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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. You haven't gotten this right it is: any money earned and remitted after 1 jan 2024 will be taxed. Any money earned before that date is subject to the old rule i.e taxed if remitted the year of earning.
  2. Airlines keep obese guys like that as Pilot. Wonder how many gallons he had to factor in for his own weight when refuelling. But as he keeps talking I tend to agree with him.
  3. That's correct. But since I am a cautious guy, I'll do as if RD 743 wasn't there. I'll reassess by mid 2025. Also, everyone seems to think that under RD 743 income must be seasoned one year, is that correct?
  4. That's plain wrong. I checked for France, where they tax the family unit. With a wife and two kids I'd pay about half of what I would pay here on my full income. Maybe a hint for fixing the Thai natality problem mentioned on another thread. Single people get hammered there but about at the same level as here, in the 30% bracket.
  5. Have you ever heard of that? A teen pregnancy is a life sentence for a Thai girl. The abject idiot boy who did it to her won't give any support whatsoever.
  6. Their view is that when you extend and show untaxed money, part of that money isn't yours, not entirely wrong. The good news is that they seem to understand the DTAs. But it could make the "agents" lives interesting.
  7. Makes sense doesn't, if the 65K weren't taxed at source you'd have to show something around 70k as you'd have to cater for the Thai income tax deduction. Don't underestimate the Thais. But I can see people coming up with 35k taxed and 30 untaxed, or worse..
  8. People who have a good, well paid job with many fringe benefits. Those with a solid pension, who reckon it is better to stay here for their family and let their kids decide where they want to live later. Otherwise I couldn't see any strong motivation, sex I could find anywhere, I have boomboomed on the five continents.
  9. I think that those people who have a home address recorded on their card account might be safe, for a while at least. I'd be screwed because my bank sends me my new card at the address recorded by immigration...
  10. This one is just a sad clown, while Russians are inbred thugs.
  11. I think the west has been wise in never colonising this god forsaken place. They would have expected the coloniser to do all the work while the colonised kept quacking in the shade, under the mango tree.
  12. They are in the process of modifying forms to enable the claim of overseas tax credits, any idea why they do it? All this came up in the various threads that have been started since September, and I don't want to go through sift though thousands of posts, but I think the form modification came up after some "AMCHAM" meeting, US being a good case in point. AFAIC many things came up and made total sense. Now even the large tax advice consultancies raise doubts about RD's capabilities, but I wouldn't play their current weaknesses too much. Everything will be retroactive to Jan 1, 2024 if they catch you in 2030. I could hurt really bad couldn't?
  13. Easy, it will be up to you to justify your tax credits/exemption. If your funds are available, move them right now (before January 1, 2024), into an account where you keep them clean until you transfer them to Thailand. Everything you earn after January 1 won't be considered as savings. Now about Aunt Martha's inheritance this will be handled on the fly, the Thai way, as I said in my opening comment; it certainly won't stop them from starting collecting.
  14. Not need to get rabid. They don't need to mention expats, the said that all residents for the purpose of taxation (strictly more than 179 days in country) will have to file a tax return. Why would you think that this wouldn't include the so called expats?
  15. Countries should implement total bans on certain breeds. Any Pitt Bull, or other, that is identified within the borders is put down, systematically, ruthlessly. There are enough nice [mostly] peaceful pets around to keep us company.
  16. Well, since the only Thai word I know is "boomboom", I get mixed results.
  17. Yes, genuine refugees [A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee conflict or persecution and has crossed an international border to seek safety.] are often educated people who may contribute effectively to countries that shelter them. I think you confuse illegal immigrants with refugees. The former are people who are lured by a better life in West. They often fail to achieve their dreams and become a burden for the host countries. Sometimes for generations.
  18. I thought it was clear: any income earned after Jan 1, 2024 and remitted any time after Jan 1, 2024 must be reported via a tax return, from March 2025 onwards. Couldn't be clearer than that. You may claim a Tax credit if the income has been already taxed and a DTA between Thailand and the country where the income has be earned is in place. The details of reporting will probably be worked out on the fly, in typical Thai fashion. I may be worth to remember that in Thailand yo may get a pretty harsh punishment for rather minor offences. I doubt I'd survive more then a couple of months in a Thai prison. Imagine dying of urinary retention because they don't give you your prostate medication? That kind of stuff happens daily here.
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