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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. Let me know if this forum is for Brits only, I might have overlooked this reality.
  2. Very helpful for the vast majority who are not taxed in their country of origin... And even for the Brits it concerns only their measly government pension they pretend one could live off.
  3. Well the real question now is whether you want to share your booze, for the rest of your life, with Cheap Charlies trying to teach you how to have a good life in Pattaya with less than 50k a month..
  4. Australia must be the first country that has more hospitalisations than cases.. That's from the OP's graphs.
  5. Way to metaphorical for me. But rest assured that, with old age, I do my holes in one, more and more.
  6. So, why would you have Lanna food in Bangkok?
  7. Start a new family. Otherwise I find Thailand boring compared to many other places I have visited. No mountains, not much history. And sex is universal.
  8. Amusingly, if I got this right, they did exactly the same thing as the Thais, in that they didn't know what they were doing.
  9. So, what are all these foreigners in "teaching jobs" doing here?
  10. From your uneducated statement saying that the use of ATMs will cost more than the tax it would save. In my case I would save 30% of tax on the first million and half I might withdraw and 25% on the subsequent million. But in all likelihood I wan't save anything as I have an LTR visa.
  11. Can you elaborate? you reckon that using ATMs will shave off 25% or 30% off he funds withdrawn? Most of us will be in these brackets, which are never readjusted for inflation BTW.
  12. Sure one may also have views on whether the Golden Gate bridge stands there. But this is Aseannow after all. Yesterday someone tried to explain to be that the Bible supports Gay marriage.
  13. There is no debate, the XML Schema supports queries down to the level of TIN number, hence individual cases. Anyone with an iota of IT experience can see it. Of course there will be an implementation delay, which will depend on the state of the legacy IT systems of the various RDs. And the competence of their management and staff. Money can also buy the best implementing partners. I am sure there are developers at IT service providers who know the CRS Schema inside out, but they probably don't speak Thai.
  14. Ok , you win, I won't go through the dozens of pertinent references in the Book. But how about "the Earth is flat" ?
  15. It is probably these drug laws that make Bali. and Indonesia as a whole, a much better place to take your family. Thailand has been decaying for much too long by now. I agree with Scuba, Kuta is a place for Australian young adults, Ubud, Padang Bay and many other places is for people who enjoy beauty and culture.
  16. Sure , now what other hilarious nonsense have got got on Leviticus 20:13 "If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them."
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