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Irish star

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Everything posted by Irish star

  1. Really turn off Alex jones and Qanon , I’m so happy to see you melt down over a Black Woman , this Election is all about the women , Republicans remove Roe Wade you might have a glimmer of hope
  2. He actually saw who the Suckers and Saps were lol
  3. How many years have they known this , China Tours China Businesses. Only thing that trickles down is pollution from these damn busses everywhere and ruining Environment, open door policy for them
  4. Doing it since 76 he was a Republican for 30years half his life one of them , now don’t come weeping on Nov 6 , Faux News is jumping ship , Michigan, Georgia, N Carolina Wisconsin going blues, you know how many universities in N Carolina, Blacks and youths , hell wait til the Swifties turn their hate to Trump, which he stirred that pot , Now News today that Trump is a Democrat Plant , to sabotage elections, he just got lucky in 2016 , Electoral, , Kamala will get a bump of 4 to 6 % after tomorrow Convention last day then what 73 days to go it’s hands down a blue Tsunami, Republicans will. Continue to Lose until they stop taking Women's Rights
  5. Maybe the Cemetery felt disrespectful, “ Religion of pieces “ who knows
  6. Lottery and Screwing someone over they go do Merit , my last gf anyway and most of them , screw up all week , all forgiven on Sunday
  7. Experts say 319 -219 Harris But if Florida flips Blue , Trump will be headed to Moscow , he won’t stay if it’s Droning, Venezuelan Authorities will Accept him
  8. Tupac I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned the man , Stoner
  9. Ok Click Man , do you have to pay by the letter , AIS has better packages
  10. You dumbed yourself down , and I imbibe , but I try to maintain some sanity
  11. Are you talking to a Chair again , one sentence so many facts go check
  12. Never give anything to anyone in Thailand except a tip for a grab
  13. 5 th biggest economy in the world , your delusional
  14. Great again , you do see our stock market you do see the business climate in California. Backwards with Trump at helm
  15. Trump is Cool , can you text more than one sentence at a time or you just doing it for clicks , there is nothing cool about a Felon , Pedo , Rapist , Grifter , I hope I’m not a neighbor, Trump is Cool my gawd Pathetic Human you are
  16. Rappers , ganja , stay in topic ffs
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