get from legitimate tourist from China. They may not like the numbers...
  18. No requirement for a new TM30, and 90 day same as usual, just told me to make copies of all pages of old passport and new passport for next extension, then no need for the old passport after that point. This was at Nonthaburi IO.
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