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Everything posted by lordgrinz

  1. I expect nothing but more turmoil now that he is back, this circus couldn't get any worse, well....later today it might.
  2. He is officially here, which means someone must have guarantied his pardon. Lets hope his being here doesn't send this country down the drain, I still think nothing good can come from him being here, especially right now.
  3. Yeah right! His plane will be delayed until/if Pheu Thai secures the PM position.
  4. He'll go down in history like Benedict Arnold and Judas, should be a nice legacy to leave behind.
  5. He's driving a bright red Mustang around Bangkok, he shouldn't be too hard to find.
  6. Just let PT keep digging its own grave, MFP just needs to stand their ground, PT will be lucky to get 100 votes next election.
  7. I don't know if they are linked to your site, but I prefer a few days out more than by month, so I use this one. Its close enough to make some choices on when to send some money over. https://30rates.com/usd-to-thb-today-forecast-dollar-to-thai-baht
  8. He was correct, not to mention most people here in Thailand aren't really against corruption, they just wish they had a part of it. With that kind of logic, and typical Thai me first attitudes, the direction of the country isn't looking good. Lets hope the young people have had enough of the dinosaurs that have stolen their futures, they'll need to grow a spine first, because its obvious the dinosaurs aren't going away without being physically removed.
  9. The MFP numbers are growing at each election, and with PT going against their own voters, you can expect that number to grow again next time. The MFP are inevitable, time will fix things, eventually the dinosaurs will become extinct.
  10. Disband the RTP, start over again, all officers to be thoroughly investigated for unusual wealth, anyone who bought their positions will be eliminated from consideration. Appoint a citizen based review board, and have regular inspections of officer ranks, merit only consideration for advancement. Police are to enforce laws daily, especially road safety, no more hanging out in air conditioned shacks doing nothing.
  11. So PT may get more than one try at PM, or do they fizzle out after one try? Would have been nice if they at least answered the question brought before them, instead we get ambiguity. Amazing Thailand!
  12. Good choice, shows your vote can't be bought, keep your integrity.
  13. Like drivers on the street, they make their own rules, whatever is easiest, like driving the wrong way down streets. The land of lunacy (LOL).
  14. That's what I am thinking will happen when I go there, probably next week.
  15. It goes without saying, but investing here in Thailand is not a safe bet. Welcome to the 3rd World.
  16. I thought it was weird too, I had to tell her I didn't want to send more over here because there is no interest applied on the account, and that I keep the equivalent of many 10's of millions of baht in the USA instead....then she stopped questioning me about money.
  17. I keep 1 million in the account to avoid issues and have money for spending, the Immigration officer was concerned about only 500k in the account....this would be the Nonthaburi office. Whenever I go for extensions there, no two officers ever seem to handle things the same, the women officers being the worst so far.
  18. Medical when I first came here in 2014 was cheap, not so anymore. Also, if they want quality tourist to come here, they may wish to do something about safety on the streets, sidewalks, and crosswalks. Unless they are hoping tourist get maimed while travelling and can be forced into paying the overinflated medical costs?
  19. Probably another knife in the back, lets hope they learned something from the first time.
  20. OK, I'm just going to use the software version of ignore then....bye.
  21. I've been forced to do 3 of them, while living in the same place, and I've been here 7 years on Marriage Extensions......Will do the same for you re ignore....Thank You ????
  22. I'm bringing it up with the 90 day, because they both are related to an issue with a new passport number. If you just want to slam people on here, which is something I keep seeing from you, then do us both a favor.....and ignore my messages and find another victim.
  23. I would hope MFP says "NO" if any Junta aligned parties are in the PT coalition.
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