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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. Celsius, you got a degree in pessimism.
  2. This is an English forum, you should have said Sugarmountain.
  3. Remarkable thread, the topic is Police corruption and it got diverted into EV bashing. Why are people so paranoid about the demise of ICE?
  4. Could someone give us a link to that story. As I don't see how it could be related to RD fleecing Farangs?
  5. That's exactly my thinking. I have LTR but I have started moving my savings around so that I don't get caught with my pants down if they changed the rules that protect us now. Only, I am not targeting zero tax, I'll be ok to stay just under 5% [instead of 25%] of my total income. Doing thatI'd have to spend 6 months out of Thailand in 2028. But LTR is still there.
  6. Interestingly my friends accountant said that Government was considering doubling income tax rates for foreigners, 10% to 70% instead of 5% to 35%. They had a lengthy debate about the doubling the 0% in the first bracket but put that into he too difficult basket for the time being. Anutin also suggested they could triple the rates but the consensus was that they have to go step by step.
  7. This is reflects something I am still unclear about. Does royal decree 743 exempt any foreign income [Pensions AFAIC] earned while residing in the Kingdom under LTRWP, or does the income need to be earned during year -1 when remitted during year 1, just as any foreign income up to 31/12/2023?
  8. Don't think it is all that important. Sometime I wai only with the left hand, when I am picking my nose. Or only the right hand when I am scratching my anus.
  9. .. predatory Revenue Department... Anyhow, Malaysia, Nepal, Vietnam, Indonesia will get my money from now on.
  10. Sounds all like "officer, sorry I was over the speed limit, but not my fault as I wasn't looking at the speedo". We all know when a girl is seriously young, and that some limit may be dangerously close. So, if you are decent, better stay away.
  11. Obviously she is, because she is a minor. There might be attenuating circumstances for the perp, but that for the judge to decide. Sorry guys times have changed, even in Thailand.
  12. If the MRI was Multi-Parametric with an Endorectal coil it was ok, otherwise near useless fore cancer detection.
  13. I persist, Songkran kills every year about four times more than any of these little skirmishes. While the Kmer Rouge killed over two million.
  14. So far they have never "exploded into uncontrolled violence", while there were a few minor skirmishes. But this could be down the road soon.
  15. Again, you have to see an audit situation, they will not sift through all card transactions in Thailand, they will ask your Swiss bank to disclose all your transaction in Thailand. This is a CRS basic. You may stay under the radar for years possibly forever, but if RD think they have a reason to audit you and they find out that you have been living of ATMs, they will hit you, very hard. Also some RDs have targetted audits as well as random audits.
  16. Why on earth did this girl go with a guy who wears a neckless of doggy doos?
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