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Everything posted by Hokeus

  1. Wat Tham Krabok! Wat Tham Krabok also supports the detoxification of those addicted to alcohol and methamphetamines: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wat_Tham_Krabok
  2. I wouldn't hold your breath. His unwillingness to take any other approach other than switching to Valiums suggests he is more likely to end up with 2 dependencies rather than just the 1 he has now.
  3. This is an exhibition fight. That means nobody throws real punches with the intent of really hurting anyone. There will be no knockouts. Same like when his brother Logan fought Mayweather. An exhibition boxing match is a non-competitive bout between two fighters, often for entertainment purposes or to raise funds for charity. Unlike professional or amateur matches, the outcome usually doesn't affect the fighters' records, and there may be special rules or limitations in place to ensure safety. The fight will likely go the full distance and Tyson will win by decision. The outcome has already been mutually agreed. Jake Paul's YouTube channel has 20 million subscribers, yes, but his videos don't even get 200K views anymore. He's fading fast. But then he posts the video about the Tyson fight and boom, 3 million views. 💰💰💰 So Jake Paul's videos usually get less views than 1% of his subscriber count and he desperately needs a reboot now. And the fight will be live on Netflix. So he will be paying Tyson any amount of money Tyson wants for this. The real outcome will be that Tyson will walk away with $10-$15 million and Jake Paul will continue on with his stupid stunts that earn him tens of millions.
  4. Go see a psychiatrist at a hospital. They might give it to you if you are able to convince them it's a good idea. But you haven't managed to convince me it's a good idea for an angry alcoholic to get hooked on Valium too. So good luck trying to convince a professional. Your only fooling yourself.
  5. To me it sounds like you're more interested in figuring out how to get your hands on some benzodiazepines rather than making a meaningful effort to stop drinking.
  6. Still doesn't matter. It isn't the solution. It won't work. Benzos are not some magical elixir. The non-alcoholic beer and weed combo I mentioned will work much better and you can get and consume as much of it as you want and for as long as you need to. No doctor required.
  7. No, I don't need $100m any more than I need a punch in the face from Tyson. For $5m I might do it though. ☺️
  8. Sounds great to me. Do you promise to take GG with you too? 😘 Benzos can be dependency forming, especially after consistent use. If you have an addictive personality then after 30 days you could be hooked on those too. Bad idea. Best thing is switch to some non-alcoholic beer to still get the sensation of drinking. Heineken sells a non-alcoholic beer in Thailand I believe. Then smoke some weed with it to relax you and make you sleepy. Done. Or just find another distraction. A hobby. Learn a language, start exercising regularly, or do something productive to fill the time that you would normally spend drinking. You also need to be self assuring that you got this. That it won't be difficult, etc. If you assume it will be hard to quit then it only will make it harder. Truth is it's not hard at all if you really want to do it. Best wishes...
  9. I like your thoughts about a simple life and focusing on one's health, but a lot of the rest of what you wrote sounds a bit like someone who is too fearful and lives inside a box. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? So live a little...
  10. Following are some of the great words of wisdom I live by: Nobody gets out of here alive You can't take it with you, but you can try No U-Hauls behind hearses In the end we only leave with memories We're here for a good time not a long time I only need to borrow $464 million I just want to find 11,780 votes Grab them by the.... Covfefe Peace Out!
  11. Wow, so intuitive, insightful, and profound! Your even able to defy the basic laws of the universe. Did you come up with all that goodness and wisdom all by yourself Billy Joel?
  12. "Punlop Saejew, president of the Chiang Mai Tourism Council, echoed these concerns, stating that a disaster declaration would likely decrease tourism flow. He reported that between March 1 and March 16, Chiang Mai saw over 52,000 tourist arrivals via direct flights, generating at least 1 billion baht (US$ 28 million) for the province, particularly for the tourism sector supply chains." Possible health risks to incoming tourists unaware of the dangers? Never mind, making money remains paramount.
  13. GG is baiting and trolling as usual. In fact, he's worse than usual today. Just ignore his crazy rubbish.
  14. Frustrated and projecting again.
  15. GG: drunk, undersexed, frustrated, lonely, childish, and desperately looking for an outlet to spew his malignant, sociopathic rantings.
  16. Hokeus


    Australian. Hells Angel: Dayne Brajkovich
  17. What’s worse than getting 11 metal rings stuck on your co*k to the point of excruciating pain? A female medic having to saw them off while photos of the whole event go “LOL-VIRAL” on the internet for everyone to see. PRICELESS!
  18. His luck was not already bad enough, but then he ends up with a female Thai medic having to use a microscope and an angle grinder to saw the rings off. 😂 When asked afterwards how things went the female Thai medic responded with a smile and said: "Well, let's just say it was one of the smallest things I've ever had to deal with."
  19. Not sure why. But there were dozen of shops on the connecting sois at the time that had silver jewelry stacked in clear plastic boxes and it was a place where travelers would go to buy it in bulk to then resell it for more money in other countries in the region.
  20. KSR was fun in the early nineties. It was a place mainly for young people and it consisted of mostly budget travelers wearing singlets and fishermen pants comparing the length of their underarm braids. Most of them were in between journeys to the north or south of Thailand or other places in the region. Others were there buying up cheap silver to take to Japan to sell in order to replenish their funds so that they could continue traveling. It was considered the travelers hub where you could go to get cheap tickets to onward travel destinations and information about other interesting places to visit. This was of course the pre-internet era. We used to go down there to scroll through the used bookstores that were selling cheap second hand English language travel books and novels. Many places offering a khao pad and banana smoothie for around 60 Baht (US$2.50 at the time) and then you could sit there for hours and watch multiple Hollywood movies being played from VHS tapes on TV screens. The place was very relaxed and a good escape from the general Bangkok chaos. Most of the venues were open air restaurants that also served Kloster and Carlsberg beer and very few bars existed. Most of the people were there just to eat and relax and were not there looking for any nightlife. I never spent a night in any of the guesthouses there, but there was nothing annoying about the place in general from what I recall. At that time KSR was mainly that one main soi and it hadn't really spread out into many of the other adjoining sois yet. Geographically it's still good for budget tourists who will only be in Bangkok for a few days and who would like to be based in that area for easy access to the river and the palace. If it still was anything like what it was 30 years ago then it would be great. Places change. So best to accept that and just write it off for now, until perhaps one day it becomes something more interesting again.
  21. Why would it even be hard to begin with if it's fresh? Are they packing it into bricks, over drying it, or is it just not fresh?
  22. Sounds like GG was sittin' with his arse cheeks wrapped around the porcelain god, after having consumed a lethal dose of Montezuma's Revenge, and, instead of accepting his fate, he took a solid hit off the bong and then started dreaming that he was under a fruit tree, as the barrage of plop-plop came jettisoning out of his bungholioooo! 🤦🏻‍♂️🤢🤮
  23. GammaGlobulin = An oversized dose of verbal vomit, mixed with a full serving of a sleepless nuttter wasting online resources, and smothered in a vulgar mountain of babblings of an over inflamed crotch rash gone amok. 🤢🤮
  24. OMG, frustration of the highest order. I have never seen someone project so much. Clearly GG went on Tinder trying to get a leg over, but he's old and his photos are unattractive and so it only resulted "in and out" for money proposals. Now he's drunk and pissed off and he's trying to bait others who might have had a similar experience to share their stories. Sorry, GG, looks like you're alone on this pathetic fishing expedition. Meanwhile, you aren't getting any younger, nor are your forearms, so you better open that little wallet of yours and let some true love come in. ❤️ 🤣😘
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