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Everything posted by Hokeus

  1. I would expect he only drinks this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Ivory_Coffee
  2. Why anyone is wasting their time getting into a pis*ing contest with this troll is beyond me. From his original post he claims to only have seen cannabis in magazines and then he asks if he should dry it and smoke it. That tells you he doesn't smoke to begin with so why would he suddenly be willing to smoke some unknown plant growing in his backyard? Certainly nobody with any common sense would do that. I feel like a fool even explaining any of this because this is exactly the type of wasted energy he wants from people. It is what he lives for; A long confusing whirlwind diatribe of meaningless posts going down roads that lead to nowhere and eventually fall of a cliff. Hopefully everyone here will start ignoring this troll sooner than later since the admins on this site seem reluctant to shut him down. It appears that as long as you don't insult anyone here on AN you can waylay people as much as you like without any consequence.
  3. Just to reiterate, if you don't even want the website you are uploading your photo to have the metadata then just take a screenshot of the photo on your phone first and upload the screen shot. It will contain zero metadata after that. Not even the make and model of your phone.
  4. I was wondering if many people here use a meal delivery service? I recently started using one called Power Daily and I am very pleased with it. The food is excellent quality, beautifully prepared, nicely seasoned recipes, and very hygenic. Most recipes are Western food, but they do have a few Thai meals too. All meals are made with either Chicken or Fish. Their Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/powerdaily.bkk/ I actually had many of these types of meal delivery service offers come up in my Instagram feed, but I chose this one because they offer some high-protein low-carb meals, which is what I was looking for. They change their menu every Friday so the meal selection changes once a week. If you order 600 Baht worth of food then there is no delivery fee and you can schedule a delivery for morning or afternoon on any day of the week except Sunday. Meals are delivered by LaLaMove and they provide a real time tracking link once the delivery is sent out to you so that you know when to expect the delivery. Orders are placed with them via a message on the LINE app and payment is made in advance by bank transfer. If you are interested you can see their this week's menu selection here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF9hJUUw2k/Npc7KRPDwYLzFcR3ezxwhw/view I also saw another one that looks good called Homie Clean Food, but I haven't tried it yet: https://www.instagram.com/homiecleanfood/ Has anyone found any other good meal delivery services like this offering high-protein meals delivered in Bangkok?
  5. I just did a test on metadata using some photos stored on my phone and I emailed 3 images to myself from my phone. One was a screenshot, another was an image I saved from a website, and the third one was a photo actually taken with my phone's own camera. I studied the metadata and both the screen shot and the image saved from the web contained zero metadata. The photo taken with my phone contained the model of my phone and the GPS coordinates of where the photo was captured. If you don't have location data enabled in the photos or camera app of your phone then it will only show the model of the phone and no GPS data. I then captured a screenshot on my phone of that same photo that I had originally shot with my phone. I then emailed the screenshot to myself of the photo, checked the metadata, and the screenshot of the photo also contained zero metadata. I also then saved a few photos from AN that people shot and uploaded to AN and all of those photos contained zero metadata as well. This means that AN automatically strips out all metadata from a photo file when someone uploads any photo to this website. So even if you upload a photo to AN containing metadata, the metadata will be removed before it appears on this website. Anyway, GG is just trolling and attempting to lead people down another winding path of confusion and misdirection. Just the usual fanciful antics of an internet trouble maker. But I wanted to clarify the issue about the uploading photos and metadata in case anyone is interested in the facts. Thus, if you want to upload a photo taken with your phone to a website, and you want to be sure to hide your metadata, then all you need to do is screenshot the photo on your phone first and then upload the screenshot of the photo and not upload the original photo. In that case the photo will contain zero metadata for your photo and no personal information will be revealed.
  6. This is such a pathetic conversation, even just the notion of it and all the fearful, wining reactions of many (but not all) who are worrying only about their own superficial personal interests. Meanwhile, there are so many bigger and more important issues facing the world right now. But this attitude here doesn't surprise me. Most of the foreigners who live in Thailand have run away from the developed world in fear of one thing or another, either something material, spiritual, legal, financial, or otherwise. Thus, they are hiding and hoping that their newfound hangout will keep them safe from having to ever deal with reality again. Many are actually just bottom feeders. So everyone needs to grow a pair and stop only worrying about their own tiny little microcosm of life that they have now, tucked away in a developing country that is facing so many of its own challenges politically, financially and environmentally and doesn't have the luxury to worry about the well being of all the outsiders who now reside here. Thus, stop just worrying about yourselves and what you would do in a doomsday scenario that may never come. Instead, think about how maybe you can do something today to help make the world a better place for the people, animals, and environment around you who are all desperately trying to survive just like you. If you feel insulted by any of this then I am sorry, but if you do then maybe you need to take closer at yourself to see what can be improved. Rant over.
  7. After posting a long winded rant banging on about how one group of Asians is smarter than the other, it then tells us bashing won't be tolerated. You can't make this sh*t up. The whole post is a bash against different groups of Asians and their lack of intelligence and yet it attempts to act clever by spinning it back on the audience for potentially posting hurtful comments, when in fact nobody has said anything on the topic, nor is anyone even interested for that matter. GG's deluded and shameless posts should not be tolerated anymore.
  8. @GammaGlobulin - Mental illness is a treatable condition in many cases. So my kind advice to you, who has obviously mistaken his own chronic buffoonery for genius, is to wheel yourself down to the nearest sanitarium and beg the good people there for some immediate professional help. And, if by any unforeseeable reason they happen to refuse you as a case study, then I would be delighted to attest to your valid need to be immediately strapped down naked to a gurney and prodded with all sorts of sharp metal objects until they are able to conclude the nature of your disastrous condition. In the interim, for the greater good of humanity, I beg that you immediately pour a healthy dose of 100% hydrogen peroxide on top of all of your electronic device keyboards in order to help prevent your urge to continue to pollute any online communities with your insatiable drivel. Frankly, it surprises even the lowest depths of humanity that you are able to walk around upright, instead using all 4 limbs to move forward, and without plunging your vapid tongue into cow dung 100 times per hour.
  9. GammaGlobulin = A healthy dose of verbal diarrhhea, mixed with a full serving of wasted internet bandwidth, and smothered in a mountain of scribblings of an over inflamed buttt rash gone amok. 🤢🤮
  10. I've had my eBay account for over 20 years. Get stuff shipped to Thailand all the time. Never a problem. They have changed security measures on my account from time to time over the years, but not by much. Making payments on eBay used to be faster when they owned PayPal, but, after they sold it off, it requires another step to pay with PayPal now because you have to log into your PayPal account separately. My PayPal account has also never had a problem, I'm sure I've had it at least 20 years as well. I've had trouble logging in a couple of times because of an overseas IP address, that's just a security measure and it's always been something that could be easily fixed with a phone call to PayPal. I have an overseas address on the PayPal account too, so no issues using it in Thailand.
  11. What is needed isn't the question. It is how to acquire it and it seems fairly impossible in this case. If you have more intelligence/skills/proficiency you are not going to get a government job stamping dates into passports all day for hours on end. Instead you will get a more fulfilling and higher paying private sector job. Government jobs are best suited for lazy underachievers who aren't very proficient and water seeks its own level in these situations.
  12. There are no doses of any cannabis or any THC in those drinks. They are just like any of the sweet drinks in 7-Eleven trying to get money from you, it's all marketing ploys. You could drink 1,000 of those drinks and you'll never get high, but you will get diabetes.
  13. Trump announced those hideous gold colored galoshes at "Sneaker Con". Nuff said. For credibility he should be trying to sell something he actually uses regularly, like orange colored adult diapers. Or anything that can help deal with his hellacious body odor. Ewwwww.
  14. A man recently walked into a pharmacy in Pattaya having suffered from a massive chubby that still won't go away after a week after he ingested a cocktail of Viagra and Cialis. He showed it to the female pharmacist and asked "what can you give me for this?" She replied "I can give you the 1,500 Baht I have in the till and pay you more next week".
  15. Probably made in China. Dollar Store quality sneakers for $399, Bargain! Next he will try to sell you a hoodie or maybe a pillow. He only needs to sell a million pairs of those Frankenstein boots to pay off his court judgements. Alas, desperation has no shame. Those tiny hands tho. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  16. Nice, that looks like kryptonite. Should get you fully baked!
  17. Now that you mentioned nuts, the ice pick method I suggested earlier is supposed to also work really well on mites, bed bugs, scabies, body lice of any form, etc. I believe you only need to plunge the pick a bit deeper into your nuts and you should be good. 👌🏼
  18. When I was in Changi prison I don’t recall the bed bugs being an issue for me. It was the TB that gave me the most trouble. But, then again, I had a top bunk so maybe that helped. I noticed though that the guys who complained of bed bugs in Changi the most were the ones who played grab arse with each other all the time. You think maybe that was the connection?
  19. Best method is to light your public hair on fire and, when the crabs come running out, stab them with an icepick. Works like a champ every time. 👍🏼
  20. Nothing some repurposed pesticide drones spraying water droplets over the city can't fix. 🤣
  21. I also used it a bit in the eighties and then also stopped it completely for around the same amount of time as you. I recently started it again, but my usage is very light and I feel it’s a useful aid for relaxing at night. I often get a slightly elevated heartbeat for the first 20 minutes, but that’s about it. As opposed to most people who dose all at once, I’ve found micro dosing to be more pleasurable. Start with a little bit and then top it up after an hour or two and eventually fade off to sleep. It’s really a dose dependent thing for me and if you overdo your limit then I can see feeling a bit sick and not enjoying it so much. If you get it dialed in though then I think it can be a really nice addition to one’s lifestyle.
  22. This article sounds like another long winded, inconclusive nothing burger: Is Thailand’s love-hate relationship with legal cannabis coming to an end? https://www.thaipbsworld.com/is-thailands-love-hate-relationship-with-legal-cannabis-coming-to-an-end/ The following except from the article sums things up clearly: "Dr Smith said there was still a long way to go before either of the cannabis bills would take effect..."
  23. Your comments are interesting. So many people on this forum complain of the weed not being strong enough in Thailand. I fully agree with you though. Everything I've had is excellent quality and very strong, but that's good because you don't need to consume much. But it is also dose dependent. So best to start with one good hit. Then give it 15 minutes to take effect and see if you need more or not. Eventually your tolerance will increase too. So if you use it regularly then after a month or two you will find you can handle a bit more.
  24. If you go onto Shopee there appears to be dozens of seed sellers. Cant vouch for any of them, because I have no personal experience, but you can focus on the ones with the highest number of sales and best reviews. Just do a search for seeds on there. They will show up in droves. Screenshots from Shopee below.
  25. Yes, if a hard drive is powered on and spinning for 12 hours a day, but not being used very much during that time, then it is putting unnecessary wear and tear on the drive. I would recommend disconnecting it from the PC when it is not being used. Hard drives (unlike SSD drives) are mechanical devices and have oil in them to keep them lubricated so that the platter can spin continuously without locking up. The more that the hard drive platter spins then the faster the oil will get used up and eventually the hard drive could freeze and seize. I suggest installing a free program called Crystal Disk. This program monitors HDD usage time, spin time, temperature, general hard drive health and points out any errors on the drive in real time. Normally, before a hard drive dies, Crystal Disk will be able to warn you that the drive's health is poor, which gives you a chance to replace the drive before it dies so that you don't lose any data.
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