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Everything posted by MangoKorat
The size of the population will have a bearing on it but the main reason is that we have emitted massive amounts of pollutants into the atmosphere and destroyed much of the planet's natural mehtod of balancing them. I.E. we have sent massive amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere and cut down the rainforrests that normally capture it. Most of this has taken place relatively recently - i.e. since the Industrial Revolution - around 1750. The planet's natural changes are well documented and have been intensively studied. They have taken place over millions of years - not just 275 or so. There is a good explanation here: https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2019/09/19/natural-climate-change-causes/
In no way is the speed at which climate change is taking place natural. It has been brought about by human activity. The point of refering you to the previous post was because you had previously questioned why it was any of my business that people supported Trump. I think the post I refer to explains that quite clearly.
And how does that matter? On Economics: What happens in a country with an economy the size of the USA's affects what happens elsewhere. On Environmental Matters: The actions of any county may affect others and possibly, the rest of the world. This is especially pertinent as the USA is the world's second largest polluter. Trump being a climate change denier and in charge of the USA is likely to take the USA out of the Paris Accord again and possibly take other measures that could damage the environment further than it has been already. Local actions have global consequences.
Get over yourself - its quite simple. The majority of US voters have shown quite clearly that care only about the dollar in their pocket - today! Nobody in their right mind would vote for someone who suggests they use bleach to cure Covid. My 'little list' as you call it - was quite clearly an extremely condensed summary of Trump's lies, calims and falsehoods. He's even on record as trying to pressure an election official (a Republican) to change at least one 2020 election result. The 'little list' is actually a very long list and the more you learn, the less any rational thinker understands the election result. Trump's 'masterstroke', for want of a more fitting description, was that which he came up with during the last few weeks of his campaign - asking people if they were better off 4 years ago or now. They didn't seem to stop and think about the effects and costs of Covid or the fact that inflation was worldwide. Blaming Biden for inflation is simply ridiculous. The US economy has rebounded from Covid far better than most, inflation is now falling and growth in the US is better than that of many countries. That will begin to filter into the public's pockets soon and Trump will claim its his doing. That, in much the same way as he inherited a healthy ecomony from Obama and claimed credit for it.
Lax Law Enforcement Cited for Alarming Road Fatalities in Thailand
MangoKorat replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
Lax Law Enforcement Cited for Alarming Road Fatalities in Thailand Really? Well that's amazing, who would have guessed it? -
I know what I see and hear. I know that he's been convicted of a felony offence and has other cases pending. I watched the debate on TV where he said that Haitian refugees were eating cats and dogs. I know that he incited the violence on 6 January 2021 and I watched the results of his actions on TV. I know that he has stated several times that Climate Change is a hoax and that he cancelled America's agreement to the Paris Accord. I am aware that he introduced a policy that separated the children of illegal migrants from their families. I know that he lied about the value of some real estate in order to facilitate a larger loan. I heard him state on TV that the deaths from Covid would never reach 100,000 - they are currently running at over 1.2 million.............................. I could go on, there are probably enough lies, false statements and offences etc. to fill a book. You think it matters that I'm not an American? I am fully aware that some people who voted for Trump don't actually like him and I've heard the reasons they give. Nevertheless, I could not bring myself to vote for a complete mad man like Trump and I have major problems understanding those who could. Trump cares about one thing and one thing only - Trump! His entire agenda is populist because he knows a large percentage of the US population will feed off it. A large percentage of the US population is then, uneducated in terms of politics. That same sector of the population also seem to care more about their pockets than anything else. That sector can probably be framed by the views I heard during a televised public debate some years ago on ......is it Medicare - the one known as Obamacare? What those attendees were basically saying is 'why should we pay for poor people to receive medical treatment?' Their views on the subject were quite strong and although they didn't literally say it - the implication was that people who couldn't afford medical treatment should just be left to die or live with their afflications. To someone who was born and has lived his entire life under the British welfare/NHS system - and who has received life saving treatment for cancer that cost far more then I could ever afford - hearing that debate was shocking. Until that point, I hadn't paid much attention to the American persona athough their gung ho attitudes have been well known throughout the world for many years. Moving forward to the Trump era, I've learned even more about US citizens and the recent election results cemented my feelings. I have friends from the USA - some of whom feel they have to apologise for Trump so I know its not the entire population. So let's not hide under rocks - I'll tell you what I really think - I think that a large proportion - possibly as much as 50% in light of the election results, of the US population are Selfish, increasingly Right Wing Lunatics that care only for today and the dollar in their pocket. They have no cares for the planet or what they will leave behind for their children and grandchildren. They don't seem to care about those who are less well off in their own country (even though its those people who labour for large corporations) as long as they can achieve the great American Dream. Trumps policies may help those people in the short term but lets's see what long term damage they do. Isolationist policies have never worked - anywhere. Thankfully he only has 4 years so hopefully much of the damage he causes can be repaired. P.S. The madness continues - just look at the people he's installing in his forthcoming government. I'm guessing many will be questioning their voting already.
What do you do with a convicted felon who suggests that drinking bleach might cure Covid. A man who claims its OK to grab women by the p**sy. A man who states that Covid would only claim a maximum of 100,000 US lives and that, without a shred of evidence, claims an election was stolen from him. A man who falsely claims that refugees are eating cats and dogs. A man who seems to know more about the earth's environmental challenges than seasoned professionals do and who incited his supporters to riot and attempt an insurrection ...................to name just a few of his many lies and baseless comments. I know what you do with him - elect him. I have absolutely no idea why the rest of the world is laughing in disbelief at the USA.
Yes, very rosy - more floods, wildfires and don't forget the odd hurricane or two. But never mind eh? The most important thing is the money right? With all the drilling Trump's going to do, you'll be able to continue running your V8, 5 litre pickup that you obviously must have because you yanks are so special. Never mind the fact that it spews out tons of pollution and does 12mpg eh? That doesn't matter does it? Your grandkids are going to love you. Trump looking around Smithfield market during a visit to London: "Say buddy, what's that?" "That's a potato sir" "Ya call that a potato? Why, in America we have potatoes yay big" "Yes sir but we only grow them to fit our mouths"
I'll take that comment back - I should say 50% of the American people.
Don't be a dipstick. Of course its changed but it changes over hundreds of thousands of years - not in 250!!! Anyway, I'm not about to get into that debate - I'm not a scientist, I leave that up to those who are. The problem with denier's is - just like conspiracy theorists, they'll argue black's white.
A pretty good job at what? From what perspective? If you are refering to the economy - didn't he inherit a pretty decent economy? With regard to Climate Change, he was an absolute disaster - thank god he only got 4 years so his ridiculous, uncaring policies and exit of the Paris Accord were reversed - something that's almost certainly going to happen again - 'Drill Baby Drill'. From current reports, it apears that the USA's economy is once again in pretty good shape and inflation is falling - I have no doubt however, that Trump will claim the credit for that before too long. To me, the election result speaks volumes about the American people in general and illustrates the fact that the dollar in their pocket will always matter more than the state of the planet or indeed, their fellow man - bear in mind that the USA is the world's second largest polluter. There is possibly though, a potential spanner in Trumps works - that other lunatic and Trump's newest best friend Musk does accept climate change. Let's hope he can convince Trump that it is in fact real. In general, despite the US election getting more UK airtime than just about anything else, I don't remember anyone pointing out (whilst Biden was being blamed for high inflation) that the entire world has suffered from high inflation in recent years - due in the main to Covid and then Putin's attack on Ukraine. It seems to me and I'm not a Biden supporter, that Biden has been given a very rough ride over the US economy.
Thai Govt Officials Gear Up for F1 Race Discussions
MangoKorat replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
You actually raise an interesting point there - one that the Thai government would absolutely hate. This 'event' is very unlikely to ever take place and even if it did, I doubt they'd try dual pricing but they would almost certainly try carrying out other aspects in the 'Thai way'. But let's say they did introduce dual pricing - the FIA would not allow it and so the friction would begin. The Thai government will be told from the off that the race, track and spectator facilities have to comply with FIA standards. During discussions the Thai's would do their usual 'yes, of course' and 'absolutely' - stating their agreement with all FIA requirements, knowing full well that they would in fact, try to do things their way. It would therefore, be a very short lived relationship - probably cancelled after the first race. There is also the matter of corruption - something that is endemic across all aspects of Thai business. One hint of corruption in any aspect of the event would lead to cancellation by the FIA/Liberty Media - even if the track was built and ready. Thailand should probably look at what happened to the Vietnam event with regard to corruption and decide if they can live with someone else calling the shots. Apart from the physical aspects, the Thai government needs to ask itself if it can 'live' with not being in control of an F1 event on precious Thai soil - something I doubt very much. -
Thai Govt Officials Gear Up for F1 Race Discussions
MangoKorat replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
They need the income to fund the moon mission. (Asean Now must also be needing funds as they don't seem to be able to provide a library photo that shows actual F1 cars) -
Bubble Tea has a lot to answer for.
They cannot. My Usufuct is worded in such a way that the registered owner has to show that they have notifified me that they intend to sell the property. In addition, most Thai's won't touch a house with a Usufruct on it - banks certainly won't lend on them. I trust my lawyer knows what they are doing but I have checked at the land office to see if there have been any changes - over 10 years now and no changes or enquiries about the property. I have no worries. I also hold the Channote - whilst not impossible to replace it is far from an easy task. The registered owner thinks its impossible to replace them.
The problem is that people who have had a drink often think they are OK to drive (which is also borne out by the results of this survey which at the time of writing runs at over 61%) - I used to be one of them. Some even claim to drive better when they've been drinking. A few years back I saw a documentary on drink driving where they put drivers, having consumed varying qauntities of alcohol on a sort of obstacle course with various built in reaction tests. None of them was blind drunk but all of them thought they were fine to drive. Their performance was then measured against a similar group that had not had any alcohol at all. The results were staggering with those who'd had a drink failing miserably. The most common 'fault' was driving through a red light well after it had changed. From memory, just about all of the drinkers went through at least one red light whilst only one of the non drinkers did - and even he stopped just over the line whereas the drinkers carried on. They were all asked how well they thought they'd done before being given the results - the drivers who'd had a drink all thought they'd done fine - until the videos were played back to them when they were sober. Conversely, some of those who had not been drinking thought they hadn't done so well when in fact even the worst of them had faired much better then their drinking counterparts. I found it a real eye-opener.
Well made timber windows and doors are great but they are also like hen's teeth. In a land of hot weather and wood eating insects, I would never even consider fitting wooden windows. Neither would I fit aluminium or cheap Chinese plastic ones. Well made UPVC is the way to go - preferably made from European profiles. If you want a wood grain effect, there's some pretty good fakes out there nowadays, although its a foil, glued on to base UPVC - how long that will last in the heat, I know not. Timber twists and cracks as it dries out - which is why it used to be left to season. Those processes also continue after seasoning if its not coated correctly. If you can find some properly seasoned material then go ahead but its extremely doubtful that you will - just about everything is kiln dried these days. Kiln dried timber is nowhere near as good and can become more brittle but that's about all you will find. Its also quite often, over dried so when its exposed to the elements again - it begins twisting and cracking again. Decent timber of any sort is very expensive so anyone stocking correctly seasoned product will probably be asking a very high price for it. I saw a woodyard in Bangkok offering imported 'seasoned' timber a few years ago but was it seasoned? Who knows?
Yes, but if all you can attract is an aging hag who's knockers hang below her waist, what do you expect?
No but I do know that some members here seem to have travelled a long way up one of their internal passageways.
Breasts are certainly bigger than they were 20 years ago (and I'm not talking about silicone). If that's junk food.......bring it on!!!
Hey - there are some great places to live in Isaan. I have a great time around Pak Chong/Korat - 10 years in and I'm still discovering new places to spend a night out. It can be difficult to avoid those bloody 'hostess bars' where the girls come and sit with you demanding shots all night but never 'go out'. I've never understood why Asian guys spend 4-5000 + just to sit and chat then go home alone..........buy anyway, I digress. A lot of the Thai style pubs and bars are actually a lot of fun if you join in and don't expect 'Hotel California' to be on tap. I do know what you mean though - there are some parts of Isaan where I'd just die of boredom but its not all like that. Best part about it is that food and drink is cheap - a good night out doesn't end up costing the earth (unless you are stupid enough to play the 'shots' game.