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Everything posted by MangoKorat

  1. All this information sharing/anti money laundering aimed at 'normal' people must cost the governments/financial institutions of the countries involved, trillions! Probably far more than they actually retrieve. How dare us 'normal' lowlifes try to avoid paying tax on money we have probably already been taxed on? How dare Brits try to maintain a UK address to avoid their pension being frozen? Meanwhile, the real tax evaders, the 'fat cats' and 'oligarchs' - even country leaders, employ armies of 'advisers' and accountants to move their money around using networks of 'shell companies' and 'tax havens' to avoid paying tax. Global companies locate their registered headquarters in zero/low tax domains then send 'management charges' forward that negate any profits made by their subsidiary companies in the countries where their actual income is received. I suspect that a 'shop floor' worker in such companies probably pays more tax than their chairman. All of this mind, is totally legal and the countries where the money is 'hidden' do not share information with anyone. Anyone remember The Panama Papers? Drug cartels shift their money through unregulated crypto currencies to avod detection and then 'wash' it by forming companies that buy and sell properties on a massive scale. Don't they then have to pay tax on any 'washed' profits they make? See the paragraph above. Never mind though, we can all sleep easy knowing our law enforcement/tax authorities are busy working away to locate those nasty tax evading expats living just above the breadline in countries such as Thailand. The same people that have probably paid tax all their lives! One only has to glance through The Panama Papers to see what goes on above the heads of us minions.
  2. Yes you can but depending on the individual office, if your friend has a signed lease, he should be able to register TM30 himself. I suggest he contacts the local office and asks what they require. As for being fined, it may or may not happen, I would just go ahead and register and see what happens. I had lots of problems with my initial registration (which is now defucnt and I have to start again) but eventually got it sorted and registered myself. I'm lead to believe that immigration are a lot more easy going now and they just want to see that someone is properly registered.
  3. Unless things have changed, as far as I remember, providing you return to the same address when you return, you don't have to make a new TM30 registration.
  4. Agreed. In such a situation, I wouldn't attempt doing it online. Once I got past the pedantic I.O at Korat and they accepted that I could register myself, I was handed over to one of the students they have working there. She spoke English fairly well and made things much easier. I know it can be a PITA going in person (its 100km for me) but once its done you will have login details that you know will work. They also seem to have specific staff that deal with TM30 so the OP might not have to join the usual immigration queue. Another tip I would suggest. If possible, take the device you intend to use to access your registration with, along with you. Before you leave the office, make sure you can actually login to your account. Much easier that trying to sort problems on the phone.
  5. My earlier post refers to a past registration. I'm not sure if things are the same now or not but previously, Nakhon Ratchasima Immigration would not accept an online registration by someone who was not the registered owner. I had to do my initial registration in person and even then had problems because I wasn't the registered owner of the property. For a while they insisted that the owner had to visit them in person but I eventually got them to back down on that. It certainly wasn't accepted in minutes. I think immigration in general now accept that the main point is just to get the registration done - whether that's by the owner or the occupier. I will find out shortly as something went wrong/was changed during/after Covid. My registration no longer exists and I will have to do it all again - hopefully it will be a lot easier this time.
  6. You will probably experience different requirements at each office. The registered owner of my house does not have their name in the Tabien Baan (bizarrely there are no names in the book). Their name is on the Channote though. I was eventually allowed to register TM30 myself but needed to produce: Copy my passport. Copy of my Usufruct Agreement. Copy of the Tabien Baan for my house. Copy of the Tabien Baan for the house where the registered owner lives. Copy of the registered owner's ID card. Original + Copy of the property's Channote The copies of the registered owner's Tabien Baan and ID card had to be signed and include their telephone number.
  7. I can assure you that in motor related cases, the problem lies almost entirely with the police. How often do you see the police enforcing the traffic laws in Thailand? How many trucks/motorbikes drive around at night with no rear lights? How many motorbikes drive the wrong way along highways (a report of a death cause by this just yesterday)? When a Thai person claims they've left their licence at home, are they a). required to produce it at a police station within 7 days or b). are they 'fined' 200 baht and no checks are done to see if they actually hold a licence? Answer = b). Is a receipt given for that 200 baht fine and where does the money actually go? Why do Thai's repeatedly ride bikes without wearing a crash helmet? Could it be that the 'fines' are tiny and checks are only applied en mass at certain times of the month? Again, are receipts given and where does the money go? If you're going over the speed limit on a motorway and you pass a police car, what's the likelihood of that police car pulling you over? (I have direct personal experience on all the above issues - some regularly) I have my suspicions about some criminal cases but no real knowledge of them but I would suggest, with confidence, that if the Thai police got off their butts and enforced the traffic laws, there would be an immediate and drastic reduction in the amount of people killed/badly injured on Thai roads every week. You mention 'crazy governments' - well I suppose the Thai government has a hand in this to a certain extent. They know what goes on just as well as the rest of us do. In addition they come out with ridiculous new 'road safety' laws such as being able to be caught drink driving 3 times before you lose your licence! Even then, you just say you left it at home and pay 200 baht. There is also an issue with driver training - are you aware just how pathetic a Thai driving test is? Have you ever met a Thai who knows who has right of way on a roundabout? Are you aware that a lot of Thai drivers think that an amber traffic light means 'go quickly'? As for the 'flashing' traffic lights at night.....well.........................................................................
  8. I suspect that this story is simply bad reporting which is not helped by a poorly worded title. Reading it for the second time, my take on it is that all that will change is that you won't be able to claim that the money you bring into Thailand was earned before 1 January 2024. Reading it the other way - as the story has (possibly deliberately) been slanted - how would Thailand gain knowledge of your savings/income outside the country?
  9. You didn't reply to my question on the amount of your shareholding. I ask because you need to check how much foreign shareholding the Land Office where you intend buying properties will allow. I've been told that some will only allow 39%.
  10. I have no wish to sound negative but are you saying that you intend buying residential units and renting them out to tourists? If so, you might have a problem there. I haven't kept up with this but there was some problems with AirbnB lettings for example. I believe a law has been introduced stating that rentals must be for a minimum of 1 month but others can maybe advise you better on that.
  11. An often discussed matter. Owning property via a properly registered and fully trading Thai company that has a maximum of 49% foreign shareholding (sometimes 39%) can be legal. A Thai Ltd company that doesn't trade but employs a book keeper to basically falsify accounts and pay a little income tax in order to own land in Thailand is most definitely illegal. The 'book keeper' is often part of a package offered by the lawyers that set the company up. Whilst its true that many do it and they've never had a problem - that's simply because they have not been investigated. There is no guarantee and more recent news stories seem to indicate that such 'companies' are starting to be investigated. The key is a clause in the Thai land laws that refers to circumvention. Even a properly registered and trading Thai company can fall foul of that if it can be shown that the company was set up purely or mainly to circumvent the Thai land ownership rules. I can't see a problem for a company who's stated aims are property developing but you should seek advice on that from a lawyer that is not in the business of setting up Thai companies for foreigners. A company that has no reason to own land may also fall foul of the law - for example, you may have a fully fuctioning Thai company making tables and chairs. That does not entitle the company to purchase land and build a house for the foreign shareholder to live in. Owning the land on which the factory sits though, would be legal. If there is clear circumvention, you are at risk and what is clear will be up to the Thai court to decide. If a company is investigated, the Thai shareholders will almost certainly have to prove that the money used to purchase their shares was their own. You would also need to show that the company actually employs Thai staff and pays them a salary - not just pays their social security as some 'lawyers' will tell you.
  12. Yes, I have never been able to work that one out. As a biker, my basic survival instinct would not allow me to pull out into potential traffic without even a glance.
  13. They will not however, be doing anything about the hundreds of other bikes that ride against the traffic every day.
  14. Whilst it can seem daunting the first time, collecting the supporting documents is the most time consuming and you have to do that whether you use an agent or not. There are probably people on here that can help the OP just as much as an agent can. Absolutely. I once helped a friend out who'd previously applied for a UK visitor's visa using a Thai agency in Bangkok. The agency had encouraged her to lie on the application, the lie was discovered and the application was refused. She was effectively 'banned' from applying again because she had lied. It took almost a year of emails going back and forth between myself and UK Immigration to get the decision reversed and another 6 months before she got her visa. Apparently she could have been banned from applying for 10 years but after translating an e-mail from the agent to the applicant, UK Immigration accepted that the agent was the culprit. I believe we have a UK visa agent on here, although I haven't seen him post for quite some time.
  15. Wouldn't it be refreshing if a company, any company, held their hands up and said "yes, we've been having a few problems recently" instead of the usual BS corporate reply. Concerned after reading this thread, I messaged Wise and got this back - means absolutley nothing! Hello XXXX, Thanks for getting in touch! I understand your concern is about sending money to THB account and would like to confirm if any issues on it. Sending money has its different time frame, it depends on the payment method and currencies you are using. Transfer to THB can take up to 1-2 working days to arrive in your recipient's account. You can learn more about THB transfers here for more information. You also can check in our pricing calculator here. I hope this helps. Let us know if you have any more questions. Regards, Wise
  16. Both UK and Schengen visas are straighforward - no need for any agent. You will have to provide a considerable amount of paperwork to support your wife's visa applications and there is no way an agent can remove the need for any of that. If you still decide to use an agent, use a British or European one, I've heard horror stories from people who used Thai agencies.
  17. Its totally mind boggling that one man, a lunatic at that, can hold the whole world to ransom. How has this been allowed to happen? It seems we learned nothing from WW2. The signs have been there for years - nobody with good intentions needs to control the press, convince their people that the West is against them and the cause of all their problems. A reasonable and decent person doesn't need to dispose of their opposition, rig elections and raise nationalism to huge levels. Its plain and simple 'conditioning' of the people. There are clear echoes of the manipulation that Germany experienced from 1933 - 1939. People may say that Putin wouldn't dare 'push the button', that he would not be able to do it alone. Does anyone believe that Hitler wouldn't have used nuclear weapons if he'd had them? Who in Russia, would have the guts to stand up to Putin? Most of those who might have already been dealt with and the rest live in fear. It must be remembered that we are not dealing with a reasonable person - Putin knows exactly what his destiny is. If he loses the war in Ukraine, he loses power in Russia. If he starts something bigger and loses, he'd ultimately die. To use the words of Winston Churchill - 'Beware of driving men to desperation. Even a cornered rat is dangerous'. I wouldn't put anything beyond Putin and I think the West will regret not standing up to him sooner.
  18. I am saying that it is my belief that they were officially notified. Whatever, its yet another cock up in announcments from the Thai government. It's unlikely but entirely possible that this matter has ruffled some feathers somewhere - somebody possibly had to 'sign it off' and thinks they've been over-ridden. There could also have been some 'back tracking' behind the scenes - it wouldn't be the first time. I just hope that nobody has booked a return flight/flight out that is beyond the current 30 day exemption - they could well be denied boarding at check in.
  19. I don't see how who posted what changes anything. All I am saying is that it has become clear that the 60 day exemption is not yet available and that despite the Thai authorities claims that the confusion is down to press interpretation, the British government are unlikely to have amended their advice if they had not been officially notified of the change. Therefore, the Thai authorities are being 'economical' with the truth in blaming press releases. Someone official, must have advised the British government - wrongly as it turns out. I don't believe the British government would change anything without official confirmation.
  20. I think you misunderstand. I'm fully aware (from the OP) that people are not being stamped in for 60 days. You might note that a poster said his company had been in touch with the Thai authorities who have said that the new 60 day exemption is currently going through the system - it is not law yet and they blamed it on press releases. As others and myself pointed out, the British government amended their website to state that from 1 June 2024, the visa exemption for British citizens would be 60 days. The point I'm making is that I very much doubt the British government's advice is based on press releases, I am sure they will have received official notification. Therefore I don't believe this anomaly is entirely the result of press releases.
  21. I have an up to date Smart TV and use an Android Box to watch TV when in Thailand - mainly UK stations. The box does have several Thai stations listed but they buffer a lot and are sometimes not available. I would like the 'main' Thai TV stations to be available for when Thai friends come to stay. Are they available online (legally) without being part of a package or would I have to use a satellite system/old fashioned aerial?
  22. Covered here: https://aseannow.com/topic/1328713-suvarnabhumi-airport-still-stamps-30-days-instead-of-60-days/
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