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Everything posted by MangoKorat

  1. It doesn't say they were all at the same time.
  2. Maybe not. She claims he attacked her. She might have got away with self-defence and extreme provocation but chasing after him and stabbing him after he collapsed on the road may well soften that defence. Personally, I hope they throw the book at her - her husband may have been a complete A hole but she didn't need to stay with him. If I found out my wife had had just one affair, she'd be history, not dead.
  3. I don't see any generalisations. What I see is you telling a guy he doesn't know his wife and suggesting that his wife lied to him. Well, a little more than suggesting actually. Now you're simply trying to 'backpedal' - claiming you were generalising.
  4. No you didn't That is what you said. From the reports so far, he does not have a 'criminal past', he has been charged, not convicted.
  5. He can own the house. Its only land that foreigners can't but and the house can be separated from the land.
  6. You maybe shouldn't jump to conclusions, the report says he was charged, not that he was convicted.
  7. No, you know what a lot of Thai people are like. I can think of two that don't eat sh* t and would have no problems doing exactly what he said.
  8. I think you might be surprised that one of the biggest lures is when and already working girl arrives back in the village to visit her family - complete with new iphone, Gucci bag etc.
  9. Take no notice - most of the guys on here don't work. There are obviously not so many jobs available to foreigners but there are some, mainly in Bangkok. I'd suggest you'll find out far more by chatting to the expat guys in the bars around Thong Lor early evenings. This website sometimes has jobs available for foreigners: https://th.jobsdb.com/jobs
  10. Lads will always fight but when you let entertainment establishments open until the wee hours - expect more of this. Young males and alcohol have never mixed well.
  11. I think many would be surprised at just how many Thai women are involved in 'the trade' in one way or another. Of course the great majority of Thai women will not be involved at all but there are far more that are than many think. The parts of 'the trade' that are aimed at Thai men are many and varied - some is out in the open just as the market for foreigners is but there is also a 'hidden market'. From private 'Gentlemen's Clubs' to Golf Clubs that literally have a '19th Hole' - students that have 'Sponsors' to 'Massages' that operate in a building signed as being concerned with a totally different business. Many years ago a Thai mate discovered, quite by accident, that his girlfriend had a regular 'lunchtime arrangment' with a local businessman. She had a fairly basic job and I always wondered how she could afford a new car that I was told, wasn't on finance. Her clothes didn't come from Chatuchak either. I've been approached by students looking for a 'sponsor' - I didn't go for it (honestly). On a recent holiday on Koh Kood, I was in a coffee shop at a very expensive hotel (I wasn't staying there 😀) where 4 of the other customers were 2 overweight Thai men in their 50's with 2 absolutely stunning 'model' types, draped in gold and carrying Gucci handbags. The men sat at the bar whilst the girls sat at the table next to ours. My girfriend told me that she could tell from their conversation that they were neither wives, girlfriends, or mia noi's of the Thai guys. When I asked what they were then, she just said "you know". I know better than to ask more. There's a lot that goes on 'behind the scenes' but I wouldn't say its necessarily a Thai thing - attitudes are different across Asia. It even goes on in Muslim countries but its buried deeper there. So yes, there's a 'stereotype' - is it justified? I think it is but it depends on your point of view as to whether its wrong or not.
  12. How can you say that? He knows his wife and what she's capable of, not you. Its true that most Thai's practice subservience and wouldn't dare question those 'higher' than themselves but there are some that do. My mate's wife doesn't give a damn, she calls a spade a spade and tells it like it is - she wouldn't be afraid to do exactly what his wife did. I once saw her in action against a copper that was trying to 'fine' her for a made up offence - boy did he get a tongue lashing!
  13. I know very little about the Thai education system, other than it seems, in general, to range from poor to very poor - usually on a city/rural basis. It appears that its never been seen as a priority for successive Thai governments (apart from talking about it - as the do with everything else) which will backfire on them eventually - but that may not be too far away. All economies change over time and as they rise and go though different phases, the types of employment change. Thailand still relies on labour intensive industries but that will change as mega corporations move their manufacturing bases to cheaper countries. China is already seeing that as some of their own maufacturing capacity moves to countries like Cambodia and Vietnam. Eventually a more service based economy will take over and that will be when the government of the time will realise their mistake. Service based economies rely far more on 'brain power' than simple labour. Of course there will always be a requirement for labour but the requirement for better educated workers will increase and as things stand, that requirement will not be met. However, as has been seen in Europe in recent years, it's a mistake to focus too much on academic education at the expense of more vocational based learning. The UK for example, focused far too much on the academic side and now has severe shortages of skilled plumbers, electricians etc. I can't speak for city areas but finding a truly skilled tradesman in rural Thailand is already very difficult. It a matter of forecasting and getting the balance right That shouldn't be too difficult, they only have to look at what happened in Europe as economies changed. The reality is probably that in their usual way, the Thai government will think that Thailand is unique and ignore the changes that other parts of the world have gone through. There is also a moral view on this - every kid, regardless of their parent's income or where they live should get a decent basic education, vocational or academic learning comes later. That doesn't seem to happen though. For example, its clear from my girlfriend's daughter's general demeanor that she is actually very bright but its sad to see that despite spending long hours at school every day, she learns very little. Far too much of the Thai school day seems to be given over to 'Love Thailand' lessons and Royal History. She is being deprived of basic learning and I believe this is repeated day in day out all over Thailand.
  14. They don't use their cars to get to work then? I suppose they all cycle in?
  15. I remember the first time I heard the idiot speak thinking, he's no chance of ever becoming president. How wrong I was and what does that say about the, what was it......74 million? American's who voted for him? Whatever, it was a lot I think he smokes weed and can't tolerate it.........."its all a witchhunt", "I'm the most persecuted President in history" - Paranoia for sure. I've heard 7 year olds talk more sense.
  16. Be fair Richard, at least we know the colour of his bike.
  17. I know of another place that's wanting to charge tourists for entry - strangely, that place has spent the last 2 years complaining about a lack of tourists.
  18. Many are the same and have been for a few months. Lots of members have commented but nothing changes. I suspect AN is using AI - if they are and that's the reason for all these inaccurate and puzzling news reports then perhaps the 'game changing tech' ain't all its cracked up to be. In addition to the inaccuracies, there's also been some very odd use of the English language. Technically correct but several old fashioned/rarely used words.
  19. Short on time so apologies if this has been covered but there was an update on here last night stating that a second passenger had died. The BBC are still reporting one death. In just one radio report this morning they said that the wife of the man who died had been taken to hospital but her condition was unknown. Do we know if there actually is a second death or is it poor reporting again?
  20. I don't find phones at all good for viewing webpages.
  21. The way he reports it appears to point to the light coming on and the plane diving immediately: 'Passenger Andrew Davies, who was sitting in premium economy, told Sky News he was watching a movie when the sign to fasten seatbelts lit up and the plane began plummeting.' So it could be that both versions are true - each in their own way. Other stories report that many passehgers were milling around and breakfast was being served. In my experience airline staff continue serving during slight turbulence but the captain tells them to belt up when things get rough. I'm guessing but it could be that the flight recorder will establish exactly what happened and there will be several enquiries where those findings will be aired. I've actually been in an incident where turbulence came on without warning - mine was much lesser than this one but it was very scary, you can actually feel the plane dropping and you wonder how the captain can possibly have any control.
  22. I've literally travelled on hundreds of flights over the years - mostly long haul and often encountered turbulence however, around 10 years ago my flight from Bangkok to Phuket hit turbulence and suddenly dropped what seemed like thousands of feet. In reality it was probably hundreds of feet but it was sudden and without any warning. It scared the life out of me and I've belted up at all times ever since.
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